
  1. 基于RFID的汽车总装物料配送过程的Petri网建模与仿真

    Modeling and simulation by Petri Net in assembling logistic process of automobile industries based on RFID

  2. 本文将Petri网建模技术应用到无线自动售货机系统的建模和应用研究中,分别对系统的交易流程和物流配送过程建立了它们的Petri网模型。

    Petri Net modeling technology is applied to model and research the wireless vending machine system to model the business process and the logistics distribution process of the wireless system .

  3. 车辆调度问题(VRP)作为现代物流配送过程中的一个重要环节,一直是学术界研究的前沿和热点。

    Vehicle routing problem ( VPR ) is a front and research focus in academics , as a crucial link in modern logistics and distribution processing .

  4. 本文从实际出发,以B书店为研究对象,通过调研,发现B书店总体流程较长,员工工作分工不明确,具体的操作过程缺少科学指导,生产配送过程缺少理论依据。

    This paper embarks from the practical to B bookshop as research object . Through investigation research , it founds that the process of B bookshop production and distribution lacks theoretical basis , the concrete operation lacks guidance , and there are lots of useless operation overall process .

  5. 研究了DRP的分销选址,通过分析分销系统的网络布局对系统整体运作的影响,结合产品配送过程中考虑的距离、数量、成本等不同因素,提出了解决多因素影响网络布局的优选方法。

    Base on the analysis of the influence of the distribution network layout to the whole system operation of the DRP , as well as the consideration of some key factors such as distance , quantity , cost etc. in the distribution network .

  6. 在物流配送过程中,车辆装载和配送路径是两个重要阶段,合理有效的装载方案和配送路径用于指导物流配送是十分必要的。

    Loading and distribution routing problem are important in logistics distribution .

  7. 在配送过程中,货物的装车工作是不可或缺的组成部分。

    Cargo loading work is an integral part of the distribution process .

  8. 提出了基于突发事件的面向对象的物流配送过程的建模构想,模型由三部分构成。

    A object-oriented modeling frame of logistics distribution based on emergency event is put forward .

  9. 目前,存在于家电企业配送过程中的最明显问题之一就是配送路径的规划问题。

    At present , the most visible problem in the logistics of appliance chains enterprise is vehicle routing problem .

  10. 进而核算出不同货物在该共同配送过程中应分摊的共同配送直接费用。

    Accounting of different cargoes should be assessed in the course of the joint distribution of joint distribution of direct costs .

  11. 已经有很多学者针对配送过程中的配送中心选址、配送路径规划、库存管理、分拣路径以及管理信息系统等方面作了相应的研究,物流配送体系已不断完善。

    A good many of scholars research aim at distribution center , storage management , distribution route , communication system and so on .

  12. 冷链物流配送过程中的不确定性因素很多,可能引发断链的事故多种多样。

    There are a lot of uncertainties in distribution process of cold chain logistics ; they may lead a variety of chain scission accidents .

  13. 最后,根据绿色物流的思想,同时考虑物流费用和配送过程中的尾气排放量,建立了加权模型。

    Finally , according to the thought of green logistics , considering both logistics costs and the gas emissions , we established a weighting model .

  14. 本文的目的是概述在邮政、包裹和配送过程中应用自动分拣技术的优点。

    The aim of this paper is to outline the advantages of the application of automated sorting technologies in postal , parcel and distribution processes .

  15. 基于因特网电子商务的应用为企业开展网络营销提供了较理想的技术平台,但物流配送过程仍然是制约网络营销发展的瓶颈。

    E-commerce by internet has offered favorable technical conditions for enterprises to carry out cyber marketing . But the distributing process still remains a bottleneck for further development .

  16. 在实验与仿真分析的基础上,从疲劳改善角度出发,对长途物流配送过程中的驾驶员作业提出了改进建议。

    Based on experiment and simulation analysis , from the perspective of fatigue release , suggestions are given to drivers of long distance logistic dispatching . ( 5 ) .

