
chónɡ xīn jìn rù
  • reenter
  1. 当线程等待监控锁进入或重新进入同步阻塞时会发生阻塞事件。

    Blocks occur when a thread is waiting for a monitor lock to enter or reenter a synchronized block .

  2. 目的探讨灵芝孢子能否促进受维甲酸诱导,而停滞在G0/G1期的胚胎神经管神经上皮细胞重新进入细胞周期循环,继续增殖和分化,减少神经管畸形的发生。

    Objective To explore whether ganoderma spores could help the neural epithelial cell of embryonic neural tube stagnated by retinoic acid in G-0 / G-1 phase reenter the cell cycle , keep on proliferating and differentiating , and could reduce the occurrence of neural tube defects ( NTDs ) .

  3. 卫星重新进入大气层,烧成灰烬。

    The satellite re-entered the atmosphere and burned up

  4. 当一个离了婚的女人重新进入约会和浪漫的世界时,她很可能有种回到从前的错觉。

    When a divorced woman re-enters the world of dating and romance , she 's likely to feel as though she has entered a time warp .

  5. 宇宙飞船重新进入地球大气层时烧毁了。

    The spacecraft burned up when it re-entered the earth 's atmosphere .

  6. 这样当我们下飞机的时候就不会再感到精疲力尽了,而是感觉恢复了活力,准备好重新进入工作区了。

    And when we get off the plane , instead of being depleted , we feel recovered and ready to return to the performance zone .

  7. 几年前,当我在结束了十余年的独立工作后重新进入全职职场时,我最为期待的一件事,就是再一次有机会拥有工作伙伴。

    When I re-entered the full-time workforce a few years ago after a decade of solitary self-employment , there was one thing I was looking forward to the most : the opportunity to have work friends once again .

  8. 带有标签的continue会到达标签的位置,并重新进入紧接在那个标签后面的循环。

    A labeled continue goes to the label and re-enters the loop right after that label .

  9. 卡梅伦坐在店外明媚的阳光下喝茶,随后重新进入TheSandwichBox与一名叫乔希•金的少年合影。

    He sat outside in the sunshine before heading back inside The Sandwich Box to pose for a photograph with teenager Josh King .

  10. 由于传统的输出队列交换结构具有较差的可扩展性,所以输入队列(IQ)交换结构又重新进入了人们的视线,并且得到了越来越广泛的使用。

    Because traditional output queued switches have poor scalability , IQ structure become widely used .

  11. 凯雷去年以8.9亿美元的价格将台湾宽频通讯出售给麦格理银行,而今年又以大约10亿美元获得东森媒体科技(EasternMultimedia)控股权,从而重新进入有线电视市场。

    Carlyle last year sold Taiwan Broadband to Macquarie for $ 890m and this year re-entered the market by acquiring a controlling stake in Eastern Multimedia for about $ 1bn .

  12. 最后要添加的是MobileSafari用户选择退出手机视图然后选择重新进入的机制。

    The last thing to add is a mechanism for Mobile Safari users to opt out of the mobile view and then opt back in .

  13. 臭氧层破坏和全球变暖给人类生存的环境造成了破坏,自然工质CO2由于其良好的特性又重新进入人们的视野。

    Ozone depletion and global warming could cause serious environmental problem . Natural refrigerant CO2 enters into our horizon again owing to its benign and environmental behavior .

  14. 美国零售商百思买(bestbuy)就是一个绝佳的例子:该公司正设法重新进入中国市场,此前,该公司在中国的自有品牌门店曾不光彩地遭遇失败,今年已全部关闭。

    Best buy , the US retailer , is a perfect example : it is looking for a way to re-enter the Chinese market after failing ignominiously with its own-brand stores , which were closed this year .

  15. 这表明华北太古代的构造体制有可能使大量地壳物质重新进入地幔从而保持ε(Nd)值的恒定。

    These observations suggest that the tectonic regime in the Archaean would cause large quantities of continental material to enter into the mantle , thus maintaining a fairly constant value of ε Nd .

  16. 所有QUE作用组的细胞活力均在85%以上,移去QUE后,RPE细胞能重新进入细胞周期继续增殖。

    The viability of RPE cells of all groups were over 85 % and RPE cells could go to CDC again and proliferate after elution of QUE .

  17. 因此,DeBurca说,有关机构鼓励社区建立当地的儿童保护委员会,并为重新进入社会的儿童负责。

    For that reason , agencies are encouraging communities to form local child protection committees and take responsibility for the children that have re-entered society , De Burca says .

  18. 昨日公布的里昂证券(CLSA)中国采购经理人指数,与上周的官方调查一样,显示大幅上升,表明中国制造活动重新进入扩张状态。

    Yesterday 's CLSA purchasing managers index for China , like the official survey last week , showed a sharp rise to bring Chinese manufacturing back into expansion mode .

  19. 对现有的Snort入侵检测添加一个异常检测模块,同时对未匹配出来的数据并不丢弃,而是重新进入训练集,训练新的规则。

    While adding an abnormal detection module for the existing Snort intrusion detection , it is not to discard the unmatched data but make it re-enter the training set for training the new rules .

  20. 以战争赔偿重新进入东南亚市场;

    Reentering the Southeast Asia marketplace by way of war reparations ;

  21. 同时心里计划着,决心再重新进入到那个世界里去。

    Resolve upon a plan for plunging into that world anew .

  22. 再按「确定」及重新进入网站。

    Press the " Confirm " button and re-enter the website .

  23. 你认为你做好重新进入社会的准备了吗?

    Do you feel you 're ready to re-enter society ?

  24. 再生池再生好的沸石污泥重新进入吸附池。

    The regenerated zeolite sludge entered the adsorption pond again .

  25. 重新进入神圣精神的寓言:弗莱作为先知的研究

    The Fable of Recognition : A Study of Northrop Frye as a Prophet

  26. 当重新进入数据访问层时,它需要重新连接到实体管理器。

    It needs to be reattached when it reenters the data access tier .

  27. 旅游加勒比海后,再重新进入美国需要护照?

    Need passport to re-enter USA from caribbean ?

  28. 每年约一颗五吨或更大的卫星重新进入大气层。

    About one satellite five metric tons or larger re-enters the atmosphere every year .

  29. 加油的时候不要重新进入汽车。

    Don 't re-enter the car while fueling .

  30. 冷却后的水又重新进入发动机,再把发动机中的热量传导出去。

    The cooled water then reenters the engine , where it can pick up more heat .