
  1. 邓军率领着博斯队。

    Deng Jun is leading the boss team .

  2. 我告诉过邓军,他必须好好打,因为他那口子现在正瞧着他。

    I told him he must play hard because his better half is watching him .

  3. 抛硬币,邓军输了。大名队队长决定打顺风向。

    Deng Jun lost the toss and the Diamond captain has decided to play with the wind .

  4. 瞧,邓军又得到球了,他绕过那名后卫,往球门带球。

    Look , Deng Jun got it again , he 's beaten the full back and is racing down the goal .

  5. 哈利、罗恩及赫敏三人在邓不利多军花名册上的签名与大家在原著书中看到的签名别无二致。

    Harry 's , Ron 's and Hermione 's signatures for the Dumbledore 's Army roster are the same signatures seen in the books .