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  • 网络Gold And Silver
  1. 于是从彩陶艺术、青铜文化、玉器、漆器、金银器、瓷器,以及无数精彩的建筑、雕刻、绘画、文字,以至于人们生活所涉及的各种领域,具有了传统图形的基本形态。

    So from the pottery art , bronze culture , jade , lacquer , gold and silver , porcelain , and numerous wonderful architecture , sculpture , painting , writing , that people involved in various areas of life , with the basic form of the traditional graphic .

  2. 金银器制作中的传统细金工艺

    Traditional Refined Process in the Making of Gold and Silver Ware

  3. 此次出土的随葬金银器数量多、工艺精,在无锡地区极为少见,显示了民间工匠的高超技术和智慧。

    This amazing discovery showed superb technique and intelligence of folk craftsman .

  4. 辽代金银器的特征及造型艺术

    Plastic art of gold and silver wares and their characteristics

  5. 唐代金银器对中国传统金属工艺的承接

    The Chinese Traditional Metal Crafts Reflected in Gold and Silver Wares of Tang Dynasty

  6. 贵金属或包贵金属制的金银器及其零件。

    Articles of goldsmiths'or silversmiths'wares and parts thereof , of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal .

  7. 随葬器物较为丰富,出土有陶器、铜器、漆器、铁器、金银器等。

    The funrary objects were quite rich , made of pottery , bronze , lacquer , iron , gold and silver .

  8. 何家村金银器的中国元素以及融汇的异域风采正是走向世界的桥梁。

    The HeJia Village gold and silver wares who integrated Chinese characters with foreign styles will be a bridge for international exchanges .

  9. 辽代金银器中之西方文化和宋文化的因素期待中华文化黄金时代的重现

    The Element of the Western Culture and Song Culture in the Gold and Silver Plates ; Chinese culture & Awaiting a new golden age

  10. 从唐代金银器的工艺、器形和纹饰3个方面,论述了它对中国传统金属工艺的承接。

    The gold and silver wares of Tang Dynasty inherited the Chinese traditional metal crafts are discussed in the aspects of crafts , style and decorative patterns .

  11. 金银器自古以来就是财富与高贵的象征,也凝聚了无数工匠的心血和智慧。

    From the ancient time , gold and silver wares have been assumed not only as a symbol of wealth but also a token of wisdom from numerous craftsmen .

  12. 荷花的美展现在陶瓷器、青铜器、金银器、玉石器、砖雕石刻、壁画藻井等方面,至少有40类以上,品种不计其数。

    The image of lotus flower can been seen on chinaware , copperware , gold , silverware , jade article , and brick carving with at least 40 kinds and in large variety .

  13. 首都博物馆展出了许多考古研究所发掘的珍贵文物,包括各种青铜器、玉器、瓷器、陶俑、金银器等。

    Many precious cultural relics excavated by the institute are exhibited at Capital Museum including a variety of bronze , jade and porcelain articles , as well as pottery and gold and silver vessels .

  14. 不论其代表性的瓷器包装、漆器包装、金银器包装都以质朴的造型取胜,很少有繁缛的装饰,使人感到一种清淡雅致的美。

    Representative packaging such as porcelain , lacquer ware , gold silverware , win with the simple model . Because the packaging seldom has complicated decorating , experience a kind of light and graceful beauty for somebody .

  15. 认为辽金元时期的鹿纹源自早期的北方草原民族斯基泰,而其在织绣品上的流行带动了其他手工制品诸如金银器、玉器等对鹿纹的青睐。

    It holds that the deer vein pattern was originated from the early northern people " Sejitei " and it made the wide use of the pattern in other handicrafts such as gold , silver and jade making .

  16. 如同将中国古代设计艺术史的共性和个性用八种形态来阐述一样,避暑山庄也同样存在此特点,具体为:陶瓷器、青铜器、玉器、家具、建筑、金银器、染织品、雕塑。

    Just as the commonness and individuality of Chinese ancient design art history has been illustrated by pottery , bronze ware , jade article , furniture , architecture , bullion article , fabric and sculpture , the eight forms can also help to illustrate Summer Mountain Resort .

  17. 20世纪70~80年代,金上京都城遗址及周边墓葬群出土了一批金银器,从器物的种类、样式、铭文中可以窥见金代初期古都城市的经济面貌和社会生活状况。

    During 70s to 80s of 20th century , there were a set of golden and silver wares unearthed in Jin upper captial and tombs in adjacent area . We can detect the economy visage and social status of early Jin Dynasty from those wares'sorts , patterns and inscriptions .

  18. 并将他们的神像和铸成的偶像,与金银的宝器掠到埃及去。数年之内,他不去攻击北方的王。

    And shall also carry captives into Egypt their gods , with their princes , and with their precious vessels of silver and of gold ; and he shall continue more years than the king of the north .