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  1. 按资产计算为中国第二大银行的中国建设银行(chinaconstructionbank)董事长郭树清表示,该行有意增加农村服务,尤其是向小企业和从事农业复垦工程的农民提供贷款。

    Guo Shuqing , chairman of China Construction Bank , the second largest Chinese lender by assets , said the bank was intent on increasing rural services and was especially interested in providing loans to small companies and peasant farmers involved with agricultural reclamation projects .

  2. 知情人士表示,中国建设银行此前一直有意投资渣打银行(StandardChartered),但郭树清否认该行现在会考虑此类投资。按市值计算,中国建设银行目前是世界上第二大银行。

    CCB , now the second-largest bank in the world by market capitalisation , had been interested in investing in Standard Chartered , according to people familiar with the situation , but Mr Guo denied the bank would now consider such an investment .

  3. 中国建设银行(CCB)正在为2005年底上市做预备,中国建设银行董事长郭树清说。

    China Construction Bank is bracing to get itself listed on the stock market by the end of2005 , said Guo Shuqing , head of the CCB board of directors .

  4. 郭树清淡化了外界对中国房地产泡沫及其可能损害银行资产质量的忧虑,表示抵押贷款的价值仅相当于GDP的15%,远低于欧洲和美国的水平。

    Mr Guo played down concerns about China 's property bubble and the damage that could do the banks ' asset quality , saying the value of mortgages is only about 15 per cent of GDP , much lower than in Europe and the US .

  5. 在郭树清继续推进股市改革之际,中国股市趋于成熟的速度可以说在加快。郭树清的改革措施包括:向股市引入更多机构资金,调整IPO的定价体制,改变规则、降低上市公司退市的难度,等等。

    As Mr Guo continues his reform drive - bringing more institutional money into the market , adjusting the IPO pricing system , implementing easier delisting rules and more - the maturation of the Chinese stock market could be argued to be accelerating .

  6. 作者系中国建设银行董事长郭树清

    The writer is chairman of China Construction Bank

  7. 郭树清已发起一轮新的治市活动。

    Mr Guo has launched yet another crackdown .

  8. 郭树清对迫使银行提供住房融资的政策表示警惕。

    Mr Guo was wary about policies which forced banks to dole out housing finance .

  9. 郭树清:美洲银行25亿美元入股有一定必然性

    Guo shuqing : Bank of America Being A Shareholder with 20 Billion Dollars Has the Inevitability

  10. 郭树清说:我认为,我们应当更加担忧银行体系中的系统性风险。

    I think we should be more worried about the systemic risks in the banking system .

  11. 郭树清说:现在的房子平均六、七年就要重新建一次。

    Homes have to be rebuilt on average every six or seven years , Mr Guo said .

  12. 郭树清还试图应对境外投资者对于中国金融体系的一些主要抱怨。

    Mr Guo also sought to address some of the main complaints foreign investors have voiced about the Chinese financial system .

  13. 尽管如此,郭树清第一次提出这些想法还是在一年多以前,但是此后,在这方面几乎没有出现任何改变。

    Still , Mr. Guo first raised those ideas over a year ago and little change in that direction has happened since .

  14. 虽然大部分动态尚处于理论阶段,但郭树清表示,他正与中国人民银行以及其它方面进行商讨,以发展这种概念。

    While most developments have been theoretical , Mr Guo said he was in talks with the PBOC and others to develop the concept .

  15. 沿海地区的房地产市场过热程度更为严重,房价的年度涨幅过高,郭树清表示。

    The real estate market is more overheated in the coastal areas and the annual housing price increase is too high , Mr Guo said .

  16. 郭树清在上周四向记者表示,对中国各银行来说,这是一项革命性的转变,因为这些银行以前专注于大规模的放贷。

    " For banks this is a revolutionary change as we have been focused on large-scale lending in the past , " Mr Guo told reporters on Thursday .

  17. 郭树清担心,中国进口快速增加是“不健康和不可持续的”,有可能推高全球大宗商品价格,损害发展中国家的利益。

    Mr Guo was concerned the rapid increase in imports to China was " unhealthy and unsustainable " and risked raising commodities prices worldwide , which would hurt developing countries .

  18. 曾求学于牛津、操一口流利英语的郭树清率性直言,而且似乎有市场头脑:“不冒险,怎能赚到钱?”

    A fluent English speaker who spent time at Oxford , he is outspoken and seems market-minded : " If you don 't take any risk how can you make any money ?"

  19. 郭树清证实,监管机构要求银行减慢对地方政府旗下公司的放贷,但他表示,这些公司中有许多实际上是效益良好的企业,有能力偿还自己的债务。

    Mr Guo confirmed that the regulator had asked banks to slow lending to local government companies but said that many of them were in fact cash-generative businesses which could service their loans .

  20. 建行行长郭树清在最近一次采访中透漏银行员工持股计划很可能今年年底前实施。

    Guo Shuqing , chairman of China Construction Bank ( CCB ), revealed in a recent interview that the bank 's employee stock ownership plan is likely to be implemented before the end of this year .

  21. 郭树清表示:我们谈论在中国发展一个规范的公司债券市场已经说了20多年,现在是加快这一步伐的好机会。

    We 've been talking for more than 20 years about developing a proper corporate bond market in China , and we have a good chance now to speed that development up , Mr Guo said .

  22. “我们有一些货币供应过度的问题,流动性大幅增加,我们肯定会以资产泡沫或通胀上升的形式,为此付出一定的代价,”郭树清表示。

    " We have some problems with oversupply of money and liquidity increased dramatically and we are definitely going to pay some costs for that in the form of asset bubbles or rising inflation , " Mr Guo said .

  23. 中国央行原副行长、中国建设银行行长郭树清表示,问题不在于经常项目盈余所代表的外部失衡,而是“内部失衡”。

    Guo Shuqing , a former central bank vice-governor who now heads China Construction Bank , says the problem is not external imbalances , in the form of the current account surplus , but " the internal imbalances " .

  24. 郭树清发出上述警告之际,中国一直在以更快的速度从全球其它地区吸收进口,进口增速在过去一年的大部分时间里高于出口增速。

    Mr Guo 's warning comes at a time when China has been sucking up imports from the rest of the world at an accelerating rate and growth in imports has exceeded the pace of exports for most of the last year .

  25. 中国证监会主席郭树清已经提出一种理念,即让中国股市的发展模式向西方靠拢,降低政府在审批首次公开募股中发挥的作用,把更多权力转移给审计师和投资银行,以促进更加透明的市场的形成。

    And China Securities Regulatory Commission Chairman Guo Shuqing has floated the idea of bringing China 's model closer to that of the West , reducing the role the government plays in approving initial public offerings and shifting more power to auditors and investment banks ,

  26. “就国有银行改革而言,主要的问题是建立公司治理、董事会,以及与内部机构的联系,但最难的部分是将一家国有银行转变为商业银行,”中国建设银行董事长郭树清表示。

    " For the reform of the state-owned banks , the main problems were establishing corporate governance , boards of directors and relations with internal institutions , but the hardest part is transforming from a stateowned institution to a commercial one , " says Guo Shuqing , chairman of CCB .