
  • 网络Kingston;Kingstone;Kinston;Kingstown
  1. 在美国成立了控股公司以出价竞购金斯顿通信公司。

    The US shell company was set up to mount a bid for Kingston Communications .

  2. 乘客可以在金斯顿上岸。

    Passengers may go ashore at kingston .

  3. 泰晤士河畔金斯顿镇,正如其名称所示,位于泰晤士河畔。

    Kingston-upon-Thames , as the name indicates , is situated on the banks of the Thames .

  4. 金斯顿有一些著名的大学。

    There are some famous universities in Kingston .

  5. 女王大学创建于1841年,是金斯顿最有名的大学。

    Queen ' s University , founded in 1841 , is more famous than any other university in Kingston .

  6. 其次是赫尔河畔金斯顿和黑潭。

    This was followed by Kingston-upon-Hull and Blackpool .

  7. 此前夏天,一个重15公吨的凝固的脂肪块堵塞了金斯顿的下水道。

    The summer before that , a 15-tonne lump of congealed fat clogged6 sewers in Kingston .

  8. 福田康夫就像一个被逼到围绳的拳击手,天普大学(TempleUniversity)研究亚洲问题的杰夫•金斯顿(JeffKingston)教授表示。

    Fukuda is like a boxer up against the ropes , said Jeff Kingston , professor of Asian studies at Temple University .

  9. Paul拥有加拿大金斯顿女王大学的计算机科学理学学士学位和理学硕士学位。

    Paul holds both a Master of Science degree and a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science from Queen 's University at Kingston , Canada .

  10. 金斯顿将其称为舒洁(kleenex)式的移民。

    Mr Kingston calls it the Kleenex approach to immigrants .

  11. 该展览将展出贾斯汀·G·希勒(JustinG.Schiller)收集的书籍和宣传材料,他是一位古董书商,与合作伙伴丹尼斯·M·V·大卫(DennisM.V.David)共同在纽约州金斯顿经营“板羽球”有限公司。

    The exhibition puts on display books and propaganda material from the collection of Justin G. Schiller , an antiquarian book seller who , with his partner , Dennis M. V. David , runs Battledore Ltd. in Kingston , N.Y.

  12. 我必须离开住在金斯顿镇的一位小姑娘。

    I had to leave a little girl in Kingston Town .

  13. 1841年的今天,女王大学在加拿大安大略省的金斯顿成立。

    1841-Queen 's University is founded in Kingston , Ontario , Canada .

  14. 去金斯顿饭店怎么样?

    Maybe we can go to the Kingston Restaurant .

  15. 加文·罗斯代尔和儿子金斯顿在洛杉矶。

    Musician Gavin Rossdale and his son Kingston are seen in Los Angeles .

  16. 金斯顿纽约州东南部一城市,位于哈得孙河边波基普西北面。

    A city of southeast New York on the Hudson River north of Poughkeepsie .

  17. 琼斯出生在牙买加金斯顿。

    Jones was born in Kingston , Jamaica .

  18. 这是盖文•罗斯戴尔在海滩上追逐自己的帅儿子&金斯顿。

    And here'Gavin Rossdale chasing his handsome son , Kingston , on the beach .

  19. 2004年,年轻的托马斯毕业于英国金斯顿大学的插画和动画专业。

    In2004 , young Thomas graduated from Kingston University , UK illustrator and animation professionals .

  20. 金斯顿在她的小说《女斗士》中表达了她的中国文化背景及美国的生活经历。

    H ? Kingston described her life in America in the background of both American culture and Chineae culture .

  21. 金斯顿表示:将道歉和对历史的承认外包给过去的政治家,是缺乏同理心和诚意的行为。

    The outsourcing of the apology and acknowledgment to former politicians lacks empathy and sincerity , said Mr Kingston .

  22. 现在在牙买加首都金斯顿鲍勃曾经居住过的地方,希望路56号,是鲍勃玛利的博物馆。

    There is a Bob Marley museum on Hope Road in Kingston , Jamaica , where he once lived .

  23. 日本实行的工人培训计划实际上就是雇用廉价工人的幌子,金斯顿表示。

    The trainee schemes that Japan has are essentially a cover for employing cheap workers , says Mr Kingston .

  24. 金斯顿说利比亚已经利用其在北非的地理优势为法国南部的许多炼油厂供应原油。

    Kingston says Libya has used its geographic position in North Africa to its advantage by supplying many refineries in southern France .

  25. 秋色如画的金斯顿和渥太华,白雪皑皑的埃德蒙顿,都是那样令人难忘。

    Autumn in Kingston and Ottawa were as beautiful as a painting and the snow covered western city of Edmonton was so impressive .

  26. 牙买加警方宣称,他们已在首都金斯顿郊区逮捕了毒枭嫌疑犯克里斯多夫·杜杜什·库克。

    Police in Jamaica say they have arrested suspected drug lord Christopher " Dudus " Coke on the outskirts of the capital , Kingston .

  27. 位居其后的是加文•罗斯戴尔和格温•史蒂芬尼的孩子,3岁的祖玛和5岁的金斯顿。

    Following the Beckham 's only girl are Gavin Rossdale and Gwen Stefani 's children , Zuma , three , and Kingston , five .

  28. 金斯顿表示,美国2001年遭受911袭击之后,全球都在加强安全,因此,这种看法可能没那么正确了。

    That may be less true since the global security clampdown that followed the attacks on the US on September 11 2001 , says Mr Kingston .

  29. 金斯顿表示,即便与此同时中日经贸关系逐步加深,但就政治层面而言,双方接触遭到忽视的程度达到了危险的水平。

    Even though economic relations were deepening over the same period , Mr Kingston says that , at a political level , contacts were dangerously neglected .

  30. 美国北卡罗来纳州金斯顿一根爬满葛藤的电线杆因酷似耶稣被钉十字架的形象而爆红。

    An image of Jesus Christ on the cross has been " seen " in a telephone pole covered in vines next to a motorway in Louisiana .