
jiàn bié lǜ
  • Identification rate;discriminatory power
  1. 实验部分,对CCD相机进行了鉴别率板照相实验,得到了耦合透镜和CCD相机空间分辨率的实验结果;

    In experiment part , the result of CCD camera 's spatial resolution was got with using identification plate to take photo .

  2. 利用Ce∶KNSBN光折变晶体提高光学图像相关模式识别鉴别率

    Discrimination Enhancement of Optical Correlation Pattern Recognition Via Ce ∶ KNSBN Photorefractive Crystal

  3. 基于独立组分分析(ICA)结合BP神经网络模型(ICA-BPNN)对不同年份谷物的鉴别率达到100%。

    The differential rate of 100 % was reached for the age prediction of grain based on the independent component analysis ( ICA ) combine with BP neural network model .

  4. 本文采用GGD模型和KL距离结合的方法计算文本图像的鉴别率。

    The paper adopts the method of the combination of GGD model and KL distance to get the image retrieval precision rate .

  5. 接着设计了平行光管和鉴别率检测物镜的光学结构,并且分别检测了它们的检测精度,按设计需求选取了CCD、显微物镜、电动(手动)六维台等器件。

    Next , the collimator and the optical configuration of detectability detection objective were designed , and the precision was detected respectively . The components of CCD , micro objective , six-dimensional sets of motor-driven ( manual operation ) were selected according to the design requirement .

  6. 为提高指纹鉴别率,提出了一种基于DWFMT变换提取特征进行指纹鉴别的新方法。

    A novel method of fingerprint identification based on the features extracted from the integrated discrete wavelet and the Fourier-Mellin transform ( DWFMT ) was proposed .

  7. 这一指标客观,准确,并且能够定量进行分析,比之于早期的鉴别率测试和星点检验都更为先进。

    It is objective , accurate , and can be quantitatively analyzed .

  8. 提高综合滤波器鉴别率的一种有效方法

    An Efficient Approach to Improve Discrmination for Synthetic Discriminant Function

  9. 得出一个高效且鉴别率较高的特征提取方法。

    Identification of efficient and arrive at a higher rate of feature extraction methods .

  10. 纯音和复合音的频率鉴别率

    Frequency Discrimination of Pure and Complex Tones

  11. 物镜鉴别率对比测试研究

    Contrasting ; Research on Objective Resolution Test

  12. 实验结果表明,文中方法识别具有良好的训练效果,能获得较好的验证率和鉴别率。

    Experiments show that this approach performs well in sample training and results in satisfactory verification rate and identification rate .

  13. 主动式红外夜视系统的鉴别率是评价其性能优劣的一个重要参数,它不仅对夜视系统的成像质量有影响,而且对夜视系统探测目标距离的能力也有影响。

    Resolution is an essential parameter in evaluating IR night vision systerms , which determines the inage quality and detecting distance .

  14. 计算机模拟结果表明,改进后的算法能改善高相似度灰度人脸图像识别的鉴别率。

    Computer-simulation results indicate that the modified algorithm can improve the discrimination capabilities with respect to the high similarity gray-scale face images .

  15. 与传统的联合变换相关器相比较,它有高光能效率、高鉴别率和输入空间宽带的优点;

    As compared with conventional joint transform correlator , it has the advantages of high light efficiency , excellent discrimination capability and improved input space bandwidth .

  16. 以鉴别率图形为例,阐述了自校图形的设计思想、代码实现及仿真验证过程。

    By taking a distinguishing figure for an example , this paper describes the design ideals , code implementation and simulation procedures for these self-check figures .

  17. 本文就影响照相机镜头鉴别率的因素,以及如何提高照相机镜头鉴别率的途径提出了一些看法和意见。

    Some personal understandings and opinions about the factors to affect the resolution of camera ltns and the way to improve the resolution of camera lens are given .

  18. 根据实测数据和信道参数估计的结果,比较了中继信道三条链路的空间和极化特性,使用最小二乘估计获得交叉极化鉴别率和角度功率谱的分布。

    The spatial and polarization characteristics in the three link constituting the relay channel are compared . The distributions for fitting the cross-polarization descrimination and power azimuth spectrum are obtained by the least-square estimation .

  19. 随着频率的增高,降雨能引起卫星信号功率衰减、增加系统噪声温度,降低信号的交叉极化鉴别率。

    With the rising of frequency , the influence to signals of all kinds of factors increases gradually , such as weakening the power of satellite signal , adding system noise temperature , reducing the rate of cross polarization identify .

  20. 目的分析颅内原发性淋巴瘤CT和MRI的影像学表现,旨在提高对该病的诊断与鉴别诊断率。

    Objective To analyze CT and MRI features of primary intracranial lymphoma , to improve the diagnosis and differentiation of the disease .

  21. 用该方法对航天育种番茄不同品种的鉴别正确率达到97.8%。

    The discrimination rate of 97.8 % was achieved by this method .

  22. 良、恶性鉴别诊断率为95%(17/18)。

    The differential rate of benignancy and malignancy was 95 % ( 17 / 18 ) .

  23. 1997年8月至1998年6月,分析了两种牡蛎样品266个,其鉴别准确率达96.99%。

    We analysed 266 samples from september 1997 to June 1998 , the result showed this method accuracy reached 96 . 99 % compared to that of chromosome count .

  24. 实验数据表明,该方法大幅度的提高了大样本笔迹数据库中的鉴别准确率;3.首次建立了笔迹鉴别影响因子分解模型。

    The experiments indicate that the new method can increase the identification rate significantly in the handwriting database with great many samples . 3 . The decompounded model of WR affecting factors is built for the first time .

  25. 两病总正确鉴别诊断率达83.12%,尤其是将包虫病对囊虫抗原呈100%的交叉反应率降到18.18%,假阳性率显著降低。

    A discrimination rate of 83.12 % was obtained . In the sera of hydatidosis to the antigen of cysticercus cellulosae cyst fluid , the cross-react ion rate decreased from 100 % to 18.18 % , and the false positive rate was remarkably reduced .

  26. 结果;CT对上述肿瘤的定位正确率为78.5%,良恶性鉴别的正确率为85.7%。结论:CT值可确定囊性、实性和囊实性;

    Results : The finding rate for the above rnentinal tumors by CT was78.5 % and the proper rate for differential diagnodis either benign or malignant was85.7 % .

  27. 结果:SLN鉴别的成功率美蓝组和复合染色组分别为77.8%(7/9)和90%(9/10)(P<0.01);

    Result : In methylence blue ground and the mixed ground , the identification rate were 77.8 % ( 7 / 9 ) and 90 % ( 9 / 10 );

  28. 将特异的ISSR标记转化为scAR标记,对已知性别的银杏雌雄株各20株分别进行性别鉴定,鉴别的准确率达到85%。

    The specific ISSR marker was transformed into SCAR marker , the gender of Ginkgo male and female trees each 20 whose sex type already known were detected using the SCAR marker , and the accuracy rate of identification is 85 % . 8 .

  29. 结果表明,TCCCN网络分别结合中红外光谱技术、近红外光谱对大黄的正品与非正品鉴别的正确率分别为96.13%,100%。

    The results showed that the correctness of TCCCN based on MIR spectra with optimized parameters was96.13 % , and the correctness of TCCCN based on NIR was100 % .

  30. 真假百合粉的鉴别及掺假率测定方法的研究

    Study on identification of true and false of lily starch and the measurement of its adulteration ratio