
  1. 但是实际应用中还存在着不少问题,以致于监测精度一直不够理想,其中一个重要的原因就是对植被光学遥感物理模型研究尚不够深入准确。

    But there are some difficulties in practical applications , so it cannot reach the precision we respect . One reason is the study of physical model of canopy BRDF yet not deep enough .

  2. 本文以遥感BRDF物理模型&SAIL模型为例,使用模拟数据与真实地面观测数据,构建LMS与LS两种代价函数,分阶段地进行地表参数的反演方法研究。

    Using LMS and LS as the merit function separately , in this paper we take the multi-stage inversion of the SAIL model as an example to inverse the ground parameter .

  3. 海洋微波遥感是物理海洋学与电动力学的交叉学科,海表面参量反演模式的研究成果在海洋监测领域具有极大的应用前景。

    Passive microwave remote sensing of ocean surface is an intercross subject with oceanography and electromagnetic dynamics , which is extremely useful for marine and environment monitoring .

  4. 论文首先研究了红外辐射的基本理论,在分析热红外遥感成像物理过程的基础上,针对成像仿真各关键环节进行研究,建立了完整的热红外遥感成像仿真系统。

    After analyzing the physical process of thermal infrared remote sensing imaging , this dissertation has studied each key factor of imaging simulation , and established a complete simulation system of thermal infrared remote sensing imaging .

  5. 遥感与地球物理数据的融合处理及其地质应用&以上饶地区为例

    Fusion processing of remote sensing and geophysical data and its application in geology & an example in Shangrao area

  6. 红外焦平面成像器件的光谱响应率是天基红外遥感的基本物理指标。

    The spectral responsivity of IRFPA imaging detector is a basic physical parameter for the space infrared remote sensing .

  7. 利用卫星遥感以及地球物理信息的叠合研究川东北区域地质构造

    Application of satellite remote sensing and combining with geophysical informations to the study of regional structural geology in Northeast Sichuan Province

  8. 应用遥感和地球物理资料研究华北板块北缘东段构造特征及矿产

    Use of remote sensing and geophysical and geochemical data to research tectonic characteristics and mineral resources in the eastern section of northern margin of the North China plate

  9. 近年来,电磁检测方法已经广泛应用在定位、微波遥感、地球物理探测、无损检测、生物医学成像等多种领域。

    Recently , it has been widely used in many fields , including the location , the microwave remote sensing , the geographical detection , the non-destruction detec-tion , the biological imaging .

  10. 场址区断裂构造及新构造运动研究,这要根据具体地质构造情况采用地质、地貌、新构造、遥感、地球物理以及钻探等多学科相结合的综合调查分析方法;

    Fault structural and neotectonic movement research of site 's area , based upon the concrete geological conditions , combining a synthetic study on geology , geomorphology , neotectonics , geophysics , remote sensing technique , seismology , and drilling , etc ;

  11. R型聚类分析在遥感信息和地球物理信息复合处理中的应用

    The Application of the R-Type cluster Analysis in the Combined Processing of Remote Sensing Information and Geophysical Information

  12. 所以,对于整个遥感器的主要物理参数MTF退化特性的监测,遥感器研制单位、遥感应用部门均非常关注。

    So the manufacture units and application departments of the remote sensing image pay great attention to degeneration inspecting of MTF .

  13. 这些遥感构造和地球物理场中的局部异常,是进一步找矿评价的重要标志。

    So the local anomaly of geophysical field and remote sensing structure are of important signs for ore prospecting evaluation .

  14. 基于相似类比原则,提取了与矿化有关的遥感信息和地球物理信息。

    Based on the principle of the similar analogy , we extract remote sensing information and geophysical information relating to mineralization . 6 .

  15. 现有方法一般都不能利用遥感成像系统的物理信息,因此可能导致融合结果发生严重的光谱扭曲。

    However , no explicit physical information of the detection system has been taken into account in usual methods , which might lead to undesirable effects such as severe spectral distortion .

  16. 地物波谱特性是遥感技术应用的物理基础,是遥感定量分析的基础,地物波谱研究是遥感基础研究的重要内容。

    The characteristic of landmark spectrum is not only the physical base of the remote sensing technical application but also the base of the quantificational analysis of remote sensing , and the study in landmark spectrum is the main content in the basic research of remote sensing .

  17. 在归纳热红外遥感和大气对城市热红外遥感影响的物理机理基础上,修正并建立了一种基于LANDSATTM/ETM+遥感数据地表温度反演的简化模型;

    In inducing the hot infrared remote sensing and the atmosphere to the city hot infrared remote sensing influence physical mechanism foundation in , we revised and has established one kind based on Landsat TM / ETM + remote sensing data surface temperature inversion simplification model .