
  • 网络Piqan County;Piqan;Shanshan
  1. 基于DEA模型的城镇产业结构效率评价&以新疆鄯善县为例

    Efficiency evaluation of the urban industrial structure based on DEA model : A case of Shanshan county

  2. 新疆鄯善县妇女儿童健康状况评价

    An Evaluation on Health Condition of Women and Children in Shanshan County in Xinjiang

  3. 基于CA模型的土地利用变化研究&以新疆鄯善县为例

    Research on Land Use Change Based on CA Model

  4. 2002~2008年鄯善县艾滋病流行趋势分析

    Analysis of Epidemic Situation and Trend of AIDS in Shanshan County , Xinjiang from 2002 to 2008

  5. 其中发生在鄯善县的一起造成包括警务人员和民众在内的24死亡,21人受伤。

    One of the attacks took place in Shanshan , leaving 24 police officers and civilians dead and 21 injured .

  6. 特产观赏农园旅游规划设计探讨&以新疆鄯善县特产观赏农园为例

    Study on Tourism Planning for Farming Gardens of Special Local Products & A Case Study for a Melon-fruit Garden in Shanshan County , Xinjiang

  7. 警方表示,该团伙的其他成员害怕计划败露,袭击了鄯善县派出所。

    Police say the rest of the group , fearing their plans might be revealed , launched the assault on the local police station in Shanshan County .

  8. 基地项目的实施给鄯善县带来了巨大机遇,但在丰富的矿产资源所带来的发展机遇面前,鄯善县却遭遇水资源制约。

    Base implementation of the project offers great opportunities to Shanshan County , but facing development opportunities that rich mineral resources brought , Shanshan has suffered water constraints .

  9. 众多地质工作者认为,新疆鄯善县恰舒阿山一带的岩浆活动终止于海西晚期,中生代后进入稳定的地台盖层发展阶段。

    It is regarded that the magmatic activity is end in Upper Hercynides and become stable platform in Mesozoic era in the Shanshan county , Xinjiang province , China .