
  • 网络Shaowu;shaowu city
  1. 邵武市农村已婚育龄妇女生殖健康意识及服务调查报告

    Reproductive Health and the Service in the Rural Areas of shaowu city

  2. 邵武市林产工业产业差异化发展策略研究

    The variation development police about forestry industry in Shaowu city

  3. 邵武市土质滑坡特征、分布规律及减灾对策长鞭效应的实质与弱化措施

    Disaster Mitigating Countermoves in Shaowu City Essence and mitigating methods of the Bullwhip Effect

  4. 全国伟晶岩矿床学术交流及现场考察会议在福建邵武市召开

    The Nationwide Academic Exchange and Field Examination Conference on Pegmatite Deposits Held in Shaowu , Fujian Province

  5. 闽西北邵武市酸雨分布特征及其与气象条件的关系

    Character of Acid Rain Distribution and It 's Relation to Meteorological Conditions in Shaowu City of Fujian Province

  6. 邵武市要实现全面小康社会的宏伟目标就必须走新型工业化之路。

    Shaowu City has to take a new road to industrialization in order to realize the well-off society in an all-round way .

  7. 邵武市“振洁”牌茶薪菇已获国有A级绿色食品商标使用权。

    The brand " Zheng Jie " tea material edible fungus has got the right of use of national grade-A green food brand .

  8. 在综述前人研究成果的基础上,提出邵武市人口城市化发展水平影响因素的理论假设。

    Based on a review of previous achievements , the theoreticl hypothesis of the influence factors on the development level of population urbanization in Shaowu City is put forward .

  9. 多元回归分析结果基本上支持这些理论假设,表明经济因素和交通状况是决定邵武市人口城市化水平的最重要因素。

    The result of multivariate regresion analysis supports the theoretical hypothesis , which indicated that economy and traffic are the most important factors dominating population urbanization level in Shaowu City .

  10. 本文以邵武市为例,论述了种苗在竹材基地建设中的重要性,并从引种、建立竹种苗圃、育竹等方面概述了其要点。

    The article takes Shaowu City as an example to deal with the importance of bamboo seeds and seedlings in the bamboo wood base construction and also summarizes their key points form the respects of introduction , bamboo species nursery establishment , bamboo culture , etc.