
biàn lì xìng
  • ergodicity;ergodic property
遍历性[biàn lì xìng]
  1. 根据系统的遍历性,平均代价Poisson方程的解可被看作是性能势的一种定义。

    By ergodic property of the processes , the solution of the average cost Poisson equation can be viewed as a definition for the concept of Markov performance potential .

  2. 在对Logistic映射轨道概率密度深入分析的基础上,提出了基于幂函数载波的混沌优化方法,分析了幂函数载波对混沌轨道概率密度、遍历性的影响。

    Based on the analysis of the probability density of the unstable orbits imbedded in the logistic attractor , an optimization method using power function carrier is proposed , which greatly improves the probability density and the ergodic property of the chaotic orbit .

  3. 用C语言编程分析非周期Markov链的遍历性

    Analyzing the Ergodicity of Aperiodic Markov Chain by C language

  4. 有限齐次Markov链遍历性的快速判定

    Fast Decide for the Ergodic Property of Finite Homogeneous Markov Chain

  5. 线性组合Q矩阵的Q-函数的遍历性、强遍历性

    Ergodicity and Strong Ergodicity of Q-Function of Q-Matrix Being Linear Combinations of Two Q-Matrices

  6. 单瞬时态单边生灭Q过程的常返性和遍历性

    Existence for Recurrent and Ergodic Single-side Birth and Death Q Processes with Single Instantaneous State

  7. 利用混沌运动遍历性和随机性的特点,对PID控制器进行参数寻优。

    By using the property of chaos ergodicity , a PID controller based on chaos optimization was designed .

  8. 由于混沌具有遍历性,TSP问题总是能够达到最优解。

    Due to chaotic ergodicity , TSP can always achieve optimal path .

  9. 在这一章里,我们考虑了Polish空间上的常返右过程的不变测度的存在性及其遍历性的问题。

    In this chapter , we consider the recurrent right process on Polish space .

  10. 基于Arnold变换的混沌轨道遍历性的数字图像加密

    Digital Image Encryption Base on the Chaotic Orbit Ergodicity of Arnold Transformation

  11. 本文首先介绍报警线控制图的基本原理,通过马尔科夫链途径导出了该法中一个很重要参数&平均链长(AverageRunLength,ARL),并对遍历性进行了研究。

    The authors introduced its principle , deduced the very important parameter & Average Run Length ( ARL ) by using markov chain approach .

  12. 运用混沌遍历性和混沌蚁群算法优化好的RBF神经网络对一类非线性函数进行逼近。

    RBF neural network that optimized with chaos ergodicity and chaos ant colony is used to approximate a nonlinear function .

  13. 对Logistic映射产生的混沌序列的遍历性、统计特性进行定量分析,为混沌全局优化提供了理论依据。

    The dissertation provides basic theories of chaos optimization by quantificational analyzing the ergodicity and statistic properties of chaos series generated by logistic map .

  14. 一类广义的非对称的GARCH模型的严平稳遍历性

    On the Strictly Stationary Property and the Ergodicity of a generalized Asymmetric GARCH Model

  15. 利用混沌运动的遍历性特点,将logistic映射与BP算法相结合,提出了一种学习多层前向网络的混沌算法。

    By the use of the properties of ergodicity , a chaos algorithm for multilayer feedforward neural network is proposed with combining logistic mapping and BP algorithm .

  16. 广义紧邻Ising过程的存在性及遍历性

    Existence and Ergodicity of Generalized Nearest Neighbor Ising Process

  17. 根据UWB室内多径信道接收功率的遍历性假设,利用得到的多径信道模型计算室内UWB通信系统的功率分布。

    Based on the ergodicity assumption for received power in UWB indoor channel , signals power distributions in three different environments were simulated .

  18. Logistic混沌序列具有伪随机性、对初始条件敏感、遍历性等特点,常和其他置乱方法相结合用于图像加密,但其并不满足均匀分布。

    Logistic chaotic sequence has many merits such as randomicity , strong sensibility to initial condition , ergodicity etc , it is usually combined with other methods using in image encryption .

