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  1. 中国国家男子足球队队长郑智被亚洲足球联合会(AsianFootballConfederation)评为年度最佳球员。

    Zheng Zhi , the captain of China 's national soccer team , has been named player of the year by the Asian Football Confederation .

  2. 2013年期间,郑智担任广州恒大(GuangzhouEvergrande)队长,恒大第三次连续获得中超冠军,并获得亚冠冠军,这是首次有中国俱乐部获得该荣誉。

    While in 2013 , Zheng has captained the Guangzhou Evergrande to a third successive Chinese title and the Asian Champions League title the first time that a Chinese club has won that .

  3. 同时还担任亚冠联赛(AsianChampionsLeague)新科冠军广州恒大队(GuangzhouEvergrande)队长的郑智是继范志毅之后第二位获得亚洲足球先生的中国球员。范志毅在2001年曾获这一荣誉。

    Zheng , who is also captain of Asian Champions League winner Guangzhou Evergrande , is the first Chinese player to win the top Asian footballer award since Fan Zhiyi more than a decade ago , in 2001 .

  4. 亚足联称,33岁的郑智在亚冠联赛中发挥出色,而且在国足前教练卡马乔(JoseAntonioCamacho)被解聘后,他帮助稳定了球队的军心。今年6月份卡马乔因中国国家队1-5惨败泰国队而被解聘。

    The AFC said Zheng , 33 years old , put in assured performances throughout the Champions League and also helped China regain consistency after coach Jose Antonio Camacho was fired following a 1-5 defeat to Thailand in June .

  5. 完尔顿租借合,足球郑智期望利次亚洲杯自己欧洲足坛印象。

    AFC Asian Cup to enhance his reputation in Europe following his loan spell at Charlton .

  6. 凯尔特人和查尔顿前锋郑智达成一致,郑智自由转会至苏超的传统强队凯尔特人了。

    Celtic have reached an agreement with former Charlton striker Zheng Zhi , who is currently a free agent .

  7. 去年,武磊和另外两名中国球员郑智、冯潇霆也曾入选该榜单。

    Wu also made it onto last year 's list along with fellow Chinese players Zheng Zhi and Feng Xiaoting .

  8. 说郑智作为超龄球员,帮助中国国奥一路过关斩将,直到惜败伊朗。

    Competing as an overage player , ZZ helped his side to the quarter-finals before a penalty shoot-out defeat against Iran .

  9. 作为一名防守中场,郑智在队中表现突出,以其极具攻击力的南美火焰而出名。

    Zheng , who 's a defensive midfielder has stood out in a team known for its attacking South American flare .

  10. 尽管遭到了查尔顿的弃用,但郑智仍然很留恋他在英超的时光,并希望能够重返欧洲。

    Despite charlton 's relegation , Zheng enjoyed his time in the Premier League and is hoping to return to europe .

  11. 第二个红牌是在12分钟后,同样是判给用肘顶对手的中国国奥队队长郑智。

    The second , 12 minutes later , was charged to the Chinese team captain , Zheng Zhi , for elbowing an opposing player .

  12. 在周二于吉隆坡举行的2013年亚足联年度颁奖典礼上,郑智的广州恒大队队友、巴西球员穆里奇(Muriqui)获最佳外援称号。

    Zheng 's Guangzhou Evergrande teammate Muriqui was named AFC Foreign Player of the Year at the awards ceremony in Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday .

  13. 至今为止我们还没有联系郑智,但我认为他很棒,他足够优秀。

    " So far we haven 't contacted Zheng Zhi but I think he is excellent , he 's good enough ," said Yeung .

  14. 最可能选择的就是国家队队长郑智,上赛季后半段他曾被租借到查尔顿。

    The first of those is likely to be national captain Zheng Zhi , who spent the second half of last season on loan at Charlton .

  15. 就是说郑智周末得到英格兰,在一月份转会窗打开的时候加盟查尔顿。

    But now he is set to return to England over the weekend and link up with Charlton next week after the opening of the January transfer window .