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  • fishing line
  1. 我们没有什么钓鱼线,Tate先生也许你丈夫有呢

    We don 't have any fishing line , Mr. Tate . Maybe your husband does .

  2. 任天堂总裁岩田聪(SatoruIwata)交给他一个被称为“魔杖”的游戏控制器,然后引导他的手抛出虚拟的钓鱼线。

    Satoru Iwata , Nintendo 's president , handed him a games controller called a wand and guided his hand to cast a virtual fishing line .

  3. 他朝船上照去,看见了钓鱼线。

    He flashed his light into the boat and saw the fishing-line

  4. 由于过分投入,他用名贵的桂香做鱼食,用黄金打造鱼钩,并在钩上镶嵌银丝和碧玉,用翡翠鸟的羽毛纺成粗丝线做钓鱼线。

    Obsessed , and use thick thread made of kingfisher 's feather as fishing thread .

  5. 云杉、胡须、钓鱼线、线头、柚木、黄杨木、赛璐珞、羊皮纸

    Spruce.Beard . Fish line.Thread.Teak . Boxwood . Celluloid , parchment .

  6. 突然,他感觉到有东西在拉动钓鱼线的末端。

    Suddenly he felt something tugging at the end of his fish line .

  7. 并且把钓鱼线放入水中。

    And put the line down into the water .

  8. 与杂草缠在一起的钓鱼线。

    A fishing line entangled among the weeds .

  9. 钓鱼线在灌木丛中缠住了。

    The fishline got entangled in the bushes .

  10. 钓鱼线是羊肠线做的。

    The fishing line is made of gut .

  11. 不要让钓鱼线缠在一起。

    Nobody be allow to fish here . Don 't entangle the fishing lines .

  12. 我的钓鱼线和水草缠在一起了。

    My fishing line get entangled with weeds .

  13. 我的钓鱼线和水草缠在一起了。他收钓线把鱼拖近。

    My fishing line get entangled with weeds . He reels in a fish .

  14. 他买了一根钓鱼线。

    He bought a fishing line .

  15. 一天,他坐在钓鱼线旁边,看着清澈的水。

    One day he sat by his fishing line , looking down into the clear water .

  16. 他的钓鱼线缠在水草上了。

    His fishing-line fouled the weeds .

  17. 一种钓钩上带诱饵的放在水中夜晚捕鱼的钓鱼线。

    A fishing line with baited hooks left in the water to catch fish over night .

  18. 为了查明这一点,他把一定长度的钓鱼线穿过锡罐的小孔。

    To find out , he placed lengths of fishing line through holes in a tin can .

  19. 把它系在鞋带或细线上,钓鱼线就大功告成了。

    Attach it to a shoelace or a string , and you 've got yourself a fishing line .

  20. 她松开线团上的毛线。把线放松些(如钓鱼线)。

    She unwound the wool from the ball . Give the line more play , eg in fishing .

  21. 本收放车具有自动收线、放线、排线功能。把线放松些(如钓鱼线)。

    The cart can automatic retracting , releasing and laying cables . Give the line more play , eg in fishing .

  22. 如果你有什么尖利的东西能做鱼钩,鞋带就可以当钓鱼线。

    If you have a sharp object to use as a hook , a shoelace can make a decent fishing line .

  23. 不要为这事担心,放松些。把线放松些(如钓鱼线)。

    Don 't worry about it , just try to relax . Give the line more play , eg in fishing .

  24. 他走到水边,站起身,用力挥动手臂,将钓鱼线抛了出去。

    He moved nearer the edge , stood up , and with a vigorous sweep of his arm , cast out the line .

  25. 实际上,箱子里有一枚订婚戒指,一些钓鱼线和一个他从5岁起珍藏的木制玩具宝箱。

    Inside the box was an engagement ring , some fishing wire and a wooden toy treasure chest that he had cherished since he was 5 .

  26. 在这项测试中,无人机悬停在几百英尺上空,用钓鱼线给等在下方的人放下一个装有狗饼干的篮子。

    In the test , the drone hovered a couple hundred feet overhead and used fishing line to lower a box containing dog biscuits to people waiting below .

  27. 方法用头端处理过的尼龙钓鱼线从颈总动脉插入颈内动脉,可逆性地阻断一侧大脑中动脉。

    Method The nylon string with its tip disposed was inserted into the internal carotid artery from the common carotid artery , occluding the middle cerebral artery reversibly .

  28. 钓鱼线或鱼网上的小鱼漂,使线或网浮在水面上或用于显示鱼上钩。

    And put the line down into the water . a small float used on a fishing line or net to buoy up the line or net or to indicate when a fish bites .

  29. 本实用新型不但能使钓鱼线爱好者使用很长的钓鱼杆钓鱼,而且还可方便地收放钓鱼线和抛鱼钩。

    The utility model can not only lead a setline lover to use a very long fishing rod to fish , but also can cut off or set off as well as throw a fish hook conveniently .

  30. 一种钓具,包括天然石的卵石(10),并且固定于该卵石(10),用于将该卵石(10)连接于钓鱼线(14)的连接环12。

    An angling rig comprises a pebble ( 10 ) of natural stone and , secured to the pebble ( 10 ), an attachment ring ( 12 ) for attaching the pebble ( 10 ) to a fishing line ( 14 ) .