
  • 网络metropolitan interlocking region;extended metropolitan region;megalopolis
  1. 中国都市区及都市连绵区划分探讨

    Preliminary Research on Division of Metropolitan Area and Metropolitan Interlocking Region in China

  2. 伴随这一过程,某些地区出现了因众多城市发展扩张最终在空间上连绵成片的地理景观&都市连绵区。

    In the process of urbanization , some geographical landscapes appear in some areas because many cities ' expand and develop in a continuous space & megalopolis .

  3. 长江三角洲都市连绵区城市体系的分形特征

    Urban system fractal characteristic of the Yangtze Delta Interlocking Metropolitan Areas

  4. 浙江沿海都市连绵区分析

    Analysis on the continuous region of metropolis in Zhejiang coastal area

  5. 长江三角洲地区准都市连绵区刍议

    Par - agglomeration in Yangtze River Delta Region

  6. 因此,建立都市连绵区与发展中等城市并举是实现广东城市化战略的可行途径。

    Therefore , it is a feasible approach for Guangdong to combine metropolitan stretch establishment and middle city development .

  7. 这种大都市圈及都市连绵区或城镇集聚群的形成需要借助于区域或城市间完善的交通网络体系。

    This large metropolitan area , urban areas or towns stretching group formation requires the help of a sound regional or inter-city transportation network .

  8. 认为长江三角洲都市连绵区由中心城市、城市发展轴线和次级城市群及其腹地构成,已形成5个层次的城市等级体系;

    The megalopolis is composed of central cities , cities axles and sub city groups . An urban system with 5 hierarchies has formed .

  9. 目前,都市连绵区的概念理解比较混乱,学者根据研究的角度,对都市连绵区有不同的理解。

    At present , there is no widely-recognized concept of megalopolis . The scholars have different understanding to the megalopolis due to the different backgrounds and perspectives .

  10. 在认清发展动力机制的基础上总结归纳出都市连绵区内中小城市的发展模式。

    On the basis of clarifying the motive mechanism of development , this thesis summarizes the development models of the small-size and medium-size cities in the megalopolis .

  11. 在长江三角洲地区,珠江三角洲地区,环渤海的京津冀地区,逐渐形成了三个都市连绵区。

    In the Changjiang Delta area , Pearl River Delta area , Beijing , Tianjin and Hebei area of the Bohai Sea fringe , three megalopolises have gradually formed .

  12. 文章的最后以廊坊为例,分析其在京津冀都市连绵区内发展的动力机制并为其选择了具体的发展模式。

    Langfang is taken as an example at the end of the thesis . Langfang is analyzed for its motive mechanism of development in the megalopolis of Beijing , Tianjin and Hebei .

  13. 近些年,虽然也有学者对中小城镇、边缘城市进行研究,但是他们的研究没有涉及到都市连绵区内的中小城市。

    In recent years , although some scholars carried on research in small-size and medium-size towns and alienated cities , their research has not involved the small-size and medium-size cities in the megalopolis .

  14. 都市连绵区内的中小城市不是简单的中小城镇、边缘城市,它有自身特殊的生存环境和特殊的发展规律。从整体看,学界对都市连绵区内中小城市的发展问题的研究比较缺乏。

    The small-size and medium-size cities in the megalopolis are not as simple as small-size and medium-size towns or alienated cities ; they have their own special living environment and special rules of development .

  15. 都市圈、城市带、都市连绵区是城市群的一种特殊类型。

    Metropolitan area , city belt and metropolitan stretches are special types of city agglomeration .