
lā tā ɡuǐ
  • slovenly person
邋遢鬼 [lā tà guǐ]
  • [sloven] 习惯性地不注意整洁或干净的人

  1. 我把他们养在一起而现在她成了个邋遢鬼。

    I raised them together and now she 's a mess .

  2. 她不赞成她的邻居们,因为她们是不修边幅的邋遢鬼。

    She disapproved of all her neighbors because of their slovenly house-keeping .

  3. 维斯指着她丈夫,说他是一个邋遢鬼。

    Vicky pointed at her husband , saying that he was a sloppy man .

  4. gossip:绯闻,流言蜚语publish:发布,发行skank:丑女,邋遢鬼,着乞丐服者你是说“绯闻女友”网站,把他和某个骚货鬼混的照片登出来之后?

    Blair : You mean since gossip girl published pictures of him and some skank ? -

  5. 你是个邋遢鬼。

    You are a slob .

  6. 住在我们这条路那头的房子里的老头是个地地道道的邋遢鬼。

    The old man who lives in nthe house down the road from us is a real fleabag .

  7. 车上只剩一个座位了,不过我宁可站着。我可不想坐在那个邋遢鬼身旁。

    There 's only one seat left on the bus but I think I 'll stand . I 'm notsitting next to that soap dodger .
