
  1. 网络金融是互联网环境下金融创新的产物。

    Network finance is the product of financial innovation under Internet environment .

  2. 该调查涵盖了金融、互联网和制造业在内的超过2800家企业。

    The survey polled more than 2800 enterprises in sectors including finance , internet and manufacturing .

  3. 2000年以来,我们已经目睹了两场金融危机互联网泡沫破裂,和当前的银行业危机。

    We have witnessed two financial crises the dotcom crash and the current banking disaster in the first decade of this century .

  4. 这种技术已经被普遍应用于金融,互联网,电信等行业,具有广泛的应用前景。

    The technique has a broad prospect of application that has been applied to kinds of industries like finance , internet and telecom .

  5. 不那么久以前,金融和互联网是紧密相连世界的最强大渠道,也是其明显象征。

    Not so long ago , finance and the internet were at once the most powerful channels , and visible symbols , of the interconnected world .

  6. 本文以金融和互联网理论为指导,根据目前互联网金融国内外现状,结合实际案例,为互联网金融业态发展现状和发展趋势展开行动研究。

    This paper , guided by the finance and internet theory , carries out an action research based on some instances of internet finance at home and abroad for the current trend of internet financial development .

  7. 研究与现实表明:证券业、保险业、银行业等金融业与互联网有着高度的相容性。

    Researches and facts has showed that Stock ^ Insurance and Bank have a strong compatibility with Internet .

  8. 支付网关是银行金融系统和互联网之间的接口,它是连接消费者、商家和银行的桥梁。

    Payment gateway is the interface between bank finance system and internet , which is a bridge linking consumers , businessmen and banks .

  9. 它们的主题各不相同,包括移民、可持续能源、高端金融界、互联网推动的创新和不可预见因素的影响力。

    They tackle topics as varied as immigration , sustainable energy , high finance , internet-fuelled innovation and the impact of the unforeseeable .

  10. 仅仅在过去十几年间,我就亲眼目睹了三场重大危机&亚洲金融危机,互联网泡沫破裂,及最近的全球经济危机。

    In a little over the past decade alone , I have been witness to three major crises – the Asian financial crisis , the dotcom bubble burst and the most recent global economic meltdown .

  11. 仅仅在过去十几年间,我就亲眼目睹了三场重大危机——亚洲金融危机,互联网泡沫破裂,及最近的全球经济危机。

    In a little over the past decade alone , I have been witness to three major crises - the Asian financial crisis , the dotcom bubble burst and the most recent global economic meltdown .

  12. 在韩国,蚂蚁金融参与设立的互联网银行也已经获得了初步批准。

    In South Korea , it has gained preliminary approval to establish an Internet bank .

  13. 在金融界可以通过互联网进行交易,在家上班的潮流正在金融界兴起。

    The tide of working in home has spread because the trade could be operated on the internet in the financial circles .

  14. 随着金融信息化建设和互联网的普及,我国的网上银行也得到了迅速的发展,2008年我国网上交易规模320.9万亿元,同比2007年增长30.6%。

    Furthermore , the construction of financial information and popularity of Internet enable Internet banking in China to develop rapidly . In 2008 , the volume of trade by Internet up to 320.9 billion , 30.6 % increase than that of 2007 .

  15. 金融创新、金融风险与我国金融监管模式研究互联网时代的金融再造与金融创新

    The Study of Financial Innovation , Risks and Supervision System in China Financial Restructure and Innovation

  16. 近年来,我国全面推进金融机构改革,加快利率市场化进程,在金融脱媒化、互联网金融、银行资本监管催化作用下,商业银行加快经营转型步伐。

    In recent years , comprehensively promote the reform of financial institutions in our country , accelerate the process of marketization of interest rate , the financial disintermediation , the Internet finance , bank capital regulation under the catalysis , Commercial Banks speed up the pace of business transformation .