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  • Golden Bell;calendula
  1. 墙上挂的画像、奢华的装饰和那座金钟都表明这可不是一间普普通通的客厅。

    The portraits and sumptuous ornaments , and the gold clock , show that this is not just any old front room .

  2. 除了提供便利与舒适外,gtm金钟停车场积极寻觅合作夥伴,以加强顾客服务质数。

    In addition to providing convenience and comfort , GTM Admiralty car park actively seeks out partners to provide enhanced services for its customers .

  3. 金钟默勒公司在上一代DIL系列接触器的基础上,开发了新型的DILM系列接触器。

    Based on the previous DIL series contactor , Klckner Moeller Company has developed a new generation of DIL M series contactor .

  4. 这天ATS48正取道金钟道,向九龙竹园村进发。

    ATS48 ( JN4092 ) was seen here at Queensway heading for Chuk Yuen Estate in Kowloon .

  5. 由于进行轨道工程,本班列车以金钟为终点站。

    Due to track work , this train will stop service at Admiralty .

  6. 然而,它们似乎给予金钟道的财团利润非常丰厚的条款。

    However , they appear to grant the Queensway syndicate remarkably profitable terms .

  7. 济南金钟电子衡器股份有限公司

    Jinan Jinzhong Electronic Scale Co . , Ltd

  8. 其坐落在金钟,它更像一处酒店而非购物中心。

    Located in the admiralty , its more reminiscent of a hotel than a shopping mall .

  9. 这就是我的金钟奖了。

    This is my white bronco .

  10. 但是你知道湾仔和中环或金钟的商业级数完全不同。

    However , you know the class for office property between Wanchai and Central or Admiralty is totally different .

  11. 《沉睡的青春》由曾获金钟奖最佳编剧的郑芬芬执导,要唤醒观众体会爱的力量。

    Directed by Golden Bell Award-winning writer Feng Feng Cheng , Keeping Watch will remind viewers about the power of love .

  12. 金钟道是数条赤柱路线前往中环的必经之路,不难发现城巴短阵版丹尼士巨龙踪影。

    It was very common to see them on Queensway , Admiralty , the trunk road for Stanley routes heading for Central .

  13. 方法:对27例直肠癌患者行超低位直肠前切除,应用上海产金钟牌缝合器、吻合器,进行结肠&直肠吻合。

    Methods : Twenty seven patients with ultra low position rectal cancer were operated on by Jinzhong double stapling device made in Shanghai .

  14. 奕居位于港岛区金钟的太古广场,汇聚商业、购物及酒店的多元化顶级综合商业中心。

    The hotel is conveniently located within Pacific Place in Admiralty , Hong Kong Island 's premier integrated commercial , retail and hospitality complex .

  15. 寰宇影音中心,位于金钟太古广场及中环置地广场,尖沙咀美丽华商场的分店亦快将于2011年春季开幕。

    Universal AV Centre is located in Pacific Place and Landmark . And their Miramar shop will be opening in the Spring of 2011 .

  16. 陆在易曾经三次获得中国音乐最高级别的大奖一金钟奖,三度折桂在全中国也只有他一人。

    Mr. Lu is the person in China who has been crowned the highest-level prize of Chinese music & Golden Bell Award for three times .

  17. 然而,金钟一旦被掀开,魔力就消失了,从此盘古成了犬首人身的模样。

    However , once the bell was raised , the magic change stopped , and he had to remain a man with a dog 's head .

  18. 申请书须送达香港金钟道66号金钟道政府合署高座30楼禁毒基金会秘书处。

    Application should reach the Beat Drug Fund Association Secretariat at30 / F , Queensway Government Offices , High Block , 66 Queensway , Admiralty , Hong Kong .

  19. 在抗议者在晚间竖起新的竹制路障后,警方开始拆除金钟道(金钟区一条主要道路,香港的有轨电车在此经过)上的路障。

    Police started dismantling barricades on Queensway - a main road in Admiralty district along which Hong Kong 's trams cross the city - after protesters erected new bamboo blockades overnight .

  20. 自行车的热门地点包括东部的东海岸和白沙,西部的裕廊中央和西海岸公园,北部的金钟和三巴旺公园。

    Popular parks for cycling include East Coast and Pasir Ris in the East , Jurong Central and West Coast Parks in the West and Admiralty and Sembawang Parks in the North .

  21. 最终这宗交易在几内亚的大选中流产,但与此同时,金钟道的财团却很高兴,因为据报道他们将一架直升飞机作为礼物赠送给了几内亚的军事领袖。

    Ultimately this deal foundered on a Guinean election , but at the time the Queensway syndicate was so pleased that it reportedly gave guinea 's military ruler a helicopter as a present .

  22. 打通金钟道是政府战略的一环,目的是蚂蚁啃堤般地削弱抗议运动,而不诉诸可能加剧紧张局势、引发市民同情抗议者的战术。

    The move to open Queensway is part of a government strategy to chip away at the protest movement without resorting to tactics that could inflame tensions and spark sympathy for the protesters .

  23. 它坐落在中环,是金钟的地标,那里有国际顶级品牌的旗舰店,聚集了顶级时装,珠宝,生活方式以及食府。

    The Landmark atrium located in central , is home to flagship boutiques , having one of the highest concentrations of world leading fashion , jewelry , and lifestyle names as well as dining outlets .

  24. 广州美郎美发美容用品商行位于广州市金钟横路398号润发广场,与有着中国十大化妆品批发市场之首的兴发广场毗邻。

    Guangzhou Meilang hair and beauty supplies firm located in Guangzhou City , No.398 , RT-Mart Plaza , Admiralty Henglu , And with the first Chinas top ten cosmetics wholesale market near Hing Fat Square .

  25. 周一的平静氛围与前一天晚上的紧张局面形成了鲜明对比。周日晚,在金钟抗议活动主会场和旺角分会场,抗议者们已准备面对警方的强力措施。

    The calm atmosphere on Monday contrasts with tension the night before , when protesters in both the main site at Admiralty and a separate camp in Mongkok had been preparing for forceful action by the police .