
  • Mail sorting;【计】accommodation distribution
  1. 用PLC定时器实现邮件分拣的并行处理

    Parallel Processing of Posts Sorting with the Interior Timer of the PLC

  2. 可编程器件CPLD在邮件分拣系统中的应用

    Application of CPLD to System of Selection Mail

  3. 我也很喜欢第三方插件otherinbox,它可以自动将重要级别较低的邮件分拣到其他邮件夹里,从而给收件箱瘦身。

    I also like otherinbox , a third-party service that automatically sorts low-priority e-mails into folders to reduce the size of your inbox .

  4. 介绍了采用可编程序控制器实现邮件分拣的自动控制。

    A PLC automatic controlling system of mail sorting is introduced in this paper .

  5. 控制邮件分拣的微计算机系统

    A microcomputer system for post matter separation control

  6. 邮件分拣转盘的结构设计

    Construction design of mail sorting turntable

  7. Think&Do软件特点及其在武汉市邮件分拣输送控制系统中的应用

    Features of Think & Do Software and its Application in Wuhan City Mail Classifying and Conveying Control System

  8. 我曾与鲍勃和他的一个同学,于繁忙的圣诞节期间在邮局做过一两个星期的邮件分拣员的工作。

    I worked in the post office for a week or two with Bob and a classmate of his , sorting mail during the Christmas rush .

  9. 本文结合沈阳邮政通信枢纽大型邮件分拣系统的技术改造,指出了原分拣系统中存在的问题。

    Based on the package sorting system technique improvement of Shenyang post communication center , the disadvantages of the original package sorting system are poined out in the paper .

  10. 邮件分拣系统效率的提高主要采取的措施是提高邮码的识别率和分拣过程的并行处理。

    The main measure of achieving efficient distribution of posts is upgrading the capability of distinguish of the postcodes and the usage of the parallel procedure of posts sorting .

  11. 情报局称发现一封可疑信件,信件与两封发给纽约市长迈克尔·布隆伯格的含有蓖麻毒素的信件类似,信件已被白宫邮件分拣处截取。

    The Secret Service says a letter similar to two ricin-laced letters sent to New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has been intercepted by a White House mail screening facility .

  12. 立体式的仓储,即在邮件分拣口和立体库之间就有装邮件的容器(小至信盒,大至集装箱)需要流转。

    Three-dimensional storage , there is in the mail sorting mouth and between the three-dimensional library installed mail containers ( small letter box , large container ) needs to circulation .

  13. 日常生活中会遇到各种各样的数字信息需要录入到计算机中去,如大规模的数据统计、财务、税务、金融及邮件分拣等。

    All kinds of numeral information need to be inputed into computer in daily life , such as large-scale statistics 、 financial affairs 、 tax affairs 、 finance 、 mail sorting and so on .

  14. 最后简单阐述了手写数字识别的典型应用,对其在大规模数据统计、财务、税务、金融及邮件分拣中的应用进行了探索。

    At the end , the typical application of the handwritten numeral recognition was briefly narrated , its application in extensive data statistics , financial affairs , tax , finance and mail sorting have been explored .

  15. 针对现有邮件分拣系统的不足,提出了一种基于计算机视觉的邮件检测方案,包括检测系统的硬件结构和软件设计流程,使分拣控制系统由开环变为闭环,从而提高分拣的准确率。

    According to the defects of current post-sorting system , the paper puts forward a mail-defection method based on computer vision including hardware structure and software design so as to change the post sorting system into a closed loop and increase the sorting accuracy .

  16. 本文以GIS在通化市邮政局邮政物流配送系统中的应用为例,为了解决邮件的分拣环节存在的问题,运用计算机系统来简化处理流程,共享分拣和配送信息。

    All in Tonghua City Post Office postal logistics and distribution systems development , for example , to address the sorting of mail link problems and the use of computer systems to simplify the processing procedures , information sharing sorting and delivery .

  17. 进行字符识别可完成诸如文本和数据的自动阅读、邮件自动分拣、识别各种报表等复杂工作,极大地方便人们的生活。

    Much complex work , such as reading data , classifying post , recognizing all kinds of report forms , will be finished automatically if character recognition technology is used .

  18. 我的第一份工作是在邮件中心里分拣邮件。

    ex : My first job was working in a mailroom sorting mail .

  19. 邮件在午夜前分拣装包。

    The mail was sorted and pouched by midnight .

  20. 改进包装方法十分必要。邮件在午夜前分拣装包。

    It is necessary to improve the packaging . The mail was sorted and pouched by midnight .

  21. 其次对邮件处理中心总体规划的策略,邮件分拣机、推挂系统等处理中设备简要介绍,对重要的邮政设备分拣机的格口数目提出了预测分析的一般模型。

    Second , tactics of general plan of posting processing centers , mails sorting machines , pulling and hanging system and other instruments in processing flow are introduced briefly in this paper . A common model of how to prognosis and analyze the number of outlets of sorting machines .

  22. 本文采用二维条形码为信息载体,用密码防伪技术在邮资凭证中隐含邮件信息,设计出防伪、防重用、能够满足机器识别和邮件自动化分拣的邮资凭证。

    The paper designs out anti-discriminate and anti-reuse stamp by the application of two-dimensional Bar Code and cryptographic anti-discriminate technique , which is machine readable and satisfied for automatic selection of mails .

  23. 在邮件处理中心的规划设计中,工艺设计是整个邮件处理中心规划和设计的关键,将直接影响到邮件的分拣开拆和周转效率。

    Among the plan design of a mail processing center , industrial process design is the key of mail processing centers ' design and planning , which will affect the efficiency of mails ' sorting and turnover .