
  • 网络Jinhua Pig
  1. myogeninmRNA丰度在金华猪和长白猪背最长肌中的表达

    Myogenin mRNA abundance in longissimus dorsi muscle of Jinhua pig and Landrace pig

  2. 在亚洲,中国的北京黑和金华猪及越南的蒙开猪(MongCai)都是很普遍的品种。

    In Asia , the Beijing Black and the Jinhua pig from China and the Mong Cai from Vietnam are common .

  3. 我国地方猪种清平猪、小梅山猪、金华猪ESR基因B等位基因频率都较高,分别为0.884、0.744、0.617;

    The gene frequency of allele B in Qingping , small Meishan , Jinhua was 0.884 、 0.744 、 0.617 respectively .

  4. 以Logistic和Gompertz方程拟合90头金华猪生长肥育期的生长曲线。

    The growth curves of 90 grow-finishing Jinhua pigs were fitted by the equation of Logistic and Gompertz .

  5. 应用动物模型REML法估计金华猪生长性状遗传参数

    Genetic Parameter of Growth Traits Were Estimated Using Method of REML in Jinhua Sows

  6. CTSB基因对金华猪所有胎次的TNB影响显著(P<0.05),对所有胎次的NBA及BLW的影响都不显著(P>0.05);

    CTSB gene significantly influenced the TNB at the 0.05 level among the all parities of Jinhua pig , but not significantly influence the NBA and BLW for each parity ( P0.05 ) .

  7. ESR基因在金华猪Ⅰ系、Ⅱ系和Ⅲ系中的三个基因型频率AA、AB、BB分别为:0.0237、0.3609、0.6154,0、0.5333、0.4667和0.2909、0.6、0.1091;

    The genotypes frequencies of AA , AB , BB for ESR were 0.0237 , 0.3609 , 0.6154 for Jinhua pig line I ; 0 , 0.5333 , 0.4667 for Jinhua pig line II and 0.2909 , 0.6 , 0.1091 for Jinhua pig line III.

  8. 金华猪与皖南花猪单独聚成一类。

    The third cluster was Jinhua pig and Wannan Spotted pig .

  9. 金华猪六个主效基因遗传多样性的研究

    Study on the genetic diversity of Jinhua Pig by six major genes

  10. 金华猪胴体性状的通径分析及最优回归模型

    Path analysis and optimum regression mode of carcass traits for Jinhua Swine

  11. 金华猪生长激素基因多态性分析及生长曲线比较

    Polymorphism of growth hormone gene and fitting of growth equation in Jinhua pigs

  12. 金华猪心脏脂肪酸结合蛋白基因的多态性分析及其与繁殖性能的关系

    Investigation on Polymorphism of H-FABP Gene and Relationship with Reproductive Performances in Jinhua Pig

  13. 金华猪生长激素基因的多态性及其对经济性状的影响

    Polymorphism of Growth Hormone Gene and Its Effect on Economic Traits in Jinhua Pigs

  14. 金华猪生长曲线探讨

    Study on the growth curves of Jinhua pig

  15. 金华猪是我国著名的地方良种,是制作金华火腿不可或缺的优质原料。

    Jinhua-Pig is one of the famous endemic breeds in China and the excellent raw material of Jinhua-Ham .

  16. 通过比较发现,在金华猪日粮中添加1g/kg的PGS-Ⅳ,饲养效果较好。

    Comparative test shows that the feed added 1g / kg of PGS-IV , reaches the better result .

  17. 根据金华猪胴体分离资料进行了相关和多元回归分析,获得了根据不同胴体性状估计瘦肉率的估测公式。

    Multiple correlation and regression analysis were conducted based on the data concerning cutting carcass of Jinhua Pig . Formulas for estimating lean percentage from various carcass traits were derived .

  18. 生长速度是猪的重要经济性状。本文着重研究了影响金华猪生长速度的几个体尺性状。

    The present paper put emphasis on the study of Jinhua breeds regarding some of the traits of body measurements affecting growth rate which is an important economical character of swine .

  19. 我国地方优良地方品种猪金华猪肌内脂肪含量高、肉色红润,但是皮下脂肪含量高,生长缓慢。

    Jinhua pig , a Chinese local pig breeds showing excellent meat quality traits such as higher intramuscular fat content , better pork color but with thicker subcutaneous fat and slow growth rate .

  20. 在互补效应的研究中发现,单独添加中草药或有机铬制剂均能提高金华猪的日增重、降低料重比,并改善胴体品质。

    Finding of the study on supplementary effects is that added by Chinese herbal extracts or chromium preparation alone , Jinhua pig 's daily gain is raised , feed gain ratio reduced and carcass quality improved .

  21. 核心群经过七五期间的选育,胴体瘦肉率从46.25%提高到51.47%,这表明把金华猪改造成瘦肉型猪种是完全可能的。

    The carcass lean-meat percentage of the neuclear group has been raised from 46 . 25 % to 51 . 47 % through the selection breeding during the seventh 5-year plan period demonstrating the complete possibility of transforming Jinhua pig into a lean-meat one .

  22. 本论文在查阅了金华猪及国内外最新饲料添加剂有关文献的基础上,选择金华猪作为试验动物,研究了中草药与有机铬制剂对金华猪生产性能、胴体品质和肉质的影响。

    On the basis of consulting the latest literature about feed additive of Jinhua pig or from the internal and abroad , the thesis studies the influence of Chinese herbal extracts and chromium picolinate preparation on Jinhua pig 's producing performance , carcass and meat quality ;

  23. 本研究资料取自金华猪场1979&1999年金华猪的繁殖性能生产记录。

    The production record of reproductive performance of Jinhua swine from Jinhua swine farm during 1979 to 1999 were used to study .