
  1. 结果铁路地区HBV感染率20.2%。

    Results The infection rates of HBV in railway area were 20.2 % .

  2. 北京市铁路地区部分女性生殖道支原体感染状况的调查

    Survey on Genital Mycoplasma Infections in Sexual Immoral Women in Beijing

  3. 西安铁路地区职工2型糖尿病流行特点研究

    Epidemiological study on diabetes in workers of Xi ' an railway area

  4. 徐州铁路地区传染病监测工作现状分析

    Analysis of present situation of infectious disease monitoring in Xuzhou railroad area

  5. 拉萨铁路地区总图规划研究

    Study of the Overall Planning of the Lhasa Railway District

  6. 南昌铁路地区病毒性肝炎流行病学调查和预防对策的探讨

    Study on the Distribution and Prevention of Viral Hepatitis in Nanchang Railway Area

  7. 北京铁路地区1961~2003年食物中毒发生情况分析

    Epidemiological Analysis of Food Poisoning in Beijing Railway Area During 1961 ~ 2003

  8. 铁路地区接入网发展的探讨

    Study on the Development of Railway Local Access network

  9. 白城铁路地区方案规划研究

    The Scaling and Research on the Scheme for the Railway Area in Baicheng

  10. 广州铁路地区蚂蚁侵害调查及其防治初探

    Investigation and Control of Pest Ants in Guangzhou Railway

  11. 关于铁路地区客票管理中心系统

    On Ticket Management Center System in Railway Areas

  12. 铁路地区乙型肝炎流行特征及危险因素研究

    Study on Risk Factors and Epidemiological Features of Hepatitis B Virus in Railway Area

  13. 上海铁路地区蟑螂防制对策研究

    Study on Cockroach Control in Shanghai Railway Regions

  14. 方法对长沙铁路地区25年来传染病发病资料进行流行病学分析。

    Methods The surveillance data of these infectious diseases was used for epidemiologic analysis .

  15. 1976~2000年长沙铁路地区传染病构成变化趋势分析

    The Composition Change of Notifiable Infectious Disease in Changsha Railway Region during 1976 ~ 2000

  16. 1950~1999年上海铁路地区法定传染病报告发病谱变化趋势分析

    Analysis of the reported incidence rate of legal infectious diseases of railway region in Shanghai , 1950 ~ 1999

  17. 临汾铁路地区少儿发中微量元素与营养状况关系分析

    Analysis of the Relationship Between Trace Elements in Children 's Hair and the Nutritional Status in the Railway District of Linfen

  18. 该系统的成功运行对广大西北铁路地区内燃机车冷却水的处理具有一定的借鉴作用。

    This system successful operation offers certain reference function for treatment of the vast northwest railway regional diesel locomotive cooling water .

  19. 目的了解芜湖铁路地区嗜肺性军团菌的自然感染情况及传播的季节性。

    Objective To explore the status of natural infection with Legionella Pneumophila and its transmission seasonality in population of Wuhu railway area .

  20. 结论目前徐州铁路地区的报告传染病发病率和哨点监测人数呈下降趋势。

    Conclusions At the present , the report infectious disease incidence and the sentry post monitor persons are decreased in Xuzhou railroad area .

  21. 结论:在天津铁路地区中学生中加强青春期健康教育是很必要的,青春期健康教育提早进行是刻不容缓的。

    Conclusion : A need exists for early pubertal health education and it should be organized within the middle schools of Tianjin railway area .

  22. 目的:调查天津铁路地区中学生青春期卫生现状,为青春期卫生知识健康教育提供科学依据。

    Objective : Understanding pubertal personal hygiene among middle school students of Tianjin railway area , in order to offer scientific references for pubertal health education .

  23. 结论上海铁路地区医疗机构消毒隔离效果尚可,但需加强室内空气、压力蒸汽灭菌器及福尔马林消毒箱的消毒工作。

    Conclusion The disinfection work in Shanghai railway area is well , but some items such as air disinfection , sterilization effect of steamer sterilization facilities and disinfection effect of formalin infectors should be improved .

  24. 兰新铁路哈密地区的沙害

    Blown Sand Disasters along the Railway in Hami Area , Xinjiang

  25. 渝怀铁路沿线地区经济发展研究

    A Study on the Economic Development of the Area Along Chongqing-Huaihua Railway

  26. 连盐铁路连云港地区线路引入方案研究

    Research on Lianyungang-Yancheng Railway Access Route Scheme in Lianyungang Region

  27. 国家铁路深圳地区布局规划

    Research on the Layout and Planning of State Railway Network in Shenzhen

  28. 首先这条铁路成为地区经济发展新的引擎。

    Firstly , the railway becomes a new engine ③ of booming of regional economic .

  29. 宁西铁路南阳地区膨胀土路基施工技术

    Construction Techniques for the Expansive Soil Sub-grade of the Nanyang Section of the Xi'an-Nanjing Railway

  30. 基于城市空间的整体思考&国外铁路客站地区更新设计浅析

    Integral Thinking Based on Urban Space & Analysis of Renovation Design of Foreign Railway Station