
chóng jiē
  • Reconnection;reclosing;reset;halved joint
重接[chóng jiē]
  1. 观察了不同剂量γ线照射后DNA链断裂的重接修复。

    The rejoining of DNA strand breaks induced by γ - irradiation was investigated at different doses .

  2. 衰老过程中大白鼠脾细胞的DNA单链断裂与重接能力的变化

    Studies of DNA Single Strand Breaks and Rejoining After UV Irradiation of Rat Spleen Cells During Aging

  3. 本文用荧光法测定DNA修复过程中DNA单链的断裂及重接能力与衰老的关系。

    We have studied the relationship between DNA repair efficiency and aging by fluorescence assay for detecting DNA single strand breaks .

  4. TNT体外大鼠白内障模型中的DNA单链断裂及其重接修复的研究

    Study on DNA Single Strand Breaks and Its Religation in TNT-Cataract in vitro

  5. 丙线引起的哺乳动物细胞DNA单链断裂的检测与重接修复机制

    The detection of (?) - ray induced DNA single strand breaks and the study on the mechanism of their repair in mammalian cells

  6. 目前已鉴定的这一基因家族的多数成员均参与几种重要的DNA修复途径,包括碱基切除修复、同源重组修复和非同源末端重接。

    Most members of the XRCC genes family participated in several DNA repair pathways , including base excision repair , homologous recombination repair and non-homologous end joining .

  7. DSB片段重接一半所需要的时间(t1/2)与剂量有关,剂量越大,t1/2越长。

    The higher the dose is , the longer the time is .

  8. 哺乳动物细胞DNA辐射损伤与修复的研究Ⅰ.γ-线引起人外周血转化淋巴细胞DNA链的断裂与重接

    Studies on radiation-induced DNA damage and its repair in mammalian cells & ⅰ . γ - ray-induced DNA strand breaks and its rejoining in transformed lymphocytes from human circulating blood

  9. 马蔺子甲素对γ线照射的S-180V肿瘤细胞DNA单链断裂重接的抑制作用

    The inhibition of γ - ray induced DNA single strand break rejoining in s-180v tumor cells by radio-sensitizer irisquinone

  10. 过热对细胞DNA辐射损伤与修复的影响Ⅱ过热对受照L(7712)细胞DNA链断裂与重接的影响

    THE EFFECTS OF HYPERTHERMIA ON RADIATION-INDUCED DNA DAMAGE AND ITS REPAIR ⅱ & The Effects of Hyperthermia on Radiation-Induced DNA Single Strand Breaks and Rejoining In L_ ( 7712 ) cells

  11. α-粒子诱发BEP2D细胞癌变系的DNA断裂重接修复缺陷与XRCCs修复基因mRNA表达研究

    The studies of DNA double-strand break ( DSB ) rejoining and mRNA expression of repair gene XRCCs in malignant transformed cell lines of human bronchial epithelial cells generated by α - particles

  12. 本文探讨了ADP&核糖基转移酶(ADPRT)的活性、DNA单链断裂(SSB)重接和细胞潜在致死质损伤修复(PLDR)三者的关系。

    In this paper a close relationship among the activity of ADP-ribose transf-erase ( ADPRT ), rejoining of DNA single strand breaks ( SSB ) and potentially lethal damage repair ( PLDR ) in mouse tumor cells has been demonstrated .

  13. 通过对小鼠S-180腹水瘤细胞DNA单链断裂及其重接的测定和细胞质膜对~(50)CrO4~(2-)通透性的测定,探讨了光敏剂血卟啉衍生物(HPD)是否对X线增敏的问题。

    By the estimation of the single strand breaks ( SSB ) of DNA and their rejoining and by the measurement of the changes in cell membrane permeability , the sensitization effect of hematoporphyrin derivatives ( HPD ) on X-ray irradiation in S-180 tumor cells was studied .

  14. 三级重接炮点火控制系统设计

    The Ignition Control System Design of A 3-stage Reconnection Gun

  15. 电磁炮主要包括导轨炮、线圈炮和重接炮。

    Electromagnetic gun includes rail gun , coil gun and reconnection gun .

  16. 你得重接电线了。

    You 're just gonna have to do some rewiring .

  17. 他表示一次重接手续可能耗时数小时。

    He says a reattachment operation can take many hours .

  18. 我来看看能不能给你重接。

    One moment . please . I 'll get that number for you .

  19. 本文介绍了重接炮的工作原理,设计了一套多级重接炮的发射控制方案和速度测量系统。

    The principle of reconnection gun is introduced .

  20. 手术需要重接神经、血管和肌腱,全部在显微镜下完成。

    It 's done under a microscope , reattaching nerves and arteries and tendons .

  21. 想调高,就要重接电控装置。

    You wanna richen her up , you 're gonna have to remap the ecu .

  22. 一种线圈-重接混合型电磁发射器的设计与仿真

    Design and Simulation of a Coil-Reconnection Electromagnetic Launcher Model and Simulated Optimization of Three-Staged Electromagnetic Launcher

  23. 外科医生可能会在首个关节以下重接指头。

    A surgeon may try to reattach a fingertip that is cut off below the first joint .

  24. 小鼠乳癌细胞辐射敏感突变株SX-9DNA双链断裂及其重接修复研究

    Studies on DNA DSB and its rejoining repair in a mutated radiosensitive mouse mammary cancer cell line , sx-9

  25. 辐射诱发人染色体初始断裂端相互作用的分析Ⅰ.重接(修复)时间

    Analysis of the interaction between the primary breaks induced by γ - ray radiation in human chromosomes in vitro i.rejoining time

  26. 重接型电磁发射作为电磁发射的一种重要形式,在很多领域内有着很好的发展前景。

    The reconnection gun , as an important form of electromagnetic launch , has a good development foreground in many fields .

  27. 校园收集信息的平安问题此刻朴重接影响着黉舍的教学勾当和学生的小我隐私的平安。

    The safety of the campus network information is now a direct impact on classroom teaching and student 's personal privacy .

  28. 艾瑞卡:就是,现在我们轻松地坐在这儿,但不久前,你还在重接别人的脊髓。

    Well , here we sit , devil may care , just a little while agoyou were reattaching someone 's spinal cord .

  29. 事实上,光的网关,并通过开放的进展,标志着流媒体是我们的登陆和重接与各位完成必要的。

    The fact that the gateways of Light are open and streaming through signifies progress that is necessary for the completion of our landings and reconnections with all of you .

  30. 本文首先论述了电磁发射技术在国内外的发展历程及现状,对轨道炮、线圈炮、重接炮这三种典型的电磁发射装置进行了简单的对比和分析。

    First , the paper reviews the present situation and course of development of technique of electromagnetic launching in aspects of domestic and abroad , simply compares and analyzes three typical types of electromagnetic launchers – coilgun , railgun and reconnection gun .