
  • 网络Financial credit;GMAC;LRXD
  1. 依据Zeta分析法、复审模型、分类和回归树、信贷风险模糊综合评价法对县域金融信贷风险进行实证分析。

    The county financial credit risk was empirically analyzed by Zeta analysis , review model , classification and regression trees , and credit risk fuzzy comprehensive evaluation .

  2. 加大金融信贷支持。

    The State will increase financial loans to the region .

  3. 金融信贷业对社会空间和物质空间的空间非均衡的影响;

    The impact of financial institute on social-spatial unbalance ;

  4. 小额金融信贷是为低收入群体提供融资、为贫困者服务的金融活动。

    Microfinance loan is a financial activity trying to finance the low-income group and help the impoverished .

  5. 合作,利用市场机制和金融信贷杠杆,以促进这项工作的住宅物业。

    Cooperation , the use of market mechanisms and financial credit leverage that work to promote residential properties .

  6. 房地产融资渠道多元化探析&基于我国金融信贷与房地产融资的实证分析

    The Analysis of Real Estate Financing Channel Multiplication & Demonstrational analysis based on finance credit and real estate financing

  7. 本文的重点是研究法兰那地区的农村金融信贷的效果和在减贫方面的贡献。

    This paper focuses on the impact of rural credit on beneficiaries and its contribution to poverty reduction in Faranah prefecture .

  8. 农村合作金融信贷风险控制与不良贷款处置&对山西尧都信用联社的案例分析

    The Credit Risk Control Innovation and Disposition of Bad-Debts in Rural Credit Cooperatives & A Case Analysis of Yao Du RCC

  9. 他说,中国政府拥有极大的力量,可以通过金融信贷、补贴以及居住许可政策将人们引导到政府青睐的地方。

    He says Beijing has enormous power to route people to favored locations through financial credit , subsidy and residence-permit policies .

  10. 推动老年住房消费,需要金融信贷与保险业的参与。

    It is an indisputable way that credit and insurance play roles in the process of promoting the elder 's housing consumption .

  11. 我们正在考察的方法包括旨在帮助这些项目提高效益的碳金融信贷。

    And the tools that we have been looking into include carbon credit financing in order to help these projects become more viable .

  12. 为了保证金融信贷业和市场经济的正常发展,必须严厉打击贷款诈骗罪。

    To ensure development of the financial industry and the market economy , we must try our best to crack down on Loan Frauds .

  13. 从以应收账款质押向银行贷款、商业票据及公司债发行、开办购车储蓄业务、汽车金融信贷资产证券化等方面建立有效的融资渠道等来解决融资问题;

    Opening more finance channels for automobile finance from banking loans 、 issuing Asset-backed securities 、 saving for cars and automobile finance asset securitization ;

  14. 要使我国中小企业融资难问题得到缓解,需要有新视野:一是要转换观念,实现金融信贷管理方式创新;

    New horizon is needed to relief it : first of all , changing concept is important to realize the innovation of financial credit management .

  15. 我国商业银行目前贷款经营管理水平较低,金融信贷管理法规有的地方已不适应形势需要。

    In our country commercial banks grant low managerial skill of the loan at present , financial credits manage regulation hardly meet the needs of situation .

  16. 在金融信贷不区分经济成分、银行与企业处于平等地位的市场经济条件下,民营企业贷款难的主要原因在企业,包括民营企业的规范管理问题、还款来源问题和还款意愿问题。

    On the condition of market - directed economy , the main causes lying in the establishment itself include standard management , repaying source and repayment willing .

  17. 第四,县域金融信贷风险控制是县域金融信贷风险管理的重要环节。

    County financial credit risk prevention program were designed . Fourth , the county financial credit risk control was essential in the county financial credit risk management .

  18. 该项目的目标是增加小规模的可再生能源体系&例如,生物质气化、椰子油生物燃料和小规模的风电,用为期一年的小额金融信贷加以支持。

    The initiative aims to increase small-scale renewable energy systems biomass gasification , coconut oil as biofuel and small-scale windpower , for example supported with one-year microfinance loans .

