
Yōnɡ jiānɡ
  • Yong Jiang River
  1. 从邕江两岸传统民居看当代滨水住区环境营造的地方性

    Reading the Localism of Modern Waterfront Neighborhood Environment from the Traditional Vernacular Houses along the Yong River

  2. 滨水空间创造流动的城市意象&以南宁邕江亲水步行平台广场规划设计为例

    Space Of Waterfront Creating the flowing City Image & Conceiving the Plan for the Waterfront Square of Yong River

  3. 该系统能根据邕江九条内河污染值预测出邕江的污染状况;

    According to the inland river pollution value of Yangjiang river , the system can predict the pollution condition of Yangjiang river .

  4. 经磁化处理后,南宁市邕江Ⅰ、Ⅱ级阶地冲积相粘性土的强度有所增大。

    After magnetization handles , the strength of river alluvial cohesive soil of first and second terrace of Yong River of Nanning City are strengthened .

  5. 最后,以广西邕宁县邕江大桥为例,采用多个温差段分析温度对预抬高量的影响。

    Taking Yongjiang bridge of Yongning in Guangxi for instance , the effect of temperature to the preraised height is studied using several temperature phrases .

  6. 结果表明,邕江原水的自然水质特征主要表现为浊度受季候水期影响较大,水的酸碱度为中性略偏弱碱,硬度适中;

    The result indicated that seasonal phonological periods had more influence on turbidity of the water of the Yongjiang River with a weak alkali mild hardness .

  7. 运用季节性肯达尔检验法和区域均一性检验法对左江、右江和邕江的水质趋势进行检验,并进行原因分析,提出水污染防治对策。

    Using seasonal Kendall 's test method and area homogeneity test method , the author tested the water_quality tendency of the Zuojiang_Youjiang_Yongjiang river , analyzed the cause and put forward water pollution prevention and harnessing countermeasures .
