
  1. 邺下文人集团是中国历史上第一个文学色彩极为明显的文人集团。

    The scholar group of Yexia is the first one which shows strong literary color .

  2. 关于邺下诗风转变的研究大多从社会思潮及整体艺术成就方面进行论述,缺少一个逐渐发展转变的过程性分析。

    Ye Xia next poem wind change are discussed , mostly from the social thought and the overall artistic achievement and the lack of a gradual development process of change analysis .

  3. 对三曹及邺下文人集团诗歌创作的定位,已经成为汉魏诗歌分期及其自觉时代确定的焦点。

    In fact , locating the poetic creation of the three Cao and the Ye capital Literati Group has become the focus in deciding the periods of the poetic history and the poetic " self-conscious " era .

  4. 但曹操为诸子置官属,妙选文学,对邺下文学集团的形成所起的作用则不容忽视,它是形成邺下文学集团的一个直接的重要的因素。

    Cao Cao played an important role in the formation of the literary group by establishing officials and selecting liter - ary words precisely , which was the direct and important factor for the formation of the group .

  5. 本文从邺下诗歌的群体性创作机制下个体性艺术表现的发展转变这个新的角度入手,以邺下诗风的转变作为研究对象,对其转变过程进行相关梳理、分析。

    The development of individual artistic expression from the mass creation mechanism of poetry under the Ye Xia change to start this new perspective , Ye Xia poetic style change as the process of change related to carding , analysis .

  6. 建安时期的邺下之游,正始名士的竹林之游,西晋石崇等人的金谷园之游,以及后世文人的群体创作活动,都或多或少地带有梁园之游的某些特征。

    The tour of Ye city in Jian'an times , the tour of bamboo grove , the tour of golden valley garden in western Jin Dynasty and other writer 's creation activities in the later , all has some characteristics of Liang Yuan Tour more or less .
