
  1. 所以这句话可以这样说:“耶稣是好牧人,耶稣为羊舍命。”那羊是谁呢?对!就是我们!

    Let 's say his name where it says ? the good shepherd . " JESUS is the good shepherd . JESUS gives his life for the sheep . And who are the sheep ? Yes ! Us ! Jesus was really saying , " I will take YOUR punishment for sin .

  2. 伍尔夫起身看着那羊毛料。

    Woolf stood up and looked at the wool .

  3. 因为我们太饿,才杀了那羊。

    We killed it because we were hungry .

  4. 你明天想要穿那件羊毛衣吗?

    Do you want to wear that wool sweater tomorrow ?

  5. 那只羊被一个人用锋利的刀宰杀了。

    The sheep was butchered by a man with a sharp knife .

  6. 流浪汉跳起来,高兴地抓住那只羊。

    Up jumped the swagman and seized him with glee .

  7. 那只羊的行为非常奇怪。

    The sheep was acting very strangely .

  8. 那只羊还活着。

    The sheep is alive .

  9. 过了一段时间之后,他发现那只羊在一个大裂缝——岩石的深缝——附近。

    After some time , he found it near a large chasm - a deep break in the rock .

  10. 为那两只羊占阄:一阄归与耶和华,一阄归与阿撒泻勒。

    He is to cast lots for the two goats-one lot for the Lord and the other for the scapegoat .

  11. 这真的没必要。那两头羊每天一清早就咩咩地叫,吵得我们睡不好觉,何不把它送给邻居,与他换一窝蜜蜂不是更好吗?

    Wouldn 't it be better for us to give them to our neighbor , who will give us a beehive for them ?

  12. 距内罗毕30公里外的小镇克塞里安迎来了清晨,鲁特诺一家正在处理日常琐事—他们的族长汉娜则在检查她那群羊的健康状况。

    Early morning in Kiserian , a town 30 kilometers from Nairobi , the Lotuno family go about their daily chores-with their matriarch , Hannah , checking on the health of her flock .

  13. 在绿草遍野的梅肖韦(Maeshowe)地下有一座用12世纪的卢恩文字标出的新石器时代古墓,夹在我们和墓穴之间的那只羊,成为我们两个劫匪的刀下鬼。

    At Maeshowe , a grass-covered mound that encases a Neolithic tomb marked up with 12th-century Norse Runes , the sheep that stood between us and the burial chamber fell to our raiding swords .

  14. 我感觉上帝在那儿丢下了这迷途的羔羊,任它胡乱游荡,而一只恶兽暗暗徘徊在那只羊与羊栏之间,伺机跳起来毁灭它。

    I felt that God had forsaken the stray sheep there to its own wicked wanderings , and an evil beast prowled between it and the fold , waiting his time to spring and destroy .

  15. 潘于是拿起笔,写道:“这一定是因为我们一伙人去年偷了一只羊,当那只羊开始叫唤的时候,我拔掉了它的舌头。”

    Pan took up a brush and wrote ," It must be because a bunch of us were stealing a goat last year , and when the goat started bleating , I ripped its tongue out . "

  16. 他走得很快,母牛也走得很快,他赶过了一个牵着一只羊的人,那只羊很不错,毛色很好。

    Leading the animal , he strode on sturdily , and , after a short time , overtook a man who was driving a sheep . It was a good fat sheep , with a fine fleece on its back .

  17. 一天下午,当芬正在她的凳子上坐着时,那只老羊走到谷仓来拜访威伯。

    One afternoon , when Fern was sitting on her stool , the oldest sheep walked into the barn , and stopped to pay a call on Wilbur .

  18. 在早期的安卓时代,HTC貌似就是那只领头羊。

    Early on , HTC looked to be that leader .

  19. 假如你是那只绿羊,你又会藏到哪儿呢?

    If you were the green sheep , where would you hide ?

  20. 在旷野的那几只羊,你交托了谁呢?

    And with whom did you leave those few sheep in the desert ?

  21. 那不是活羊。

    That 's not a live sheep .

  22. 好像此刻我们就伫立在风中,慢慢等待那一只羊被烤熟,然后用它的温度来温暖我们自己。

    It seems that now we are standing in the wind , waiting for a sheep that has been grilling patiently , and then use it to warm ourselves .

  23. 你们中间谁有一百只羊、失去一只、不把这九十九只撇在旷野、去找那失去的羊直到找著呢。

    What man of you , having an hundred sheep , if he lose one of them , doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness , and go after that which is lost , until he find it ?

  24. 那只可怜的羊痛苦地哀叫着直到死去。

    The poor goat would bleat in pain until it died .

  25. 那我看到了羊意味着什么?

    What 's that mean , that I saw a sheep instead ?

  26. 那你是什么羊吗?

    And what are you , a sheep ?

  27. 有人发现那条狗在咬羊。

    The dog was found worrying sheep .

  28. 有人发现那条狗在咬羊。留心那条狗,有时候咬人。

    The dog was found worrying sheep . Be careful of the dog ; it sometimes bites people .

  29. 他岂不撇下这九十九只,往山里去找那只迷路的羊吗。

    If a man have an hundred sheep , and one of them be gone astray , doth he not leave the ninety and nine , and goeth into the mountains , and seeketh that which is gone astray ?

  30. 一个人若有一百只羊,一只走迷了路,你们的意思如何。他岂不撇下这九十九只,往山里去找那只迷路的羊吗?

    What would you say now ? If a man has a hundred sheep , and one of them has gone wandering away , will he not let the ninety-nine be , and go to the mountains in search of the wandering one ?