
  • 网络Iron sword
  1. 弓箭对于蒙昧时代,正如铁剑对于野蛮时代和火器对于文明时代一样,乃是决定性的武器。

    The bow and arrow was for savagery what the iron sword was for barbarism and fire-arms for civilization & the decisive weapon .

  2. 宝鸡益门出土金柄铁剑镶嵌宝石的化学与矿物学特性

    Chemical and mineralogical characterization of some precious stone set in the golden handle of an iron sword excavated in a tomb of Yimen village , Baoji , China

  3. 我想铸一把玄铁剑。

    I want to cast a Xuantiejian .