  19. 圣殿骑士团在西方积累的巨额财富、特别是其200年以来发展起来的庞大的金融信贷体系,使得其容易成为封建君主打击的对象。

    The enormous wealth which Templars accumulate in the west , especially the huge system of banking and credit , make they vulnerable to be attacked by feudal ruler .

  20. 船舶融资租赁作为一种崭新的船舶融资方式,是一种集租赁、买卖、金融信贷性质于一体的独立的交易。

    As one of the newest methods of ship financing , ship financial leasing is a unique business which has a multiple nature of leasing , vending and financial credit .

  21. 因而,必须在财政支农工作的增长机制、引导机制、支出结构、管理体制和金融信贷支持等方面进行必要的政策调整与机制创新。

    Thus , we should take some new measures to change this situation , especially in growing mechanism , guiding mechanism , the structure of expenditure and credit management system .

  22. 最后本文通过对信贷扩张与房地产价格国际经验的总结,试图对今后如何制定合理的金融信贷政策和产业发展政策提出一些有益的建议。

    Finally , this thesis attempts to provide some beneficial suggestions of financial credit and industrial development strategies through summarizing of internal experiences of credit expansion and real estate price .

  23. 一般而言,对农业的资金投入主要包括政府财政支农支出、农民自我投入和金融信贷资金。

    General speaking , the mainly funds devotion to agriculture includes the government public finance to pay the agriculture expenditure , the farmer ego devotion and finances to believe the loan funds .

  24. 这一过程的实现需要企业家人力要素和社会金融信贷机制的结合,从而实现要素的新组合,实现利润。

    The materialization of the economic process needs combination of entrepreneur human resource and the mechanism of social finance and credit , thereby bringing about new combinations of resources and realizing economic profits .

  25. 当前出台的一系列金融信贷政策,提高了房地产企业贷款的门槛,提高了房地产企业贷款的自有资金比例,迫使房地产企业调整资本结构,积极寻找新的融资渠道。

    A series of financial policies increased the difficulty of loan and the proportion of self capital , and they made the real estate enterprise adjust the capital structure and look for new financing channels .

  26. 通过个体信用跟踪分析和整体信用预警分析,提出分散贷款、合理定价和贷款政策科学、适用等县域金融信贷风险控制的基本方法。

    Through individual credit tracking analysis and overall credit warning analysis , scattered loans , county financial credit risk control methods of reasonable pricing , and scientific and applicable lending policies , were brought forward .

  27. 温州民间借贷利率与金融信贷传导机制分析固定利率匹配融资贷款:世界银行贷给国际金融公司的两种固定利率贷款之一。

    Analysis Transfer Mechanics between Rates in Wenzhou ′ s People-to-people Borrow-or-Lend Market and Financial Credit Fund fixed rate matched funding loan : One of two types of fixed rate loans made by the Bank to IFC .

  28. 通过对发达国家发展农机化的财政投入、金融信贷、税收保护、法律法规等方面的研究分析,阐述了形成我国农机化发展投入机制的途径。

    This thesis analyses the public finance , financial credit , tax policy , legislation and so on in developed country , and puts forwad some valid paths to establish the input mechanism of our agro-mechanization development .

  29. 当然,扩大农村消费需求也离不开改善和优化农村消费环境,建立和健全农村社会保障体系以及完善金融信贷体制,适度发展农村消费信贷。

    Of course , the promotion of the rural consumption demand is inseparable from the improvement and optimization of the rural consumption environment as well as the establishment and perfection of the social security system in the countryside .

  30. 平台式网购已经成为带动金融信贷、IT、物流等行业新增发展机会的重要引擎,产生了巨大的经济效益和社会价值。

    Platform online shopping has become an important engine , which brings new opportunities of development for financial credit industry , IT services , logistics , and developing new industries , producing great economic benefits and social value .