
  • 网络approximation order
  1. 高阶Hermite插值的一致收敛性及逼近阶

    On the uniform convergence and approximation order of higher order Hermite interpolation

  2. 二元Bernstein多项式逼近阶的估计

    Estimation for the Approximation Order of the Binary Bernstein Polynomial

  3. 关于Hermite&Fejér插值对可微函数的逼近阶

    On the Orders of Approximation of Differentiable Functions by Hermite-Fej é r Interpolations

  4. Fourier级数Euler(E,q)求和算子的逼近阶

    Degree of Approximation of Fourier Series Euler ( E , q ) Sum Operator

  5. ‖h模,压力近似按L~2模都具有最优的逼近阶误差估计。本文还给出了数值计算结果。

    Error estimates for this approximation in both velocity and pressure are also given wtih showing optimal approximate order .

  6. 定义了一类新的Orlicz-Besov空间并用n阶三角最佳逼近阶对其性态进行了刻画。

    A new kind of Orlicz space is introduced and their characterizations are presented with best nth degree trigonometric polynomial approximation .

  7. 研究了二元Jackson多项式对周期函数的逼近阶估计。

    The estimate of approximation by bivariate Jackson polynomials is investigated .

  8. 关于Lipα函数类的逼近阶

    On the Degree of Approximation of Functions Belonging to the Lip α Class

  9. 修正后的Lagrange插值多项式的逼近阶

    Approximation Order of Lagrange Interpolation Polynomial after Revised

  10. 关于积分型Bernstein多项式的逼近阶的注记

    Notes on the Approximation Degree of Modified Bernstein Polynomials

  11. 研究了一类修正的Jackson型三角插值算子在Ba空间中的逼近阶,以K泛函为工具建立了逼近的正逆定理。

    The direct and inverse theorem of approximation by a kind of modified Jackson interpolatory operator in B a spaces is studied .

  12. 关于一个组合型Bernstein多项式的逼近阶

    On the convergence order of combinational Bernstein polynomial

  13. 三角域上有理Bernstein多项式对函数的逼近阶

    Approximation degree of rational Bernstein Polynomials over triangles

  14. Bernstein多项式线性组合的逼近阶

    Approximation Order for Combinations of Bernstein Polynomials

  15. 边值Riemann可积函数的拟插值多项式逼近阶

    Order of Approximation by Quasi-Interpolating Polynomials to Riemann Integrable Functions On the Boundary of a Domain

  16. 一类修正离散指数型线性算子及其在LP(&∞,∞)中的逼近阶

    A Kind of Modified Discrete Interpolating Operators of Exponential Type and its Degree of Approximation in L_p ( & ∞,∞) Spaces

  17. 对M带多尺度函数的逼近阶的提升,需要引入M带尺度相似变换(MST)。

    M-Band scale similarity transform ( MST ) is introduced and its properities are investigated .

  18. 三角域上积分型Meyer-konig-Zeller算子的逼近阶

    Degree of approximation by integral type meyer-konig-zeller operators defined on a triangle

  19. 具有高逼近阶及振荡核的W-K算子

    The W-K Operator with the Height Approximation Order and Oscillatory Kernel

  20. 基于TST提升3重Chui-Lian多尺度函数的逼近阶

    Increase the Approximation Order of Multiplicity 3 Chui-Lian Multi-Scaling Function Based on TST

  21. 第三型S.N.Bernstein插值多项式算子逼近阶的点态估计

    Node Estimation of Convergence Order of the Third S.N.Bernstein Type Interpolation Polynomial

  22. 本文以广义Faber多项式的零点作为插值结点,构造Hermite插值多项式,给出它的一致逼近阶和平均逼近阶。

    In this paper we obtained the order of approximation in the sense of mean convergence and uniform by Hermite interpolating polynomials at zeros of generalized Faber polynomials .

  23. 研究了基于Jacobi结点系和扰动Chebyshev结点系的高阶Hermite插值多项式对连续函数的一致收敛性及其逼近阶。

    In this paper , the convergence properties and order approximating to the continuous function by higher order Hermite interpolation on the basis of Jacobi nodes and disturbed Chebyshev nodes are studied .

  24. Bernstein-Fan插值算子的逼近阶估计及其算法程序

    On the Bernstein-Fan interpolation operator Approximation Rates and algorithm programme

  25. 本文讨论了酉群、旋转群、西辛群上的第二型Cesaro求和的收敛条件与逼近阶。

    In this Paper We will discuss the second type Summations by Cesa ' ro means on unitary 、 rotation and unitary symplectic groups .

  26. 本文研究Ba空间中一致有界正线性算子列的逼近阶,得到了相应的Korovkin量化定理。

    In this paper , we study the degree of approximation of uniform bound positive linear operators in Ba spaces , and obtain the quantitative Korovkin ′ s approximation theorem .

  27. 多元post-widder算子逼近阶的特征刻划

    The Characterization of Multidimensional Post-Widder Operators

  28. 作为定理的应用,我们讨论了上Fourier级数的一个典型平均和Cesaro(C,a)平均以及Abel-Poisson平均,并估计了它们的逼近阶。

    Regarding applications of the theorems , the paper discusses the Abel-Poisson sum , Cesaro ( C , a ) snm , and a classical sum of Fourier series on . The paper also estimates their approximation degree .

  29. 定义Szász型算子的线性组合,研究线性组合算子的点态收敛速度的上界估计,得到较高的逼近阶,同时给出逼近的逆定理。

    The linear combinations of Szasz type operators are defined , the upper estimation of rate of pointwise convergence is studied , a highter degree of approximation is getted , and an inverse theorem of approximation is given .

  30. 基于TST法,将具有紧支撑性、对称性、正交性和3阶逼近阶的3重Chui-Lian多尺度函数的逼近阶进一步提升到4阶和5阶。

    The approximation order of compactly supported , symmetric and orthogonal Chui-Lian multi-scaling function with multiplicity 3 is increased from 3 to 4 and 5 based on TST .