
lín wèi
  • ortho-position;vicinal;o-position;adjacent position
邻位[lín wèi]
  1. 邻位皮瓣修复颌面部组织缺损30例

    Clinical Application of Vicinal Skin Flap Repairing Maxillofacial Tissue Defect

  2. 计算机模拟法研究光滑面和邻位面生长

    A Study of Crystal Growth for Smooth Surface and Vicinal Surface by Computer Simulation Method

  3. N2O4-O3硝化取代芳烃时取代基上的P轨道的邻位协助作用

    P Orbital in Substituent Group Assists N_2O_4-O_3 Nitration Aromatics in Substituting Ortho

  4. 精制品的物理常数:邻位体,nD~(19)1.5373;

    Physical constants of highly purified samples were : o - isomer , n_D ~ ( 19 ) 1.5373 ;

  5. 同样在B环上具有邻位羟基的条件下,C环的2,3位为双键结构时,清除自由基的作用增强;

    And C ring with C2-C3 double bond could enhance its effect in scavenging free radical on condition that B ring had the adjacent hydroxyl .

  6. 有机质谱人工智能(AI)解释-邻位效应重排在鉴别位置异构体及几何异构体中的应用

    AI Interpretation of OMS-Ortho Effect Rearrangement and its Application to identify the Positional and Geometric Isomers

  7. 聚合物的IR和NMR谱图表明酶催化聚合席夫碱主要是通过苯环的邻位连接。

    FTIR and NMR spectra of the polymer synthesized indicated that the polymerization by this enzyme catalyzed reaction is by ortho substitution on the ring .

  8. 由IR、NMR、HPLC分析结果表明:三种烟煤F_2馏分主要由芳烃化合物组成;以单取代苯和邻位双取代苯为主(包括缩合环体系);

    The results of the analyses with IR . NMR and HPLC methods show that : F_2 fraction of three bituminous coal is mainly composed of aromatic hydrocarbons .

  9. 再分别利用线性判别分类器、二次判别分类器、支持向量机(含高斯内核)以及k值-最近的邻位序列分析分类器进行实验。

    Then the study utilizes the Linear Discriminant Classifier , Quadratic Discriminant Classifier , Support Vector Machine , SVM ( containing Gaussian kernel ) as well as the k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier in the experiment .

  10. 基峰m/z191是由M~+通过邻位效应失去HN(CH3)2中性分子形成的;

    The base peak at m / z 191 is formed with the loss of a neutral molecule via the ortho effect ;

  11. 以邻位取代的苯胺为原料,经Michael加成、水解反应、Friedel-Crafts反应、N-烷基化反应、醛酮缩合等反应合成了15个目标化合物。

    Starting from ortho-substituted aniline , 15 target compounds were synthesized via Michael addition , hydrolysis , Friedel-Crafts , N-alkylation , and Claisen-Schimidt condensation .

  12. 对苯酚代谢途径和相关酶的研究发现,菌株P5主要在邻苯二酚1,2-双加氧酶作用下通过邻位途径进行苯酚代谢。

    The metabolism of phenol was catalyzed by catechol 1,2-dioxygenase of Candida sp.P5 through the meta pathway .

  13. 呋喃与掩蔽的邻位苯醌阳离子基的Diels-Alder反应的理论研究

    A theoretical study on the mechanism of the Diels-Alder reactions of masked o-benzoquinone radical cation with furan

  14. 具体方法包括原位的邻位连接技术(insituPLA),荧光共振能量转移技术(FRET)技术以及免疫金电镜技术。

    These methods include in situ proximity ligation assay ( in situ PLA ), fluorescence resonance energy transfer ( FRET ) as well as immunogold with transmission electron microscopy .

  15. 本研究应用MEGA4.0软件中的邻位相连法(Neighbor-Joining)和最小进化法(minimumevolution),以红松种群中各单倍型为对象分别构建NJ进化树和ME进化树。

    In this study , using the MEGA 4.0 software Neighbor-Joining and minimum evolution method , in the target of pinus koraiensis populations haplotypes , phylogenetic trees were constructed .

  16. 开发了一种以α-Fe2O3为主体、GeO2为助催化剂的铁系催化剂,它可用于苯酚邻位烷基化制2,6-二甲酚。

    A kind of Fe catalyst with α - Fe_2O_3 as its main component and GeO_2 as its promoter has been studied . It can be used for ortho-alkylation of phenol to 2,6-dimethylphenol .

  17. 对HRP的催化机理、HRP催化合成邻位和对位的聚苯胺、HRP的固定化方法以及用固定化的HRP催化合成聚苯胺做了介绍。

    The catalyze mechanism of HRP , HRP-catalyzed synthesis of ortho-position or para-position replacing polyaniline , the immobilization methods of HRP and the immobilized HRP-catalyzed synthesis of polyaniline were also introduced .

