
jiāo qū
  • suburbs;suburban district;outskirts;umland;rural area
郊区 [jiāo qū]
  • [suburbs] 城市周围属该城市管辖的地区

郊区[jiāo qū]
  1. 贫穷的郊区在传统上构成了支持该党的牢固基础。

    The poor suburbs traditionally formed the bedrock of the party 's support .

  2. 他们住在很偏远的郊区。

    They live way out in the suburbs .

  3. 他们住在芝加哥郊区的一处富人区。

    They live in a wealthy suburb of Chicago .

  4. 他说自己就是一个从芝加哥郊区来的普通人。

    He describes himself as just a regular guy from suburban Chicago .

  5. 蒂姆和芭芭拉正在攒钱,准备在郊区买一栋房子。

    Tim and Barbara are now saving for a house in the suburbs

  6. 一支小分队开进了东部郊区向飞机场挺进。

    One detachment pushed into the eastern suburbs towards the airfield

  7. 叛乱者炮轰了港口附近人口密集的郊区。

    The rebels shelled the densely-populated suburbs near the port .

  8. 郊区比昔日更为糟糕。

    Suburbia is a sadder place than of yore .

  9. 他们现在已经远离了最远的零星分布的郊区了。

    They were beyond the last straggling suburbs now .

  10. 安娜于1923年出生在曼彻斯特的郊区阿德维克。

    Anna was born in 1923 in Ardwick , a suburb of Manchester .

  11. 城市、乡村和郊区都出现了校园犯罪和校园暴力现象。

    School crime and violence cuts across urban , rural and suburban areas .

  12. 火车向东南驶往慕尼黑前,会在郊区再停两站。

    This train would stop twice more in the suburbs before rolling southeast toward Munich

  13. 帕克里奇是美国郊区的典型。

    Park Ridge is the prototypical American suburb .

  14. 这一竞选政策意在吸引郊区和小城镇选民。

    It 's a ticket that was designed to appeal to suburban and small town voters .

  15. 一如往常,列车还没驶出伦敦郊区,他就开始和别人聊起天来。

    Before the train had left the outskirts of London he behaved true to form and began a conversation

  16. 这是去郊区漫游的最好季节。

    This is the best season for a ramble in the suburbs .

  17. 他在郊区住家。

    He lives with his family in the suburbs .

  18. 警察给各城区和郊区打电话。

    The policemen phoned to every ward and suburb .

  19. 数十年来,很多中小城市的中心区域在居住于郊区的工人们结束了一天的工作后即被摒弃。

    For decades , many downtown cores in small to mid-sized cities were abandoned after work hours by workers who lived in the suburbs .

  20. 根据一篇新报道,以从郊区迁往市中心为特色的城市化进程将会成为2015年房地产领域最大的发展趋势。

    Urbanization — migration away from the suburbs to the city center — will be the biggest real estate trend in 2015 , according to a new report .

  21. 就此之后,受访群众对千禧一代是否会延续父母的做法,移居到郊区养家糊口,或是继续留在城市中心存在分歧。

    After that , survey respondents disagree over whether this generation will follow in their parents , footsteps , moving to the suburbs to raise families , or will choose to remain in the city center .

  22. 于是她雇了一辆卡车把所有的书送到郊区的朋友家里。

    So she hired a truck to bring all the books to the houses of friends in the suburbs .

  23. 郊区生活是有许多优点。

    There 's a lot of good things about suburban living .

  24. 郊区化与逆城市化是既有联系又有区别的两个概念,逆城市化是郊区化的升级版本。

    Suburbanization and counter-urbanization are two concepts of similarities as well as differences .

  25. 老师的家在郊区,那里稀稀拉拉有几处房子。

    The teacher 's house is in the suburb where the houses are sparse .

  26. 这群来自全国各地的困境少年,组成了一支特殊的棒球队,在困难中重生,与命运叫板!一群来自中国各个贫困地区的少年们相聚北京郊区。

    A group of children from poverty stricken areas across China gathered on the outskirts of Beijing .

  27. 如果他说在郊区有个“周末家庭”,他已经结婚了。

    If he says he has a " weekend home " in the suburbs , he 's married .

  28. 无美德女宝宝的职责根本那是在郊区洗脏衬衣和裙子。

    The virtueless girl 's duty is to were h the dirty shirts and skirts in the outskirts .

  29. “新冠监狱”坐落在这个德国北方小镇的郊区,由一座少管所闲置的附属建筑改建而成,设有6个房间,其高墙上配有带刺的铁丝网。

    The prison is made up of six cells in the unused annexe of a young offenders of the small northern town .

  30. 一户人家从城里搬到郊区,有人告诉他们应该买一条看门狗来守家。

    A family moved from the city to the suburbs , and were told they ought to get a watchdog to guard their house .