
  • 网络Ronald;ronald cheng;one more time;Never fall in love again
  1. 明星情侣郑中基和蔡卓妍,早先宣布二人分手,实际上他们正在办理离婚。

    CELEBRITY couple Ronald Cheng and Charlene Choi , who announced their separation earlier , are actually getting a divorce .

  2. (郑中基)虽然看来瘦削,但他抓住我时,可是力大无穷。

    He 's a little skinny guy , but when he grabbed me his strength was astonishing .

  3. 同郑中基和蔡卓妍一样被爆秘密结婚的港星还有几名。

    Cheng and Choi were among the Hong Kong celebrities who were found to have secretly married .

  4. 根据这份记录,38岁的郑中基和27岁的蔡卓妍早在2006年的1月31日就在美国洛杉矶登记结婚了。

    According to the records , Cheng , 38 , and Choi , 27 , had registered for marriage in Los Angeles , United States , on Jan31,2006 .