
  1. 郑晓龙仍是美版《甄嬛传》的总导演。前福克斯(Fox)电视台电视剧部门的主管,2012年获五项艾美奖的著名电视剧出品人丹妮尔·伍德罗也将加入制作团队。

    Well-known drama producer Danielle Woodrew , who formerly was in charge of Fox drama department and who received five Emmy awards in 2012 , are in the production team as well .

  2. 文化焦虑与文化策略&看郑晓龙影片《刮痧》

    The Culture Anxiousness and the Cultural Strategy & Reflection After Watching the movie " Scrapes the Skin ";

  3. 在中国电视剧集中,由郑晓龙导演执导的古装历史大戏《芈月传》摘得中国最佳电视剧奖的桂冠。

    In the Chinese TV series category , historical epic " Legend of Miyue " by Zheng Xiaolong took the best TV series award .

  4. 预计半年内会在美国的几个电视台播出。该剧导演郑晓龙说。

    It is expected to be broadcast on several US television stations in about six months , said Zheng Xiaolong , director of the show .

  5. 该剧导演郑晓龙曾承认,用现今社会的话来讲,甄嬛的步步高升在某些方面也反映出一个人的职业生涯。

    Its director , Zheng Xiaolong , once admitted that in terms of society today , the promotion of Zhen Huan reflects a person 's career path in some way .

  6. 他们会把这部剧剪辑成六集,每集时长约一个半到两个小时之间,同时会加入一些新的音乐元素。郑晓龙说。

    They will re-edit the opera into six episodes , each of which will last from 90 minutes to two hours , and some new music will be added , said Zheng .

  7. 《甄嬛传》由郑晓龙导演,孙俪、陈建斌等主演,播出之后被誉为近年来中国大陆最好的古装剧之一。

    Directed by Zheng Xiaolong and starring Sun Li and Chen Jianbin , " Legend of Zhen Huan " has been praised as one of the best historical dramas in the Chinese mainland in recent years .

  8. 郑晓龙是国内资深的电视剧导演,其作品包括1990年的《渴望》(担任制片人),1996年的《北京人在纽约》以及2006年的《金婚》。

    As a veteran TV director in the country , Zheng ` s other works include Desire ( 1990 , Zheng was the producer ), A Native of Beijing in New York ( 1996 ), and Golden Marriage ( 2006 ) .