
  • 网络logic comparison;TEST;Compared with logic
  1. 两代农民工文化适应的逻辑比较与实证研究

    Logic Comparison and Empirical Research on Two Generations of migrant workers Acculturation

  2. 中西思维方式与语言逻辑比较

    The Chinese and Western Thinking Modes and Linguistic Logic Comparison

  3. 防DPA攻击的两种不同逻辑比较研究

    Analysis of Two Different Logic Styles Against DPA Attacks

  4. 定值比较法和逻辑比较法是调度员培训仿真系统(DTS)的2种主要仿真方法。

    Quantitative comparison and logical judgement are two main simulation methods used in DTS for the simulation of protection relay and security automatic equipment .

  5. 孔墨伦理思想发展的逻辑比较

    A Comparative Study of the Logic of Evolution of Confucian and Mohist Ethics

  6. 责任消费与企业社会责任的互动影响机制&理论回顾、逻辑比较及路径选择

    On Interactive Mechanism between Responsible Consumption and CSR : Theoretical Survey , Logic Comparison and Path Options

  7. 理智中心以语言文字、理论、观念、逻辑比较、以及联想的形式来产生群「我」。

    The intellectual center produces'I 's in the form of words , theories , concepts , logical comparisons , and associative thoughts .

  8. 竞技比赛中主观项目裁判员评分评价方法研究&逻辑比较、理论拓展及应用举例

    Research on Judgers ' Marking and Evaluating Methods in Subjective Programs of Sports & Logistic Comparision , Theory Development , Example of Sports

  9. 在上面的例子里还有一个非要重要的问题,就是当做逻辑比较时,要把变量放在右边,就像上面的。

    Another important point in the above example , when doing logical comparisons always put the variable on the right side , like above .

  10. 20世纪80年代,人们运用中、西逻辑比较研究的方法,对中国古代名辩思想中的逻辑思想进行了系统的发掘。

    In the 1980s , people systematically explored logical thinking in ancient logic thought by applying the comparative research approach of China and the West .

  11. 如果您的业务逻辑比较复杂或分布在远程系统之上,并且处理需要花几秒,那么这种选择可能就不会造成那么大的差异。

    If your business logic is more complex or distributed on remote systems and the processing takes a few seconds , the choices might not result in much of a difference .

  12. 三层结构适合于一定规模和业务逻辑比较复杂的系统,能实现负载均衡并减少系统管理和维护工作量。

    The three-tier architecture suits to systems with a certain scale and comparatively complex service logical , and can realize load equalization and reduction of workload on system administration and maintenance .

  13. 最后,把它与Lukasiewicz逻辑作比较。

    Last , we will compare it with Lukasiewicz logic .

  14. 匹配逻辑也比较复杂,每个州有各自的规定。

    The matching logic is complex and regulated by the individual States .

  15. 关于中西逻辑的比较研究&由中西文化交汇引发的思考

    A comparison between western and eastern logics : mergence of western and eastern cultures

  16. 时态逻辑的比较与分析

    Comparison and Analysis of Temporal Logic

  17. 中西信用评价技术发展的逻辑及其比较研究

    The logics of technology development for the credit evaluation between China and Occident with its comparative research

  18. 在实际实现应用程序组件时,每个组件的逻辑都比较陌生。

    The logic of each component of your application is freshest when you are actually implementing those components .

  19. 动态V&V技术是其中应用范围较广、数学和逻辑上比较正规的技术。

    Dynamic V & V techniques are the relatively formal techniques on mathematic and logical formalism and applied in many fields .

  20. 我真的没有认为我有什么优势,但有人说我的逻辑思维比较好。

    I don 't realize if there is any advantage , but people say that my logical thinking is quite better .

  21. 漏电检测部分运用零序功率方向原理,采用与逻辑相位比较电路实现选择性漏电保护;

    The former employs the theory of direction , of zero sequence power accompanied by logic phase comparison circuit , so brings about selective leakage protection .

  22. 数学被人们认为是最有趣又最难学的课程之一,它的抽象性、逻辑性比较强。

    Mathematics by the people was thought is one of curricula which most interesting is most difficult to study , its abstractness , the logic quite are strong .

  23. 本文首先介绍了由多值逻辑变量比较定理提出的十值D触发器的电路结构框图,分析了它的工作原理,作出了它的特性表、特性方程;

    This paper presents multiple-valued logic variable comparison principle including the circuit construction block diagram , working principle , truth table , and characteristic equation of 10-valued D flip flop based on above discussion .

  24. 通过与模糊描述逻辑的比较,阐述了模糊描述逻辑可转化为扩展模糊描述逻辑,从而例证了扩展模糊描述逻辑具有比模糊描述逻辑更强的表达能力。

    Comparing with the fuzzy description logic , it can be explained that fuzzy description logic can be converted into the extended fuzzy description logic , which extends the expressive power of the fuzzy description logic .

  25. 因此,运用逻辑和比较的方法,对电子支付中网上银行民事责任进行全面深入地探讨与研究,不仅具有重大的理论价值,而且具有深远的现实意义。

    Therefore , it not only has an important theoretical value , but also a profound and realistic meaning to make a comprehensive and profound study on the civil liability of internet bank for electronic payment through a logical and comparative approach .

  26. 创造和提升竞争力的理论基础主要是国际贸易理论中反映了经济学逻辑的比较优势理论和战略管理及产业经济学中体现了管理学风格的竞争优势理论;

    In dissertation , discussing fixes on industry competitiveness of province . Comparative advantage theory of international trade theory , which reflect the economics logic , and competition advantage theory , which reflect style of management , are the two main theoretical foundation of creating and promote the competitiveness .

  27. 我把Groovy的可重载操作符分成三个逻辑组:比较操作符、算术类操作符和数组类操作符。

    I categorize Groovy 's overloadable operators into three logical groups : comparison operators , math-like operators , and array-like operators .

  28. 在分析TM影像各个波段特征的基础上,选取5、4、3波段进行图像逻辑运算,比较精确地提取出居住区影像。

    On the basis of analyzing characteristics of various wave bands of TM images , selecting 5,4,3 bands to make image logical calculation , we can extract the relative exact images of settlement regions of Beijing district .

  29. 在对遥感影像的综合解译应用中,与传统的统计方法和符号逻辑方法相比较,ANN更接近人对影像的视觉解译分析过程。

    Applied in understanding and interpretation of remotely sensed image , ANN can be performed more similarly with the human vision interpretability of the image in comparison with the conventional techniques such as statistical classifiers and rule-based symbolic inference .

  30. 运用的方法主要是规范性的逻辑分析和比较制度分析的方法。

    Research methods include normative logic analysis and comparative institute analysis .