  18. 苯胺-邻位取代苯胺共聚物的电导率和Seebeck系数受共聚物链段上取代基含量和质子酸的掺杂程度的影响。

    Electron-donating group content and the doping level were the influencing factor of electrical conductivity , Seebeck coefficient and thermal conductivity of copolymers .

  19. 在超临界二氧化碳中对其它邻位有吸电子基团的端烯如丙烯醛、丙烯酸的Wacker反应也进行了研究。

    In supercritical carbon dioxide , the Wacker oxidations of acrolein and of acrylic acid were also studied .

  20. 初始和平衡的八面体构型有不同的附加配位,苯基邻位氢配位比R基端位氢配位更为稳定,四面体构型的稳定性较低,构型转化主要受R基的推动。

    Initial and equilibrium octahedral configurations have different additional coordination , the coordination involving phenyl ortho-hydrogen is more stable than that involving terminal hydrogen of R group . The stability of tetrahedronal configuration is lower , the configurational transformation is primarily dependent on the size of R group s.

  21. 该领域的研究目前主要集中在双邻位含有两个相同的给体,例如PCP和NCN型钳形化合物。

    Research in this chemistry has been dominated by various symmetrical pincer complexes consisting of two identical donors at the two ortho-positions , such as PCP and NCN types .

  22. 通过磺化反应合成了水溶性手性二胺配体,用1H-NMR,13cNMR,IR分析表明两种构型的手性二胺的磺化反应都发生在邻位,并寻求了合成水溶性手性配体的最佳途径。

    The water-soluble chiral diamine ligands are prepared by sulphonation reaction . The ortho-sulphonation products are obtained based on the analysis of ~ 1H-NMR , ~ ( 13 ) C-NMR , IR spectra . And the optimal reaction condition is reported .

  23. 采用密度泛函理论(DFT)在UB3LYP/6-311G//UB3LYP/6-31G水平上研究了水溶液中羟基自由基进攻苯酚的邻位和对位生成邻苯二酚和对苯二酚的反应机理。

    The reaction mechanism of phenol with hydrogen peroxide radical attacking its para and ortho positions in water was proposed and investigated by Density Functional Theory ( DFT ) method at UB3LYP / 6-311G / / UB3LYP / 6-31G computational level .

  24. N-烷基和N-芳基取代的苯甲酰胺羧酸环邻位的C-H键能够选择性的发生活化,被烯烃官能化后生成五元环的内酰胺。

    In chapter two , ortho C-H bonds in the carboxylic acid ring of N-alkyl and N-aryl substituted benzamides was successfully and selectively activated and were functionalized by olefins to give five-membered lactam .

  25. 与取代基相连碳的邻位、对位上的氢的化学位移随取代基的增大而增大(1E和2E除外),C环和A环上的氢受取代基的影响不明显;

    Substituent group have little effect on hydrogens of A and C ring . The chemical shift of para - carbon increases as substituent group s ' supplying electron to benzene ( except for IE and 2E ) increases .

  26. DNA测序结果显示有四处变异位点位于已知的调控元件之内或毗邻位点:一名病人-229位C被A所替代,该变异恰好位于IL4正性调节元件Ⅰ(PREⅠ)元件之内;

    The sequencing results showed that four variant sites were found within or adjacent to the known IL-4 regulatory element . A C to A transversion located at - 229 position was just within the positive regulatory element - ⅰ ( PRE - ⅰ) in one patient .

  27. 生成p450代谢中间体络合物的活性还与取代基的电性参数之和(∑σ)和邻位和立体性参数(es(2′)相关。两种活性之间存在很好的相关性。

    The activity to form p450 metabolic intermediate complex was also correlated with the sum of the electronic parameters of substituents (Σσ) and the steric parameter of orthosubstituent ( Es ( 2 ' )) . Good correlations were observed between the two kinds of activities .

  28. 由于此物质中CF3具有强吸电子能力,所以其邻位的氯更易被取代,这就说明此反应理论上是能够发生的。

    Due to the strong electron-withdrawing property of CF3-group the substitution of ortho-chloro shows a higher probability , implying the in-principle feasibility of the reaction .

  29. 甲苯的硝基衍生物的热解引发反应为异构化反应&α(C-H)中的C-H键断裂,氢原子转移到邻位硝基(-NO2)中的氧原子上,生成新的异构体化合物。

    For Nitro derivatives of methylbenzenes , the pyrolysis initial reaction is an isomerization reaction . It means the alpha C-H bond in methyl rupture , then the Hydrogen atom transfer to the Oxygen atom in nitryl to form isomer .

  30. 对于DPPH法,化合物结构中酚羟基的数目和位置、羟基邻位甲氧基的数目和侧链取代基的性质都会对活性产生重要的影响。

    The number and position of phenolic hydroxyl groups , the number of methoxyl groups substituted in ortho position to the hydroxyl group and the character of side chain in the structure seemed to play an important role in the activity in DPPH assay .