
  • 网络matching;The matching principle;Matching concept
  1. 解释房产、房、备折旧如何体现了配比原则

    Explain how depreciating an example of the matching principle .

  2. 解释房产、房、备折旧如何体现了配比原则?

    Explain how depreciating PP & E is an example of the matching principle .

  3. 对企业财务会计配比原则确认的分析

    Analysis about apportion principle and confirmation principle in business financial accounting

  4. 多元混合工质筛选及配比原则的研究

    A research of screening and match principles of mixture refrigerants

  5. 其计提依据是稳健性原则和配比原则。

    Their provision is based on sound principles and the principle of proportion .

  6. 浅谈纳税影响会计法对配比原则的影响

    Effecting of Taxation Accounting Law on Matching Rule

  7. 在权责发生制下的三个重要概念是会计期间、收入原则和配比原则。

    Three concepts used in accrual-basis accounting are the accounting period , the realization principle , and matching principle .

  8. 但是,配比原则要求借款者在债券发行期内逐步地确认该项成本。

    But the matching principle may require the borrower to recognize this cost gradually over the life of the bond issue .

  9. 按照基于配煤模型的配比原则,开发出应用于火电厂配煤控制的自动化系统。

    An automatic coal blending system for power plant is developed based on the coal blending model according to the ratio rule .

  10. 住房分配货币化进程对房产、房、备的折旧计提怎样例证了配比原则?

    Capitalization process of housing distribution / allocation How is recognizing depreciation for PP & E an example of the Matching Principle ?

  11. 历史成本原则、实现原则、配比原则是传统收益确定模式的重要支柱。

    Historical cost convention , principle of realizing , matching principle is important pillar for the mode that the traditional income is fixed .

  12. 介绍了企业财务会计核算的配比原则,对企业的收入、费用、产品开发费用的确认原则进行了分析。

    The apportion principle in business financial accounting assess is introduced , the confirmation principle to business 's income , cost and product developing expense analyzed .

  13. 对房产、厂房、设备的折旧计提怎样例证了配比原则?服装结构设计课程教学中原型法与比例法的综合运用

    How is recognizing depreciation for PP & E an example of the Matching Principle ? The Integrated Application of Prototyping and Proportion in Garment Construction Design

  14. 也对表面处理胶辊的作用机理作了分析,对化工涂料配比原则、操作要求及注意事项作了介绍。

    The surface-treatment mechanism of top roller is analyzed , and the composition ratio principle of chemical coating material , operational requirements and attention items are introduced .

  15. 在核算原则上,其权责发生制、计价原则和配比原则等也不符合国民经济核算的原则要求。

    On the accounting principle , its accrual basis , valuation and allocation do not accord with the demands of the national economic accounting principle , too .

  16. 配比原则规定费用的记录和列报方法,这一原则与收入原则一起规定会计中的利润确认。

    The matching principle governs the recording and reporting of expenses , which goes hand in hand with the revenue principle to govern income recognition in accounting .

  17. 然而经济环境的变化和会计目标的改变使传统的收益确认原则&历史成本原则、实现配比原则和谨慎原则受到极大的冲击,人们开始从更广的意义上关注收益信息的披露。

    However the variation of economic environment made a tremendous impact on the traditional earnings acknowledgement principles , people began to take a broad sense the disclosure of income information .

  18. 通过将长期资产的获取成本分配到收益年度中去,我们再一次强调了配比原则的重要性。

    By allocating the acquisition cost of long-lived assets over the years which benefit from the use of these assets , we stress again the importance of the matching principle .

  19. 按照合理配比原则充分发挥其协同效应,具有缓蚀率高、耐高温、阻垢力强、不易分解等特点。

    Through rational prescription , TH-619B has good synergistic effect , with high corrosion inhibition ratio , high temperature tolerance , high scale inhibition ratio and not easy to degradation .

  20. 人力资源成本会计符合配比原则,但没有真正的计量出人力资源所能创造出来的价值;

    This article shows that the human resources cost accounting is in accordance with the match principle , but it does not actually measure the value of the human resources ;

  21. 在遵循配比原则、划分收益性支出与资本性支出原则、可靠性原则等方面应有些特殊的处理或者是对这些原则新的理解;

    There are should some especial accounts or some new understandings of these principles , in aspects of obeying the matching principle , the capital expenditure and revenue expenditure principle and the objective principle .

  22. 304不锈钢粉末和其它合金粉末按一定的配比原则进行混合,用机械合金化和放电等离子烧结技术将混合粉末制备成型。

    SUS 304 stainless steel powder and other kinds of alloy powder were mixed . The mixed powder was prepared into samples by mechanical alloying ( MA ) and Spark Plasma Sintering ( SPS ) technology .

  23. 现行会计收益模式是以历史成本原则、实现原则和配比原则为基础的收益确定模式,与工业时代的会计目标相适应。

    The current accounting income , which is accommodating with the accounting goal of the industrial age , is set as a mode confirming income based on historical cost principle , realizations principle and matching principle .

  24. 在构建原则中提出了森林生态效益补偿为核心、配比原则和划分收益性支出与资本性支出、货币计量属性与其他计量属性相结合的原则等。

    The construction principle is put forward in the forest ecological benefit compensation as the core , the matching principle and revenue expenditure and capital expenditure , currency and other measurement attributes with the principle of combining .

  25. 必须根据实现原则和配比原则来报告同一期间已实现的全部收入和已发生的全部费用,而不论与这些收入和费用相关的现金是否收到或支出。

    All revenues earned and all expenses incurred during the same period must be reported regardless whether cash relating to revenues or expenses is received or paid in accordance with the realization principle and the matching principle .

  26. 在过去的几十年里,会计界成功地创建了一个虽不尽完美但一直沿用至今的收益确定模式,这个模式以历史成本原则,实现原则和配比原则为基础。

    In past years , accounting group has founded an income measured mode which has been used to now although it was not perfect . The mode was founded on historical cost principle , realization principle and matching principle .

  27. 最重要的会计原则包括权责发生制原则、历史成本原则、收入实现原则、配比原则、稳健性原则、客观性原则、充分揭示原则、一致性原则及重要性原则。

    The most important accounting principles include the accrual principle , the historical principle , the realization principle , the matching principle , the prudence principle , the objectivity prin-ciple , the full-disclosure principle , the consistency principle and the materiality principle .

  28. 因此,一些套餐资费定价在没有具体产品成本的情况下,只能依据收入费用配比原则来预测和大体的估算以制定套餐资费,已推出套餐也无法获得套餐的真实盈利数据。

    Therefore , some set of fixed produce price that does not have the concrete product cost , only can be based on the income expense allocated proportion principle forecast , also unable to obtain the set of produce real profit data .

  29. 简言之,折旧的基本目的是实现配比原则-即从一个会计年度的收益中扣减掉为实现收益而付出的商品或服务的成本。

    In short , the basic purpose of depreciation is to achieve the matching principle & that is , to offset the revenue of an accounting period with the costs of the goods and services being consumed in the effort to generate that revenue .

  30. 公认会计原则所包括的主要原则有:客观性原则,重要性原则,一致性原则,稳健性原则,权责发生制原则,充分披露原则,配比原则,实现原则和成本原则。

    Major principles included in GAAP are the objective principle , the materiality principle , the consistency principle , the conservatism principle , the accrual-basis accounting principle , the adequate disclosure principle , the matching principle , the realization principle , and the cost principle .