
  • 网络sample time;sampling time;acquisition time;sampling instant
  1. 首先利用期望特性法设计了传统PID模拟控制器及滤波网络,并合理选择了采样时间得到了相应的数字控制器。

    First I designed the traditional PID controller and filter network using the method of expected frequency characteristic and then obtained the corresponding digital controller after selecting a reasonable sample time .

  2. 具有在线修改采样时间、控制算法、控制参数、图形显示功能。

    There are some functions as modify sample time or modify controller 's parameters on line and display .

  3. Step7中PID模块采样时间的正确使用

    The Rightly Use of Sampling Time of PID Model in Step 7

  4. 每时间点采样时间为5s。

    The sampling time for each time point was 5 s.

  5. 采样时间对ANDERSEN采样器采样效果的影响

    Impact of Sampling Time on Sampling Effect of ANDERSEN Sampler

  6. 研究结果显示:取采样时间间隔约为2ms时,辨识效果好;

    The study shows that , higher accuracy can be achieved when sample interval is about 2 ms.

  7. 建立了蒸发器&电子膨胀阀过热度模糊控制仿真系统,通过仿真分析了量化因子、比例因子及不同的采样时间,对控制效果及参数设置的影响、模糊控制与PID的控制效果比较;

    A dynamic simulation model for the control of superheat by the electrical expansion valve has been established . Base on this model , parameter setting , sampling time and Comparison of Fuzzy control with PID control are discussed .

  8. 因为轮询的时间间隔决定了采样时间,所以了解循环服务的最大轮询间隔时间对Profibus用户来说是十分重要的。

    Because the polling-interval determines the data sampling interval , it is important for profibus user to be able to know the maximum polling-interval of a cyclic service .

  9. 在室内用ANDERSEN生物粒子采样器进行了不同采样时间对采集空气细菌和真菌粒子浓度、粒数中值直径效果的研究。

    The impact of sampling time on concentration of collected bacterium , fungus particles and mid-value diameter of particle number are studied by ANDERSEN bioparticle sampler in lab.

  10. ARM单片机还要将在相应采样时间段采样的数据及时的传送给程控主机,有其进行更加精确的分析和计算,最终以良好的人机界面的形式将结果呈现子在操作员得面前。

    ARM single-chip microcomputer and in the corresponding period sampling sampled data of timely transfer to the program host , have the more accurate analysis and calculation , the final with human-computer interface form will show the son in the operator must face .

  11. 结果表明:未成熟合子胚的采样时间(发育程度)、2,4-D和6-BA的浓度极显著影响红松愈伤组织的诱导率。

    The results showed that the sampling time ( maturity ) of immature zygotic embryos , concentration of 2,4-D and 6-BA had a significant effect on induction rates of callus .

  12. 实验结果表明:在相同采样时间内,3个不同生境类型的采样站PFU原生动物的群集速度及个体丰度存在明显差异;

    The differences in species richness , individual abundance and rates of PFU protozoan colonization at three sampling sites with the different habitat conditions are described .

  13. 通过寻求采样时间序列线性组合的kurtosis系数的局部极值,得出该算法的模型和步骤。

    By seeking the local extrema of the kurtosis coefficients of a linear combination of the sampled time series , the model and the process of this algorithm were obtained .

  14. 本文运用随机过程建立基于PROFIBUS-DP周期和非周期通信的数学模型,分析误码率和非周期通信对系统循环时间(采样时间)影响。

    This paper founds the periodic and aperiodic commission model based PROFIBUS-DP with Stochastic process , and analyzes that the error bit rate and aperiodic commission impact the system cycle time ( sampling time ) .

  15. 组合变流器相移SVM技术的调制方法,就是将各变流器单元的采样时间错开,使得各变流器单元使用相同的SVM算法,相邻变流器单元间的采样时间相差2π/(KN)的角度。

    The modulation method for multi modular phase shifted SVM technique is to stagger the sampling time of each converter unit , and to make the sampling time of the adjacent converter unit deviate by 2 π / ( KN ) .

  16. 讨论了实现A/D转换的PTS具体操作,包括采样时间的设定、采样通道的选择及相应的中断请求等;

    The ( concrete ) PTS operation to perform A / D conversion is discussed , in which the set of sampling time , choice of sampling channel and corresponding interrupt request etc are concluded .

