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  • 网络nayuta;novemdecillion
  1. 如果ProductOwner承诺了一个硬性的发布日期,那就由他对完成目标所包含的必要范围和进度缓冲负责。

    If the Product Owner makes a hard-date release commitment , the Product Owner is responsible for including the necessary scope and schedule buffer to achieve it .

  2. 我猜那是由他决定的,不是吗?

    I guess that 's up to him , isn 't it ?

  3. 瑞德也很苦恼,但依然非常耐心,希望从女儿嘴里掏出更多的解释来;他说如果要打一顿的话,那就由他自己动手,而且是打思嘉。

    Rhett , worried but gentle , attempting to extract further information from his daughter , said coldly that if any spanking were done , he would do it personally and to scarlett .

  4. 他必须为那笔交由他保管的钱对雇主负责。

    He must answer to his employer for the money entrusted to his care .

  5. 那本诗集由他主编。

    He edited that Anthology of poems .

  6. 如果加布里埃尔发挥出色,帮助球队获得了胜利,那就应该由他来踢。

    If Gabriel plays well and helps the team more than me , he should play .

  7. 但如果我们看到一个人在制造痛苦,那就需要由他来证明他的行为是正确的。

    But if we find a man inflicting pain it is for him to prove that his action is right .

  8. 钥匙在门房手里,那所房子由他在照看着。这儿有我写给他的一张条子伯爵阁下可以查,拿了这张条子到新居去。

    They are in the hands of the conci è rge , who takes care of the house , but here is the order I have given him to install the count in his new possessions .

  9. 那部影片将由他执导。

    The movie will be directed by him .

  10. 那就由我给他电话。

    Then I get to give him the phone .

  11. 只要她还一直昏迷,那笔钱就由他来管理。

    As long as she stays in a coma , he controls the wealth .

  12. 他那封信是由他弟弟寄出的。

    He sent the letter per his brother .