
  • 网络Financial management;Master of Financial Management
  1. 金融企业经营管理学

    Business Management of Financial Enterprises

  2. 但是我们的中国学生非常的优秀,并且在数学,经济学,金融学和管理学等专业取得非常好的成绩。

    And our Chinese students have very very good qualitative so tend to do very well in our math , economics , commerce and management .

  3. 摘要:博弈论是研究相互作用环境下的理性决策行为,广泛的应用于经济学、金融学、管理学、心理学和政治学等各个学科领域。

    ABSTRACT : Game theory is the study of rational decision making in an interactive environment , which is widely used in the area such as economics , finance , management , psychology , politics and so on .

  4. 本文将运用经济学、金融学、管理学等相关知识,采取静态分析、动态分析结合的方法,重点研究兰州银行个人理财产品创新问题。

    This article will use relevant knowledge such as economics , finance , management , adopts the principles of combining static analysis , dynamic analysis method , the key research in bank of lanzhou personal finance product innovation problem .

  5. 比对国内外网上银行监管法律制度的资料,不难发现我国相关法律制度较为零散、滞后和不成系统,而法学理论方面的研究成果相较金融学、管理学等学科领域来说也不够丰富。

    Than domestic and international internet banking supervision law system of material , it is not hard to find our country related legal system is more scattered , lag and no system , and legal theory research achievements and finance and administration discipline than rich enough .

  6. 本论文针对上述问题,理论联系实际,运用经济学、金融学和管理学等基础知识和分析工具,对农村商业银行拓展出口贸易融资业务提出了一些粗浅的看法和建议。

    Based on the view of the above-mentioned questions , the paper applies theory into reality , utilizing elementary knowledge and analysis tool of economics , finance and management , brings forward some shallow views and suggestions on developing export trade financing for rural commercial banks .

  7. 应读专业:在金融学、工商管理学、会计学、统计学或经济学之间选一个,为这个职业的严格要求作准备。

    Get the Degree : Choose from a bachelor 's degree in finance , business administration , accounting , statistics , or economics to prepare for the rigors of this career .