
  • 网络remote regulating;teleadjusting
  1. 总结了为保证遥控和遥调的可靠性在程序实现中应遵守的规则;

    The rules to be obeyed in program realization are summed up in insuring the reliability of telecommand and teleadjusting .

  2. 通过GPS的遥调功能,厂家可以通过通讯系统对租赁物件的控制系统进行软件升级,提高租赁物件的机械性能。

    Through GPS-distance transfer function , manufacturers of communication systems through leasing object control system software upgrade , improve the mechanical properties of the lease object .

  3. 本论文成功地在Visualc++6.0开发环境下,应用串行通信技术,数据库技术和图像技术完成数据传输、处理、存储和图像显示,实现了遥调、遥控、遥信功能。

    At the end , the equipment performance was picked up . In the Visual C + + 6.0 developing environment , use series communication technology , database technology and image technology to design data transmission , disposal .

  4. 介绍了常规35kV变电站进行无人值班改造的思路,从遥控、遥调、遥测、遥信4个方面分析了具体的改造方案。

    It introduces the basic idea on reforming the 35 kV conventional substation to Unmanned duty substation , and give the concrete reforming scheme from remote control , remote dispatch , remote measure and remote signal .

  5. 电力系统遥调接口装置

    The Input - Output Control Unit for Electrical System Remote Dispatch

  6. 新型遥调电力负荷定量器的研制

    Development of new type of remote & control meter for electrical load

  7. 无线寻呼基站发射功率的快速遥调测试方法

    The new approach to quickly monitor and control the transmitting power of wireless paging stations

  8. 支持用户在人机界面对串口异步通信参数、模拟量、开关量、电度量、遥控遥调量等成员的运行参数进行设置。

    Supporting setup of the parameters of COM and unit on man-machine interface , such as analog variables , digital variables , total energy variables , and telecontrol operations .

  9. 蓄电池充电修复仪引入监控系统后,可实现遥调、遥测和遥控功能,适应了集中监控的要求。

    After Monitor system is used in the storage battery charging rehabilitation instrument , the function of remote adjusting , remote measure and remote control are achieved , the concentrate monitor is suited .

  10. 本文介绍了电网调度自动化系统的硬件和软件部分,包括实时监控、遥控、遥调、遥信等,提高了电力电网系统的安全可靠性。

    This paper introduces hardware and software of dispatching automation system of power network . Including real-time monitoring , remote control , remote adjustment and remote signaling , which raises the security and reliability of electric power and electric network system .

  11. 它承担断路器的各种保护、报警、显示与控制功能,且可通过网卡或接口转换器实现遥测、遥调、遥控、遥信等四遥功能。

    It takes on many protection functions such as protection , alarming , show and control . Furthermore , it can realize the four telecontrol of remote sensing , remote adjusting , remote controlling and remote communicating through network card or interface conversion parts .

  12. 该系统可以进行燃气管网运行工况监控、天然气输配管网遥控遥调等监控功能,数据采集功能及燃气输配管网简单调度因素计算分析功能等。

    The system can carry on the supervision and control of gas network 's work condition , the natural gas dispatching network 's remote control and adjust function , the data collection 's function and calculation analysis of the gas dispatching network 's simple scheduling factor etc.

  13. 同时也具备遥信、遥调、遥测、遥控功能和数据传输功能。

    It has many important functions , including remote sensing signal , remote metering , remote regulation , remote control and data transmission .

  14. 整个电站计算机网络结构采用先进的分层分布式系统结构,集保护、遥控、遥测、遥信、遥调五大功能于一身,实现了电站辅机综合自动化。

    The whole computer network of the station is an advanced layered and distributed structure , which integrates the functions of protection , remote control , remote measuring , remote signalling and remote adjustment , and integrated automation of the auxiliaries of the station is realized .

  15. 根据水电站的特点,采用全分布冗余结构对水电厂的电气量进行采集和控制,实现遥信、遥测、遥控和遥调功能;

    The function of remote sign , remote measure , remote control , remote adjustment in the system by using complete redundancy structure to collect and control electrical variable is realized .

  16. 将多媒体技术应用于变电站自动化系统中,并把遥视警戒功能与遥控、遥调、遥测、遥信等传统技术相结合,可构成新一代的变电站多媒体自动化系统。

    By connecting remote video and warning functions with traditional monitoring technology , such as remote control , remote signal and remote metering , a new generation of substation automation system can be constituted , and real unmanned substation can be realized .

  17. 这一技术使得生产过程中增加了除传统四遥(遥测、遥信、遥控和遥调)之外的另一项功能&遥视。

    Furthermore , the function of industrial television , besides for traditional remote measuring , remote communicating , remote controlling and remote adjusting is developed in the production process .