
  • 网络Diamond Crystalloid
  1. 辽宁天然金刚石晶体缺陷的X射线形貌研究

    X-ray topographic study of crystal defects in natural diamonds from Liaoning

  2. 人造金刚石晶体缺陷的同步辐射X射线衍射形貌像浅析

    Study on Crystal Defects in Synthetic Diamond with Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Diffraction Topography

  3. 人造金刚石晶体中微观杂质的TEM分析

    TEM Investigation on Micro inclusions Contained in Synthetic Diamond Single Crystal

  4. 人造金刚石晶体形态及表面结构的SEM研究

    Crystal Shapes and Surface Structures of Synthetic Diamonds

  5. 本文利用透射X射线衍射形貌术研究辽宁天然金刚石晶体缺陷的问题。

    This paper is concerned with crystal defects in natural diamonds from Liaoning using transmission X-ray topography .

  6. 通过晶体的颜色、X射线衍射以及Raman光谱可以初步断定合成出的金刚石晶体中确实含有硼元素。

    The presence of boron was primarily ascertained by the color of crystal , X-ray diffraction and Raman spectrum .

  7. 该金刚石晶体呈菱形十二面体,其同步辐射X射线劳埃图上大部分斑点分别分布在5条主晶带上。

    The diamond is dodecahedron , and most of its diffraction spots on the Laue X-ray pattern are distributed on five main crystal zones respectively .

  8. 利用同步辐射X射线对人造金刚石晶体缺陷进行了形貌学研究,实验采用了透射(劳埃)形貌术和反射形貌术两种方法。

    Crystal defects in a synthetic diamond were studied by synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction topography , including projection ( Laue ) and surface reflection topographies .

  9. 采用扫描电镜的ECP技术分析人工合成金刚石晶体中的晶体缺陷

    Evalution of the Crystal Defects in Synthetic Diamond by ECP Technique of SEM

  10. 本文以Griffith微裂纹理论为基础,认为对金刚石晶体颗粒进行表面氧化处理,使表面微裂纹钝化或消除.可以增强金刚石单晶颗粒强度和韧性。

    Based on the Griffith theory , this paper suggested that the compressive strength of diamond can be enhanced by means of surface oxidation .

  11. 并依此建立了评价金刚石晶体各晶面中任意方向研磨难易程度的PBC模型。

    According to this interpretation , a PBC model is built to evaluate the extent of hard lapping in different orientations on different crystal planes in diamond .

  12. 所得的X射线透射劳埃图上大部分斑点分别分布在四条主晶带上,经分析发现,该金刚石晶体主要的晶体缺陷为位错,并推导出晶体内部存在Frank不全位错。

    Most of those diffraction spots on the Laue X-ray pattern of the synthetic diamond are distributed on four main crystal zones respectively . The main type of crystal defects in this sample are dislocations , and some of them belong to the Frank type .

  13. 其次,在同一工艺下可以合成出品质相同的金刚石晶体。Fe-Ni-C-B系高温高压合成含硼金刚石单晶的工艺与机理研究

    Second , the diamonds with the same quality can be reduplicated under identical techniques . Study on Synthesis Technology and Mechanism of Boron-doped Diamond Single Crystal in Fe-Ni-C-B System under HPHT

  14. 金刚石晶体生长速率与过压的关系

    The Dependence of Diamond Crystal Growth Rate on the Excess Pressure

  15. 特殊类型含硼、氮金刚石晶体的结构、性质与应用

    Structure , performance and application of special type boron - nitrogen diamond

  16. 溶液中金刚石晶体生长的第三种驱动力

    An especial driving force of diamond crystal growth in solution

  17. 关于人造含硼金刚石晶体结构及抗氧化性的研究

    Study on the crystal structure and oxidation resistance of boron-doped synthetic diamond

  18. 合成金刚石晶体缺陷的同步辐射形貌研究

    Synchrotron Radiation Topographic Study of Crystal Defects in Synthetic Diamond

  19. 所生成的金刚石晶体同时以二维台阶和螺旋台阶方式生长。

    The transformed diamond crystal grows out of two-dimensional step and screwy step .

  20. 含硼触媒对合成的金刚石晶体结构和热稳定性的影响

    Influence of Boron-doped Catalyst on Crystal Structure and Thermal Stability of Synthetic Diamond

  21. 杂质的存在也直接影响金刚石晶体缺陷的形成;

    Impurities either influence the formation of crystal defects .

  22. 利用同步辐射对合成金刚石晶体中面状缺陷进行了形貌学研究。

    Planar crystal defects in a synthesized diamond were studied by synchrotron radiation topography .

  23. 当压力有明显的波动时,金刚石晶体出现层状结构甚至间断生长。

    Diamonds with laminated and even discontinuous growth are manufactured at strikingly fluctuating pressures .

  24. 金刚石晶体包裹层对提高金刚石压缩强度的计算

    Effect of the Diamond Surface Layer on Improving the Compressive Strength of the Diamond Crystals

  25. 金刚石晶体和薄膜在基底边缘的生长特性

    Growing properties of the diamond crystals and the polycrystalline films on the edges of substrate

  26. 晶格的力学稳定性研究金刚石晶体的两种结构

    Mechanical stability of crystal lattice

  27. 溶剂作用下金刚石晶体生长的驱动力通常有两种。

    Two kinds of driving forces are acting definitively in diamond crystal growth processes in metallic solutions ;

  28. 使用预制的单晶模板或者从原始图像中选择模板进行匹配,可以快速对金刚石晶体类型进行分类,并统计出匹配的晶体数目。

    The diamond crystal type can be classified quickly , and the matched crystal number can be counted .

  29. 金刚石晶体具有很强的各向异性,不同的晶面上乃至同一晶面不同方向上的机械性能差异明显。

    Mechanical properties in different crystal planes even in different orientations of the same plane are obviously different .

  30. 分析了金刚石晶体中杂质的微观结构、化学成分组成、晶体结构及其可能形成的原因。

    The microstructure , chemical composition , crystal structure and the reason for the micro inclusions formation were analyzed .