
  • 网络Palladium;palladium alloy;Ti-Pd
  1. 综述硝酸生产过程中铂合金催化网的损耗以及回收铂的原理与方法,讨论了高钯合金捕集网回收铂的原理、效率和效益等问题。

    The principles and methods of platinum recovery in nitric acid plant are summarized , The focal points are put on the discussions of principle , efficiency , influential factors , and benefit analysis of recovery method of high palladium alloys catchment gauzes .

  2. 银铜钯合金的研究及其临床应用

    A Study on Silver Copper Palladium Alloy and its Clinical Application

  3. 钯合金捕集网表面状态的XPS研究

    XPS Research on the Surface State of Palladium Alloy gauze

  4. XPS以及ICP-AES分析测试表明,所镀铂钯合金铂在表面富集。

    XPS and ICP-AES analysis results indicated the enrichment of Pt on Pt-Pd alloys surface .

  5. 本论文简要介绍了钯合金的应用、电镀工艺及国内外研究现状,详述了合金共沉积的原理,并介绍了循环伏安法、TAFEL曲线及旋转圆盘电极的应用原理和特点。

    In the thesis , the development of application and electroplating technology for Pd alloys are reviewed briefly . Then , both theory of alloys codeposition and principles of Cylic Voltammetry ( CV ) technique , TAFEL technique and Rotating Disk Electrode ( RDE ) are introduced in detail .

  6. 牙科低金含量银钯合金时效强化机制

    Age - Hardening Mechanism of a Low-Gold Content Dental Casting Alloy

  7. 牙科低金含量银钯合金基础研究

    The Fundamental Study of Low - gold Dental Casting Ag-Pd Alloy

  8. 甲醇与氧在银钯合金上的吸附和反应

    The Adsorption and Reaction of Methanol with Oxygen on Ag-Pd Alloy

  9. 钯合金与镍合金的真空钎焊工艺

    Vacuum brazing technology in the palladium alloy and the nickel alloy

  10. 硝酸工业用钯合金捕集网的应用研究进展

    Research Progress of Palladium Alloy Catchment Gauzes in Nitric Acid Industry

  11. 透氢用钯合金的研究与开发

    R & D of the Palladium Alloy Used for the Hydrogen Osmosis

  12. 功函数测量研究氧与银和银-钯合金表面的相互作用

    Interaction of oxygen with Ag and Ag-Pd alloy by work function measurement

  13. 用XRMF分段多项式回归法定量分析铂钯合金

    Quantitative Analysis of Pt Pd Alloys Using Partition Polynomial Regression

  14. 钯合金膜分离器级串氢同位素分离

    Separation of Hydrogen Isotope with Cascade Palladium Alloy Membrane Unit

  15. 钯合金膜分离器的氕氘分离系数测定

    H-D Separation Factor Measurement by Palladium Alloy Membrane Separator

  16. 杂质气体在钯合金表面的吸附行为

    Adsorption Behavior of Impurity Gas on Pd Alloy Surface

  17. 硝酸工厂钯合金捕集网回收铂的分析

    Analysis of Platinum Recovery by Palladium Alloy Catchment Gauzes in Nitric Acid Plants

  18. 氧在银钯合金表面上的吸附

    Adsorption of Oxygen on a Ag-Pd alloy surface

  19. 钯合金受碳纤维洁治器的影响比金属洁治器大。

    All of metal-tip and carbon-tip had apparent scratches on surfaces of Pd-based alloy .

  20. 银钯合金超细粉末制备工艺研究

    Processing of Ultrafine Ag-Pd Alloy Powders

  21. 综述了钯合金成分和结构对透氢性能的影响。

    The influence of the alloying elements and microstructures on the hydrogen permeability of a Pd alloy are reviewed .

  22. 金、银、铂、钯合金中钯的选择性滴定方法的研究与应用

    Research and Application of the Method for Selective Titration of Pd in Au , Ag , Pt , Pd Alloys

  23. 但是套筒冠的制作材料一般是金合金(Ⅲ型或Ⅳ型)、金银钯合金、纯钛,成本很高,不利于在国内推广。

    But the telescope is always made of gold alloy and pure titanium . It 's too expensive to be popularized in China .

  24. 并对反应器进行增加透氢钯合金管的改造,探索了提高反应转化率的方法。

    The conversion rate increased after installing palladium tubes inside the reactor , which have the property of only allowing hydrogen to penetrate .

  25. 通过分析扫描速度为50mV/s的循环伏安曲线可知,金-铜-钯合金的电沉积经历了三维成核过程。

    The cyclic voltammetric curve with scanning speed at50V / s shows that the electrodeposition of Au-Cu-Pd alloy has experienced three-dimensional nucleation procedure .

  26. 此多孔复合陶瓷膜可作为气体及液体的过滤材料,也可以作为钯合金膜的支撑体。

    The membranes can be used as filter for gas or liquid , especially be used as substrate for Pd - Ag alloy membrane .

  27. 通过分析不同扫描速度下的循环伏安曲线可知,金-铜-钯合金的电结晶过程为扩散控制过程,且该过程是非可逆的。

    The cyclic voltammetric curves with different scanning speed shows that the electrocrystallization of Au-Cu-Pd alloy is controlled by diffusion and the procedure is irreversible .

  28. 结果镍铬合金和钴铬合金析出离子最多,银钯合金和钯合金有一定的金属离子析出,纯钛只析出微量钛离子。

    Results Ni-Cr and Co-Cr alloys release most amount of metal ions than the others , Ag - Pd alloy released more ions than Pd alloy .

  29. 用连续三脉冲(氧化、成核和生长)电势或电流在高定向石墨表面电沉积钯合金纳米线阵列。

    The palladium alloy nanowire arrays were electrodeposited on the surface of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite by successive three pulses of potential or current ( oxidation , nucleation and growth ) .

  30. 简要介绍了渗氢用非对称性复合陶瓷膜的发展状况,着重介绍了载体的制备、载体表面涂覆技术和钯合金膜的沉积技术。

    The development of asymmetric composite ceramics separation membranes for hydrogen permeation was briefly introduced with the emphasis on the preparation techniques of subtract , composite ceramics membrane and Pd-Ag alloy membrane in this paper .