
  • 网络jinkui shenqi pill;jingui shenqi pill;Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan;golden cabinet kidney qi pills
  1. 金匮肾气丸治疗CNP作用机理可能与提高机体免疫力,调节前列腺局部免疫功能,降低前列腺内炎症细胞因子、减轻炎细胞浸润、抑制纤维组织增生和恢复前列腺分泌功能有关。

    Jinkui Shenqi pill plus Astragalus to treat CNP mechanism may improve immunity , regulate prostate local immune function , reduce inflammatory cytokines within the prostate , reducing infiltration of inflammatory cells , inhibit proliferation of fibrous tissue and restoration of prostate secretory function .

  2. 中成药有:金鹿丸、金匮肾气丸、多鞭精、鹿茸片等。

    Proprietary Chinese medicines are : Deer pills , Jinkui Shenqi Pill , multi-whip refined , deer horn and films and so on .

  3. A组采用温脾汤,B组采用金匮肾气丸(汤),两组均以3周为一疗程,观察两个疗程。

    Treat A group with Warming Spleen Decoction , treat B group with Kidney-Qi Bolus and observe for two periods that 3 weeks is a period .

  4. 结论:提高机体抗DNA损伤能力可能是金匮肾气丸延缓衰老作用的主要机理所在。

    CONCLUSION : The mechanism of this pill in preventing aging lies in its effect in enhancing the body 's ability to prevent DNA damage .

  5. 金匮肾气丸治男性不育症临床观察

    Clinical observation of Jinkui Shenqi Wan in treating male infertility

  6. 金匮肾气丸颗粒治疗强直性脊柱炎的临床疗效研究

    Clinical Efficacy Study of Treatment of Ankylosing Spondylitis with Golden Chamber Kidney-qi Pill

  7. 结论聚维酮碘软膏和金匮肾气丸治疗糖尿病足疗效显著。

    Conclusion Povidone Iodine Ointment and Jinkui Shenqi pills markedly effect on diabetes foot .

  8. 结论:金匮肾气丸对糖尿病大鼠有抗过氧化损伤的作用。

    Effect of anti peroxidation in diabetic rat .

  9. 金匮肾气丸对肾病综合征脾肾阳虚证患者激素撤减的疗效

    Effect of Jinkui Shenqi Bolus during Hormone Withdrawal in Nephrotic Syndrome Patients with Yang Deficiency of Spleen and Kidney

  10. 金匮肾气丸对庆大霉素肾和耳损害保护作用组织病理学研究

    Histopathological Study on the Protecting Effect of Golden Chamber Pill for Reinforcing Kidney Qi on Injuries of Kidney and Ear by Gentamicin

  11. 方法:应用血浆尿素氮、血浆肌苷、脑干诱发电位、肾脏组织病理和耳蜗铺片观察金匮肾气丸对庆大霉素所致豚鼠肾和耳损害的影响。

    Method : To observe changes in plasma urea nitrogen , plasma inosine , brain stem induced potential , kidney tissue pathology and cochlea .

  12. 目的:观察金匮肾气丸在肾病综合征患者激素撤减阶段的临床疗效。

    Objective : To observe the curative efficacy of Jinkui Shenqi Bolus ( JKSQB ) in treating nephrotic syndrome ( NS ) during hormone withdrawal .

  13. 一是,金匮肾气丸或右归丸,每日清晨、晚间用淡盐水送下。

    It is , golden deficient kidney enrages bolus or right put in bolus 's charge , daily early morning , evening sends with weak brine .

  14. 目的:观察金匮肾气丸对庆大霉素所致豚鼠肾和耳损害的影响。

    Objective : To observe effect of Golden Chamber Pill for Reinforcing Kidney Qi on injuries of kidney and ear in the guinea pigs caused by gentamicin .

  15. 方法:通过迫使雄性小鼠频繁交配以诱导房事不节,每日游泳以诱导劳倦过度,复制房事不节、劳倦过度肾阳虚模型,对治疗组小鼠应用金匮肾气丸进行治疗。

    Methods : It is used by excess sexual activity and tired excessiveness to establish the male mouse model with kidney yang deficiency , and then to treat the male mouse of the treatment group with Jin Gui Shen Qi Bolus .

  16. 方法实验分模型组、治疗组和对照组,通过猫吓鼠法与水面悬吊应激法相结合建立小鼠肾虚证动物模型,对治疗组小鼠进行中药金匮肾气丸的治疗。

    Methods The experiment included the model group , treating group and control group . The mouse model of kidney deficiency was induced by the methods of using the cat to frighten the mouse and suspending the mouse over the water .

  17. 分析原因:心理的改变可能需要更长的时间,且其受多种因素的影响,可能需要许多干预措施的共同参与,凭借服用金匮肾气丸可能不会出现很好的改善作用。

    This may be due to the psychological problems of improvement is complicated and lengthy process needs a variety of factors of joint participation , only by taking the jin kui shen qi wan cannot have the overall improvement action . 4 .

  18. 设置组别:青年大鼠为正常对照组,14只,自然衰老大鼠分为模型对照组、金匮肾气丸组、缩泉丸低、中、高剂量组,14只/组。

    The Setting groups were as follows : young rats were regarded as normal control group and natural aging rats were divided into model control group , Jinkui Sheni Pill , SQW low dose group , SQW middle dose group and SQW high dose group on average .

  19. 《金匮》肾气丸为温补肾阳之剂,乃阴阳兼顾,阴中求阳,益肾生气,温补肾阳之总方。

    Being a prescription for warming kidney yang , this pill gives consideration to both yin and yang .