
  • 网络Nogai;Nogai Khan
  1. 那海岬伸向海洋远处。

    The cape extends far into the ocean .

  2. 欸,你不觉得那海看起来很迷人吗?

    Hey , doesn 't the sea look inviting ?

  3. 鱼说:那海呢,你确信他会爱上你?

    The fish say : aren 't our muscles also than but an illusion ?

  4. 当你用那海一般的双眸与我对视

    When you give me those ocean eyes

  5. 诗72:8他要执掌权柄、这海直到那海、大河直到地极。

    May he also rule from sea to sea And from the River to the ends of the earth .

  6. 我讨厌去海边,听那海的咆哮声,像一只在穴里暴怒的野兽一样。

    I hate to be near the sea , and to hear it roaring and raging like a wild beast in its den .

  7. 她那海蓝色的眼睛戴着眼镜。在她走向车子的时候,步履蹒跚,宛若一个瘸了的小马驹。

    Her sea-blue eyes were filmed over and when she walked down the steps toward the open car her long legs tottered like a crippled foal 's.

  8. 由于极度的无望迷惑,小鱼要去找寻那海中最有智慧的生物,一条身侧留有三道鱼叉疤的老蓝鲸。

    Feeling hopelessly confused , the little fish sought out the wisest creature in the sea , who happened to be an old blue whale with three harpoon scars on his side .

  9. 鱼说:那如果海不在了呢?

    Fish said : that if the sea is gone do ?

  10. 泪悄然下落汇成爱的那片海。

    Tears quietly falling merged into a love of the sea .

  11. 始终未曾游过那片海,不知道海的对岸是否有我所向往的幸福呢?

    I wonder if the other side of the sea where I 've never been will be my design .

  12. 我所看见的那踏海踏地的天使,向天举起右手来

    And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven

  13. 天哪,给三个小孩外加俩大人买机票去福州,那花钱海了去了!

    It will be very expensive to buy plane tickets all the way to Florida for the three kids and the two of us .

  14. 你们可以在古巴西南端,尤卡坦半岛与古巴中间的那片海中找到观察点。我们鼓励那些爱好者开始他们的探险。

    The fabled lands of Atlantis do exist , and a good spot to begin this discovery is off the southwestern tip of Cuba and in the sea between the Yucatan and Cuba .

  15. 而且自那以来,海蟾蜍蔓延至澳大利亚各地,其所到之处的当地野生动植物都受到了毒害。

    And they 've been spreading through Australia ever since , poisoning native wildlife as they go .

  16. 那就包括海战队和空军,海军和陆军。

    So it 's marine force , air force , navy and army .

  17. 那它离海不远,是吗?

    A : So it ' 's not far from the sea , is it ?

  18. 那艘船在海平面以下500米的地方沉了快15年了。

    The ship remained sunk at 500m below the sea level for almost 15 years .

  19. 那舰队离海岬不远。

    The fleet lay off the head-land .

  20. 你是飞天捧着的洁白花朵,降在了我的心间,我那感情的海哟,飞溅起幸福的浪花。

    You are the white flower in the hand of flying Apsaras . The flower falls on the sea of my feelings with a splash making spray of happiness .

  21. 然而他们的血液之中却始终流淌着冒险的成分,勇猛与大无畏的精神,使他们可以成为斯堪的那维亚的海中之霸,也可以成为颇有诗人气质的罗马教徒。

    still , from the audacious , daring , and boundless adventure of their subsequent lives , strangely blend with these unoutgrown peculiarities , a thousand bold dashes of character , not unworthy a Scandinavian sea-king , or a poetical Pagan Roman .

  22. 因他施行审判的时候已经到了。应当敬拜那创造天地海和众水泉源的。

    Saying with a loud voice , Fear God , and give glory to him ; for the hour of his judgment is come : and worship him that made heaven , and earth , and the sea , and the fountains of waters .

  23. 那会提高低海平面区域发生威廉·斯威特(WilliamSweet)所说的“海水漫溢灾害”的几率。斯威特是NOAA驻马里兰州海洋学家。

    That can add to an increase in what William Sweet , a NOAA oceanographer based in Maryland , calls nuisance flooding in low-lying coastal areas .

  24. 那怎么办狭海依旧隔在中间.

    What thenThe Narrow Sea still lies between us .

  25. 山的那一边并没有海。

    There was no sea beyond the mountains .

  26. 那是通往华海拉殿的道路。

    That 's the road to valhalla .

  27. 那所房子离海很近。

    That house is near the sea .

  28. 闻到那北方清洁的海的味道吗?

    Smeii that ciean northern sea ?

  29. 每次听这首歌,总会产生一些感触,我曾经等待过的那个人,也许,我已经等不到了,可是,却再也没有找到心灵深处那片宁静的海。

    Every time I listen to this song , will produce some feelings , I had the waiting , maybe , I had not arrived , but never find the soul that quiet sea .

  30. 我是那深深的大海,你是那自海的另一边升起的曙光,永远照亮我的人生

    I am that deep sea , that you are rising from the sea on the other side of the dawn , always illuminate my life