  19. 本文将采用蚁群算法和混沌遍历性优化理论与传统的K-均值算法相互融合来解决RBF神经网络中心值求取的问题。

    This text will solve the center value of RBF neural network with the interinfiltrate of ant colony optimization algorithm and chaotic ergodic theory and the traditional K-means algorithm .

  20. Bayesian方法能实现对解分布情况的检验很大程度上取决于它的遍历性,所以计算时间过长是它的缺点。

    By using Bayesian method , it realized the test on verifying spread of solution depended on the ergodicity of Bayesian method , with the disadvantage of long computing time .

  21. 引进遍历性条件,利用分析方法研究了随机环境中独立随机过程,重点讨论马氏环境中的0-1分布、Poisson分布和一般离散分布。

    Several ergodicity conditions are introduced , and the independent process in random environments is investigated by analytical method , especially the 0-1 distribution , Poisson distribution and general discrete distribution .

  22. 研究了一类随机非线性自回归方程解的遍历性与其相应的确定性方程解的有界性之问的联系,得到三个遍历性判别定理,并给出在TAR模型中两个应用例子。

    The authors have founded some criteria of the ergodicity of nonlinear autoregressive equations via the boundedness of the associated deterministic equations . Applications to TAR models are specified by two examples .

  23. 为了正确地应用Wiener滤波技术,我们提供了检验物探观测数据的平稳性和各态遍历性的简单而适用的方法。

    In order to apply Wiener filtering technique correctly , we have presented simple and applicable methods detecting the stationarity and the ergodic of the observing data in geophysical prospecting .

  24. 混沌系统对初始值十分敏感,在实数集上有着遍历性且长期不可预测,因而混沌序列有着良好的密码学特性。将混沌序列与AES算法结合可以有效地弥补原始AES算法的不足。

    Chaotic system is very sensitive to the initial value and ergodicity on the set of real numbers as well as long-term unpredictability , thus the chaotic sequence has good cryptographic properties .

  25. 本文研究了C-正则预解算子族的Abel遍历性和Cesaro遍历性。

    In this paper , the Abel - ergodicity and Cesaro - ergodicity for C - regularized resolvent operator families are investigated .

  26. 基本PSO算法应用到神经网络参数优化中既可以达到搜索的遍历性,又省去了GA算法中选择、交叉、变异等基本操作。

    Applying the basic PSO algorithm to optimize the neural network parameters can either achieve the ergodicity of searching , but also eliminate the selection , crossover , mutation and other basic operation in GA algorithm .

  27. 这些结果直接否定了一个由Poincare,Birkhoff等人提出的遍历性猜测,同时也确证了Arnold引入此模型的原始动机。

    These results negate directly a universal guess put forward by Poincare , Birkhoff , et al , and assert Arnold 's original motivation for introducing this model .

  28. 利用混沌(Chaos)信号的遍历性与随机性,结合DE算法,提出了一种基于混沌的DE优化算法(CDE)。与DE相比,CDE减少了控制参数。

    Based on the ergodicity of chaos , a hybrid DE algorithm ( CDE ) is proposed to greatly improve the performance of DE in terms of few control parameters , optimization speed , convergence and search capability .

  29. 本文证明了黎曼流形上的非爆炸正Harris常返扩散过程的强遍历性等价于某(任)一紧集击中时期望的一致有界性;

    It is proved that the strong ergodicity for nonexplosive positive Harris recurrence diffusion processes on Riemannian manifold is equivalent to the uniform boundness of the expectation of the hitting time of some compact set .

  30. 同时,依据混沌模型Logistic方程的遍历性、随机性等特点,研究混沌优化方法在灰色非线性水环境规划中的应用。

    Moreover , integrated with the Logistic equation of chaos theory including the characteristics of ergodicity , randomness , regularity and the sensitivity of chaos , this paper tried to use the method of chaotic optimization to solve the gray non-linear programming problem .