
  • 网络Hookworm;hookworm egg;eggs of hookworm;hookworm ova
  1. 大便内发现钩虫卵和/或钩虫。

    Stool examination had deen found Hookworm egg with or adult .

  2. 37℃发酵10天,钩虫卵死亡100%;

    At 37 ℃, all the eggs of hookworm died after 10 days ' fermentation ;

  3. 对钩虫卵的有效浓度分别是200μg/ml、400μg/ml、50μg/ml。

    On inhibit hookworm eggs . they were 200ug / ml , 400ug / ml . 50ug / ml and above respectively .

  4. 钩虫卵减少率为98.1~98.6%。

    The egg reduction rates of hookworm were 98.1-98.6 % .

  5. 结果:45℃发酵6小时后钩虫卵全部死亡;

    The results were : at 45 ℃, all the eggs of hookworm died 6 hours later ;

  6. 钩虫卵阳性与钩蚴培养法阳性符合率为100%。

    The infection of hookworm and the result of culture method for hookworm larvae coincidence rate to be 100 % .

  7. 其中,第1组治疗方案对蛔虫和钩虫的杀卵作用强于后两组。

    The results show that ovicidal effect of the first group is much stronger on Ascaris Lumbricoides and hookworm .

  8. 结果该试区居民感染9种肠道寄生虫,总感染率为72.80%,其中蛔虫、钩虫、鞭虫卵的阳性率分别为51.52%、11.80%和34.60%。

    Results The infection of 9 species of intestinal parasites was proved in residents with 72.80 % of total infection rate . Infection rate of Ascaris lumbricoides , hookworms and Trichuris trichiura was 51.52 % , 11.80 % and 34.60 % respectively .