  17. 针对控制系统存在的VSC电压输出能力限制、PI控制器积分饱和现象和离散采样时间延迟问题,提出了相应的解决方法,推导了其电流内环控制器与功率外环离散控制器的设计原则。

    VSC voltage limiter , anti-windup controller , Smith predictor are selected to solve the corresponding problems of discrete-time controller . The detail design principles of inner current loop controller and the outer power loop controller are deduced . 3 .

  18. 结果表明:对2δ法CDS电路,只要选择合适的采样时间,不仅能有效地消除KTC噪声,而且对低频噪声及其它白噪声也有不同程度的抑制。

    As is concluded , only with suitable sampling time , 2 δ CDS circuit can not only remove KTC noises effectively , but also restrain low frequency noises and other white noises to an extend .

  19. 在互信息与非线性理论的基础上,本文针对不同流型状态下的多通道采样时间序列进行分析,得到了信息传输ITM矩阵。

    On the basis of mutual information and nonlinear theory , we analyzed the different time serials of six channels at different regimes and got the information transform matrix ( ITM ) .

  20. 研究了取样流速、相对湿度、采样时间(吸收体积)以及氚的浓度对吸收效率和回收率的影响,并测定了在催化氧化剂上HT的转化效率。

    The interference of absorption efficiency and recovery by sampling rate , relative humidity ( R. H. ) , sampling time ( absorbed volume ) and tritium concentration in air were studied . The conversion efficiency of HT on oxidized catalyst has been measured .

  21. 通过建立ADC及前向通道的等效模型及推导,在保证ADC的转换精度下,推出ADC的采样时间与信号放大电路输出阻抗的匹配关系,得到ADC最合适的采样频率。

    This paper sets up the equivalent model of ADC and frontal channel , and determines the relation of the ADC sampling time and the value of the external driving source resistance to provide a desired ADC conversion accuracy , and an appropriate sampling frequency is inferred .

  22. 在相同采样时间和地点,PFU人工基质能够采集到比自然基质更为多的原生动物种类,从而进一步证实了PFU方法应用在原生动物群落多样性研究上的优势作用。

    Based on analysis and comparison , PFU can collect more protozoan species than natural substrates do . The results of this research provide further evidence that the PFU method offers the advantages of sampling protozoa , compared with other routine collecting methods .

  23. 本文介绍的矢量控制系统,采用一台Z-80单板机和二个Z-80扩展CPU单元,有效地解决了目前的八位微处理机运算速度慢与在矢量控制系统中采样时间短及运算最大的问题。

    In this paper , a vector control system using one z-80 Single board microcomputer and two Z-80 CPU units is presented . This system has effectively solved the problems between slow calculation rate of presents bit microcomputer and short sampling time and complex calculation in a vector control system .

  24. 结果表明,不同采样时间下的单级吸附管的吸附效率均在90%以上,采样40min时的相对标准偏差为5%左右。

    The result showed that the adsorption efficiencies of single-stage adsorption at different sampling times were all above 90 % , and that the relative standard deviation was about 5 % at a sampling duration of 40 min.

  25. 本文介绍在某工程上应用的上海天文台工程型氢频标10ms级频率稳定度的改善措施和在采样时间为10ms时,对氢频标频率稳定度测量的结果。

    The paper mainly describes how to improve frequency stability of H-maser frequency standard , which is used in the field of engineering , for an averaging time of 10ms at Shanghai Observatory . The result of its frequency stability for an averaging time of 10ms is obtained .

  26. 对建筑日照计算中采样时间间隔参数问题的探讨

    Discussions on the Sampling Time Interval in Sunshine Computation of Buildings

  27. 色谱工作站采样时间的迭代计算

    The Iterative Calculation of Data Acquisition Time in Chromatography Workstation

  28. 它说的应该是采样时间必须离散。

    All sample times for this block must be discrete .

  29. 时均流速与采样时间的长短有关;

    The time - averaged velocity is related to the sampling duration .

  30. 不同采样时间对常规分析结果的比较试验

    Comparative Experiments about Routine Analysis Effected by Different Sampling Times