  17. 针对车辆路径问题的复杂性,利用离散事件仿真方法对物流配送过程进行建模,并采用面向对象的技术实现。

    Considering the complexity of vehicle routing problem , the model of distribution process is established by discrete event simulation method and it is realized using the object-oriented technology .

  18. 装箱问题作为物流配送过程中的一个关键性技术,对提高配送业务的自动化水平、提高货物装载的优化程度、提高配送业务的工作效率和规范业务流程都有重要的意义。

    As a key technology , container packing problem is very important on improving the efficiency of distributing works , optimizing the cargos loading pattern and standardizing the business process .

  19. 全球经济的一体化过程使全球贸易量不断增加,并且改变了货物在配送过程中的定性以及定量要求。

    The integration processes in the global economy , lead to the growth of world trade and changing requirements to qualitative and quantitative characteristics the process of distribution of goods .

  20. 同时对系统物流配送过程的建模将无线系统的效率改进进行量化,从而实现了无线自动售货机系统的时间绩效分析。

    The modeling for the logistics distribution process of the wireless system quantifies the efficiency amelioration of wireless system and realizes the time performance analysis of the wireless vending machine system .

  21. 然而,目前烟草配送过程中存在着业务操作监管不力,配送线路不灵活等问题。

    However at present a lot of problems exist in the process of cigarette distribution , for example the lack of supervision in business operation and the inflexibility of distribution lines .

  22. 在电能的传输和配送过程中,电力变压器是能源转换、传输的核心,是国民经济各行各业和千家万户能量来源的必经之路,是电网中最重要和最关键的设备。

    In the transmission and distribution process , power transformer is energy conversion and transmission of the core , a source of national economic sectors and household energy , and it is the most important and most critical equipment .

  23. 在此基础上,本文对实际配送过程中应用较多的多配送中心多车型配送路线问题进行了研究和建模,并利用改进后的遗传算法进行求解。

    After that , the problem of delivery router optimization with multi-depot and multiplex vehicle which widely used in actual distribution process is studied and modeled . Then the model is been resolved by GA with an improved mutation operator .

  24. 测试样本在控制限以内则处于统计受控状态,当其超出控制限时则为出现异常,应用超出控制限的相应统计量的贡献图查找引起异常的过程变量,实现对配送过程的时效控制。

    The test samples within control limit is in statistical state controlled , otherwise is abnormal . The application of contribution plot which corresponding statistics exceed control limit can find the abnormal process variables to achieve the limitation distribution process control .

  25. 在冷链物流配送过程中,由于所配送的商品一定要保持在低温环境中的特殊性,因此在配送过程中存在货损成本,这也是常温物流配送并没有加以考虑的。

    In cold-chain logistics and distribution process , because the distribution of commodities must be maintained at cryogenic environment unique , and therefore requires additional corruption consumption costs , and this is normal atmosphere temperature distribution and logistics not be considered .

  26. 据相关资料显示,物流配送过程的成本构成中,运输成本占到52%以上。如何在满足客户需求的前提下,将配送的运输成本合理地降低,成为一个紧迫而重要的研究课题。

    According to the relevant data shows that the cost of logistics in the process transportation cost is 52 % . So , how to meet customer satisfaction in under the premise of appropriate and to reduce costs in reasonable is becoming an urgent and important research subject .

  27. 在引进现代物流概念之前,包装通常被认为是产品生产中最后一个环节,即受生产条件限定的包装设计和技术,往往忽略了现代制造与配送过程的要求。

    Packaging used to be considered as the final step of a production process prior to the introduction of modern concepts of logistics . So , packaging design and technology which was determined by the limitations of production facilities tended to ignore the needs of modern manufacturing and distribution processes .

  28. 论文对长途物流配送作业过程中的驾驶疲劳进行了分析研究。

    The present dissertation investigated on driving fatigue in long distance logistic dispatching .

  29. 当前在中小学资源配送的过程中存在不少问题,如用户购买了一部分本学校不需要的资源;

    Now , there are many problems in the process of supplying resources for middle-elementary schools .

  30. 根据项目协议,跟踪货物运输,储存和配送全过程。

    Tracking a freight by agreement , store up and distribution the entire proceeding according to the project .