
  • 网络batching scale
  1. 设计合金配料秤应注意的几个问题

    Pay attention to some problems in designing alloy batching scale

  2. 本文以配料秤物料累计量为被控对象,分析了PID控制和模糊控制的优缺点。

    This paper takes the cumulant of materials to be weighted by batching scale as the controlled object and analyze advantages and disadvantages between PID control and fuzzy control .

  3. 皮带配料秤中PID控制的实际应用

    Application of PID control in belt weightier design

  4. 电子配料秤的单次称量相对误差

    The Relative Error in Single Weighing of an Electronic Proportioning Scale

  5. 配料秤计量标尺秤量分配的分析

    Analysis of weighing distribution of the weigh beams of proportion scales

  6. 稳定土连续配料秤性能分析与探讨

    Performance Analysis and Investigation into Continuous Burden Balance of Stabilized Soil

  7. 水泥厂微机配料秤结构分析

    Structure Analysis of Proportioning Scale with Microcomputer of Cement Plants

  8. 关于提高配料秤称量精度的探讨

    On increasing the accuracy of dosing weigher and its calibration

  9. 冲天炉微机自动配铁装置微机控制冲天炉配料秤

    Computerized burden scale for cupola microcomputer controlled weighting device for cupola charge

  10. 一秤多盘(斗)电子配料秤及其应用

    An Electronic Blending Scale With Multiple Pans ( Buckets ) and its Applications

  11. 提高电子配料秤称量精度及可靠性的措施

    The Measures for Improving the Accuracy and Reliability of Electronic Proportioning Scale s

  12. 一种实用的微机自动配料秤系统

    A Practical Automatic Proportioning Weigher System Based on Microcomputer

  13. 因此,提高配料秤精度是水泥厂提高产品质量的重要环节。

    So improving the precision of burden is important improving cement product quality .

  14. 皮带配料秤单片机实时控制系统设计

    Design of on - line Singe-chip Microprocessor ControlSystem for the Belt Burden Balance

  15. 皮带配料秤的模糊控制

    Fuzzy Control of Belt Type Material Matching Balance

  16. 微机控制冲天炉配料秤微处理机控制的仪器

    Microcomputer controlled weighting device for cupola charge

  17. 重点介绍了非接触式核子配料秤系统在济钢球团厂的开发与应用。

    The development and utilization of none - contact nuclear-weigher system in Jinan I & S Co.

  18. 通过各方面协同工作,采用各种技术手段,使配料秤、电气设备、计算机实现一体化,形成自动配料系统。

    The charging scale , electric equipments and computer through cooperation and other techniques composed the auto-charging system .

  19. 一种螺旋调速全荷式配料秤,属于计量器具。

    The utility model relates to a screw speed regulation full-load type proportion scale , which belongs to a measuring device .

  20. 型拉压式钢制传感器,应配于配料秤。工业称重系统。

    S-type teel load cell , tension and compression loading , used for batching scales , industrial weighing and control systems and force measuring systems .

  21. 简要介绍了一种电子配料秤的工作原理,硬件实施及该系列配料秤的主要特点、技术性能及其应用情况。

    The operational principle and hardware implementation of an electronic blending scale and the major features , technical performance of this series products as well as their applications are introduced in brief .

  22. 本控制器采用双通道数据采集,前向通道和后向通道的传感器分别测量物料重量,目的是当一个通道出现故障时,配料秤仍能正常运行。

    This controller has adopted Two-channel data collection . The weight of material can be measured in both forward channel and back channel in order that if one of the channels is in fault , the batching belt scale can still work in good condition .

  23. 介绍了PLC控制的配料皮带秤的组成、工作原理、自校验功能及其在铝厂碳素系统配料中的应用情况。

    The paper introduces the component , working principle , automatic calibration and it 's application in the aluminium smelter of proportioning belt scale controlled by PLC .

  24. 工业配料电子秤抗冲击设计研究

    Study on Resisting Shock Signal Characteristic of Mixed Material Electronic Balance

  25. 烧结圆盘配料皮带秤控制新思路

    A new idea for controlling the weigh belt in sintering plant

  26. 一种新型配料核子秤信号的处理方式

    A New Method of Signal Process in Nuclear Scale for Material Mixing

  27. 探讨提高配料皮带秤控制质量的新途径

    A new path in improving the control quality of burden belt weight meter

  28. 配料电子秤单片机测控系统的抗干扰软件设计

    Design of Anti-interference Software for Measurement and Controll System of Electronic Burdening Scale with Microprocessor

  29. 针对工业中配料电子秤冲击信号给测量带来的不利影响,设计、研究合适的消除或减弱冲击的方法,取得了较好的效果。

    Aiming at disadvantageous effect of mixed material electronic balances shock signal , the author designs the appropriate methods of eliminate or weaken shock signal to obtain preferable effect .

  30. 配料电子皮带秤系统精度的测量方法及提高措施

    Measuring methods and improving means of accuracy of electronic proportioning belt weighers