
  1. (例外:慈廉区(theTuLiemDistrict)的河内博物馆(theHanoiMuseum),这幢由德国GMP建筑师事务所设计、建成四年的倒金字塔建筑给游客一种漂浮于景致之上的感觉。)

    ( An exception : the Hanoi Museum in the Tu Liem District ; the 4-year-old inverted pyramid by German architecture firm gmp , gives visitors the sense of floating over the landscape . )

  2. 由于玛雅人是出色的天文学家,有人认为他们还将这些金字塔建筑用作天文观象台。

    Since they were excellent astronomers , some think that they also used their pyramid structures as observatories .

  3. 家是一座简单的四角形金字塔,建筑在珊瑚石的基地上,上面没有竖立什么可以引起土人的贪心的铁架。

    It was a simple quadrangular pyramid , set on a coral base , with no ironwork to tempt the natives ' avarice .

  4. 北京欢乐谷玛雅餐厅为金字塔形建筑,采用斜撑、斜柱作为主承重结构的异形复杂结构体系。

    Maya restaurant in Beijing Happy Valley is a kind of pyramid building , and it 's main bearing members are slanting braces and columns .

  5. 设计理念源自亚洲唯一金字塔型现代建筑-乐居岭,结合精油香薰的芳疗功能,以利稳定、净化身心,提升生活品质。

    Inspired by the unique modern pyramid architecture in Asia-Lucky Valley , we design it with the function of aroma burner for steadiness , purification and better life .

  6. 位在阿肯色州地下城市之极为复杂的亚特兰蒂斯实验室正在进行这项工作,并利用其它水晶的能量,包括超次元的远距传送(译者:这与金字塔等大型建筑的建造有关)。

    An Atlantean laboratory of great sophistication existed in the subterranean city in Arkansas to work with this , and other utilization of crystal energies , including hyper-dimensional teleportation .

  7. 金字塔代表着埃及建筑的最高成就。

    The pyramid reporesents the suprem achievement of the Egyptian archtecture .