
  1. 浅析邓子恢的农业思想

    A superficial analysis of Deng-Zi hui 's thoughts of agriculture

  2. 坚持统一战线中的独立自主原则,是邓子恢统战思想的核心。

    His ideological core was to adhere to the principles of the united front of independence .

  3. 中央农村工作部的一部分同志,首先是邓子恢同志犯了错误。

    Some comrades in the Rural Work Department of the Central Committee , and principally Comrade Teng Tzu-hui , have made mistakes .

  4. 邓子恢同志在过去长期革命斗争中做过许多工作,有成绩,应当承认。

    It should be acknowledged that Comrade Teng Tzu-hui did a lot of work during the long revolutionary struggle and made contributions .

  5. 但是邓子恢同志的提法是不对的,因为他不提限制,跟中央的提法不同,跟二中全会的提法不同。

    But Comrade Teng Tzu-hui 's formulation was incorrect because he made no mention of restriction , and it differed from that of the Central Committee and of the Second Plenary Session .