
  • 网络Financial credit
  1. 本文选用Logistic实证模型建立供应链金融信用风险的评价模型,这将对于银行在控制供应链金融的信用风险上有较大的帮助。

    This paper chooses Logistic empirical model building supply chain finance credit risk evaluation model , which will for banks in control supply chain finance credit risks have great help .

  2. 基于朴素贝叶斯的供应链金融信用风险预测分析

    Supply Chain Finance Credit Risk Forecast Based on Plain Bayes

  3. 物流金融信用风险评估模型构建研究

    On Forming the Risk 's Appraisal Model of Logistics Finance

  4. 金融信用风险评估系统的实现和探讨

    Realization and Discussion of Financial Credit Risk Evaluation System

  5. 金融信用风险的表现及管理模型分析

    Risk of Financial Credit : Display and Regulation Patterns

  6. 此外,在环境支撑部分还设计了金融信用制度运行体系。

    Moreover , the paper also designs the operation system of financial credit system .

  7. 金融信用制度的建立和完善

    The Establishment and Perfection of Financial Credit System

  8. 法治语境下农村金融信用体系的构建&以行为主体为切入点

    Constructing the System of Rural Financial Credit In the Context of Rule by Law

  9. 构建金融信用档案体系

    Constructing the Credit Archival System of Finance

  10. 论构建中国金融信用

    The Construction in China Financial Credit

  11. 当前,我国农村金融信用环境不完善,其原因是多方面的。

    Presently , our country 's rural finance credit environment is bad , and its reason is various .

  12. 金融信用制度建设是一个系统工程,其核心制度主要包括征信制度、信用评级制度和信用管理体系。

    Financial credit system is a systematical project , its core system includes acquisition credit , judgment credit and administration credit system .

  13. 信托作为金融信用的一种形式,在整个社会经济生活中发挥着越来越大的作用。

    Being one form of the financial credit , Trust exerts more and more important influence in the whole life of social economy .

  14. 本文提出了建设中国金融信用制度的路径,主要包括金融信用制度建设的主导模式选择、环境支撑、市场主体建设和其他配套支持举措。

    The paper studies the establishment of China 's financial credit system including the model choice , environment support , market body and other subsidiary facilities .

  15. 我们应通过建立完整的农村金融信用体系、善农村金融信用环境,为构建和谐社会建设创造良好的社会环境。

    Through establishing integrity rural finance credit system and improving the rural finance credit environment , we 'll create a good social environment to construct the harmonious society .

  16. 金融信用失灵,必然会导致全社会经济秩序的混乱,因此,防范金融信用缺失就显得尤其重要。

    Malfunctioning of financial credit , will inevitably lead to the whole socioeconomic order in the chaos , and guard against financial loss on credit is particularly important .

  17. 文中分析了金融信用缺失的表现、原因,最后给出了防范金融信用缺失切实可行的建议。

    In the financial analysis of the performance of credit loss , the reasons for , and give credit to guard against financial loss of the practical recommendations .

  18. 你知道,在最近的调查中显示,人们发现,一些人更容易谈论他们的性生活,而不是他们的金融信用卡账单。

    You know , in the recent survey , people found that people , that some people more likely talk about their sex lives than their financial credit card bills .

  19. 认为中国金融信用制度建设分为启动期、完善期和成熟期三个阶段,每个阶段采取不同的主导模式;

    In this process three stages are put forward , they are the initiation period , the amelioration period and the maturity period with different dominant models in each period .

  20. 我国的金融信用环境恶化已对国内银行商业化运营机制的建立和中央银行的宏观调控产生了消极影响。

    The bad financial credit environment in our country has exerted negative influence upon the Chinese Commercial Banks in establishing their mechanism of operation and the macro control by the National Central Bank .

  21. 农村金融信用风险管理的三个目标是:农村金融机构可持续发展、农民有足够渠道获得生产经营所需贷款、政府支农资金得到有效利用。

    The 3 objectives of credit risk management in rural finance are : sustainable development of rural finance institutions , enough credit access for rural population , effective utilization of government subsidies to support agriculture .

  22. 对金融信用的规制还需要外部调控、约束和管理制度,通常是政府和自律组织为了防止失信行为泛滥、信用市场的无序竞争和不正当竞争而进行的调控、监督和管理制度。

    It needs a exterior adjusted , consrained and administrated system , namely the government and self-disciplined organization usually construct a adjusted , supervised , administrated system for preventing non-credit , out-of-order competition and unreasonable competition .

  23. 健全农村金融信用体系是法治社会的必然要求,法治社会的建设是快速完善农村金融信用的必要条件。

    The perfect rural finance credit system is the inevitably request in the society of rule by law , and constructing the society of rule by law is the essential condition to consummate the rural finance credit .

  24. 目前,金融信用缺失问题正严重地制约着我国经济的持续、稳定和健康发展。

    At present , the serious deficiency of financial creditability has caused the insufficient supply of financial creditability resources and the increasing cost of transactions , which is restraining the lasting , steady and healthy development of economy .

  25. 第四章按照指标选取的原则,在第三章得到供应链金融信用风险四个方面影响因素的基础上选取指标,构建了供应链金融信用风险评估指标体系。

    In chapter four , according to the principle of indicator selection , an index system SCF credit risk evaluation was built on the basis of SCF credit risk influencing factors in four aspects got in chapter three .

  26. 在此基础上,本文选择广东增城市为例进行农村金融信用探讨,在一定程度上为推动增城市农村金融业的发展提供了一定的借鉴。

    On this basis , this paper select Zengcheng city of Guangdong province as an example to the rural financial credit , to a certain extent , Zengcheng city , in order to promote the development of rural finance provides a certain reference .

  27. 第三章主要是对供应链金融信用风险的识别进行分析,分别从三个不同的供应链融资模式进行了讲解,即:应收账款模式、存货质押模式、预付账款模式。

    The analysis of how to recognize the financial credit crisis of supply-chain are the core element of chapter three , in this chapter , the explanation of supply-chain financing mode are outlined in three points respectively : receivable mode , inventories pledged mode , prepaid receivables mode .

  28. 首先本文对研究背景、意义及相关金融信用的理论进行了剖析,从理论角度对农村金融信用展开分析,为后文结合广东增城市农信信用的案例实证研究奠定了理论基础。

    First in this paper , the research background , significance and related theory of financial credit , analyzes from the Angle of theory of rural financial credit , as the later combining its credit of Guangzhou city , Guangdong case which lay a theoretical foundation for empirical research .

  29. 用Logistic模型的实证研究结果得到了我国金融租赁信用风险的判别方程,为我国金融租赁风险管理提供了方法上的一个模板。

    By the conclusion of positive study using Logistic Model , the credit risk discriminant of domestic financial leasing is gained , and we can use this template to progress our risk management .

  30. 本文的主要目的在于将KMV模型纳入金融机构信用风险评估中,以验证其有效性。

    The purpose of this study is to put the KMV Credit Monitor Model into a credit risk assessment model of financial institutions , and to demonstrate the effectiveness .