
suān là jiànɡ
  • chutney
  1. 酸辣酱应该是浓稠的软糊状。

    The chutney should be a thick , pulpy consistency .

  2. 经常要搭配有黄油,酸辣酱或一些其他辣酱一起享用。

    It 's best eaten with butter , chutney or some other spicy sauce .

  3. 另一个在约克郡盛行的民间传统是做泡菜和酸辣酱。

    Another strong Yorkshire country tradition is making pickles and chutneys .

  4. 她解释说:“我们喜欢墨西哥酸辣酱,所以我用手机在当地的墨西哥外卖餐馆点了一些。”

    We love Mexican churros , so I buy them on my phone from my local Mexican takeaway restaurant , she explains .

  5. 是的,我还需要一些酸辣酱和胡椒。

    Yes , I would also like some sweat and sour sauce and pepper .

  6. 偷这里头的荷兰酸辣酱的秘方

    than to steal this hollandaise recipe .

  7. 像荷兰酸辣酱一样的沙司,用白葡萄酒、龙蒿和青葱代替柠檬汁做成。

    Hollandaise-like sauce made with white wine and tarragon and shallots instead of lemon juice .

  8. 酸辣酱可以混合在任何一种印度餐中,形成一种不同的口味。

    Chutney can be to be blended with any Indian dish to create a different taste .

  9. 而且,我们有非常丑陋的水果酸辣酱,现在我们加上一个桃子

    And , we have a very ugly fruit chutney , now what we do is we combine a peach

  10. 美味的摩洛哥早餐&通常包括涂有些酸辣酱,果酱,奶酪或者黄油的不同面包。

    A yummy Moroccan breakfast – usually consists of different breads with some chutney , jam , cheese or butter .

  11. 用碗分别把剩余的香菜、米饭、酸奶、酸辣酱和色拉分开作为辅料。完成。

    Serve straight from the dish scattered with the remaining coriander and the rice , yogurt , chutney and salad in separate bowls .

  12. 在德语国家,人们在六月份绝对会疯狂地去购买自己那份白芦笋,再配上蛋黄奶油酸辣酱。

    In German-speaking countries people go absolutely bananas during the months of april , may and June to have their fair share of white asparagus with sauce hollandaise .

  13. 开胃菜是热乎乎的熏鳗鱼、鹅肝酱和水果酸辣酱。主菜通常是地中海和中东特色,比如肥嫩多汁、口味香甜的烤羊腿,搭配月桂、孜然和其他中东香料。

    Appetizers include warm smoked eel and foie gras with fruit chutney , while main dishes offer a Mediterranean-Mideast touch , such as the succulent , smoky-sweet shank of lamb with cinnamon , cumin and other souk spices .

  14. 相对的,怀特推荐酸辣芥末酱、海鲜沙司酱和耗油调味的中餐。

    Instead , White suggests hot mustard sauce , hoisin sauce , or oyster sauce .