
  1. 陪同郭少春的还有十多位中国官员,其中有些是从中国赶来的,有些是中国驻马来西亚大使馆的官员。

    A dozen Chinese officials , from both China and the Chinese embassy in Malaysia , accompanied Mr. Guo .

  2. 中国驻津巴布韦大使郭少春在物品捐赠仪式上表示,中方愿意支持津巴布韦度过难关。

    Speaking at the handover ceremony of the goods , Chinese ambassador to Zimbabwe Guo Shaochun says China stands ready to support Zimbabwe to the difficult times .

  3. 郭少春表示,除了向津巴布韦提供紧急援助,帮助缓解气旋“伊代”造成的影响之外,中国还将提供更多援助,帮助津巴布韦发展。

    Guo suggests , besides the emergency aid to help relieve the disaster triggered by cyclone Idai , more assistance is coming from China to help with Zimbabwe 's development .