
  1. 西方金融监管理论演变文献综述

    A Literature Review of the Evolution of Western Financial Supervision Theories

  2. 金融监管理论与实践的回顾与展望

    On The Evolution of Theory and Practice of Financial Supervision

  3. 金融监管理论是监管政策制定和实施的依据。

    The theory of financial supervision is the basis of supervision policy .

  4. 金融监管理论梳理与中国现实思考

    The Financial Supervision Theory Carding and China Praxis Consider

  5. 本文第一部分阐释了金融监管理论。

    The first part is about bank supervision theories .

  6. 金融监管理论依据的反思及改进金融监管的政策安排

    The Introspection of the Theoretical Foundation of Financial Supervision and Improvement of Financial Supervision Policy Arranging

  7. 放松管制还是加强监管,一直是金融监管理论中争论的重要主题。

    Deregulation is to strengthen supervision ; financial supervision theory is always the main subject of the controversy .

  8. 理论与实际的较大反差,使我们不得不重新考察目前金融监管理论基础及其政策的合理性。

    Theory and reality heavy contrast makes us reconsider the rationality of present financial supervision theory foundation and its policy .

  9. 主要的金融监管理论包括:金融风险论、公共利益论、管制失灵论。而新制度经济学则从制度变迁的角度对金融监管制度的建立与变迁进行了理论分析。

    The main schools are : finance risk theory , public benefits theory , and regulation invalidation theory and so on .

  10. 本文运用80个国家的数据首次系统检验了各种金融监管理论的有效性。

    The paper empirically studies the effectiveness of financial supervision theories by testing the data in 80 countries for the first time .

  11. 第二章考察了金融监管理论的演化过程、网络经济发展对传统金融监管模式的影响。

    The evolution of financial supervision theory and the development of network economy 's influence on traditional financial supervision mode are studied in chapter II .

  12. 本文首先概述和评价了当前具有代表性的六种金融监管理论,又对20世纪70、80年代以前的金融监管历程进行了简单的回顾。

    The paper starts from summarizing and evaluating the six modern financial supervision theories and expresses the theoretical bases of the financial supervision and its change .

  13. 旨在进一步揭示该理论对构建我国现阶段金融监管理论体系的实践意义。

    , in the hope of further revealing the practical significance of these theories in the construction of China 's financial supervision system at the present stage .

  14. 本文研究金融监管理论的嬗变与有效性问题,在充分搜集相关资料和数据的基础上,对金融监管理论的嬗变和有效性进行了定性分析和实证研究。

    Based on well-collected relevant information and data , the author made a qualitative analysis and an empirical study on the evolution and effectiveness of financial regulation theory .

  15. 本文在金融监管理论的基础上,试图探索金融监管理论的发展脉络和理论中的焦点问题,之后提出了对外资银行的监管问题。

    Based on financial regulation theory , this paper attempts to search for the line of development of the financial regulation theory and the major problems and puts forward the regulation of foreign banks after this .

  16. 保险证券化应用研究、保险可持续发展理论、金融监管理论、商业保险和社会保险相结合问题、保险业发展的政策支持理论等,是未来保险理论可能突破的领域。

    The potential theoretical breakthroughs of the sector will be the applicational study of insurance securitization , sustainability theory , financial regulatory theory , fusion of commercial insurance and social insurance , policy support for insurance development , etc.

  17. 金融监管理论后来的发展,便是出现了监管失灵论,该理论认为,政府金融监管的目的并非完全是维护金融体系之稳定,更重要的是为了维护相关利益集团的私人利益。

    Later the financial regulation theory evolves to " the failure of regulation theory " . According to this theory , the purpose of government financial regulation are not completely maintaining financial system stability , but also for safeguarding private interests of relevant interest group .

  18. 20世纪70年代以后,困扰西方国家的滞胀宣告了政府干预主义的破产,金融监管理论受到新自由主义的深刻影响,利用市场自身的约束力量来提高监管水平开始受到重视。

    After the inflation and stagnation which indicates the failure of government interference in the 1970s , the financial supervision theory has been greatly influenced by neoliberalism and great importance has been attached to improve the supervision ability by the restriction of the market itself .

  19. 第一章介绍了金融监管的理论基础。

    The first chapter introduces some theory foundations of financial supervision .

  20. 金融监管的理论分析及政策建议

    An Analysis of the Financial Supervision Theory and Some Suggestions on Policy

  21. 第二部分对中国的金融监管的理论研究状况进行了分析,讨论了中国金融监管理论的新进展。

    The second part concentrates on the status quo of the research of this theory in China .

  22. 这一研究对于金融监管的理论和实践都有一定的意义。

    The present research is significant for both the theory and the practice of finance supervision and regulation .

  23. 第二部分是对金融监管机制理论的介绍,阐述了金融监管的理论基础和监管体制分类的理论分析。

    The second part is the introduction to the theory of financial regulatory mechanisms to explain the theoretical basis of the financial regulatory and supervisory regime classification of theoretical analysis .

  24. 第二章,从分析金融经营监管理论与实践的历史演变入手,提出国际金融监管体制的发展趋势;

    In the second chapter , after analyzing current financial supervision theory and the evolutions of financial practice , we put forward with a new tendency for international financial regulation .

  25. 在此基础之上,运用制度经济学和金融监管相关理论对我国金融监管制度发展各阶段的特点进行了总结。

    On this basis , we used relevant theories on institutional economics and financial regulation to summarize and analyze the characteristics of financial regulatory system in China on each stage .

  26. 最后,本文基于国际金融风险监管理论及国内农村金融风险监管方面的研究,提出了一个包含风险防范机制、风险预警机制及风险救援机制的风险控制框架。

    At last , we put forward a regulatory framework including a risk-prevention mechanism , risk-warning mechanism and risk-control mechanism , based on the theory of financial risk supervision and the research on the risks of rural finance in China .

  27. 信息结构与金融监管激励:理论与政策含义

    Information Structure and Financial Regulation Incentive : Theory and Policy Connotation

  28. 新形势下金融监管体制的理论与实践分析

    Theory and Analysis of the Financial Supervision System under the New Situation

  29. 金融监管组织结构理论的发展脉络

    The Development Path of Theories on the Organizational Structure of Financial Regulation

  30. 金融监管公共利益理论及其质疑

    Theory and Question of the Public Interest of Financial Monitoring