
qiān ɡuǎn
  • lead pipe
  1. 火焰熔化了一段铅管,燃着了漏出来的煤气。

    Flames melted a lead pipe and ignited leaking gas .

  2. 他觉得自己像被一根铅管击中了。

    He felt as if he had been slugged by a piece of lead pipe .

  3. 临床上VP患者以对称性铅管样肌僵直少动为主,静止性震颤少见;

    VP was clinically characterized by frequent rigidity hypokinesia onset , symmetrical lead pipe rigidity , and infrequent resting tremor .

  4. 提供水的铅管固定装置。

    A plumbing fixture that provides a flow of water .

  5. 铅管切割索防腐蚀问题研究

    Research on the Corrosion-proof Problem of the Lead Sheathed Explosive Cutting Cord

  6. 那辆车是被棒球棍或者铅管

    That car was smashed by a bat , a lead pipe ,

  7. 他用一根铅管打她。

    He hit her with a piece of lead piping .

  8. 提供水的铅管固定装置。升降设备,提升装置

    A plumbing fixture that provides a flow of water . lifting appliance

  9. 朝你喷水的铅管固定装置。

    A plumbing fixture that sprays water over you .

  10. 男人小便使用的铅管固定设备(通常固定在墙上)。

    A plumbing fixture ( usually attached to the wall ) used by men to urinate .

  11. 铅管玻璃炉窑引进生产线用全套贵金属制品研制

    The Manufacture of All Precious Metal Products Used on Lead Tuke Glass Furnace Prodution Line From Abroad

  12. 入院后查体有小脑性共济失调、肢体肌张力铅管样增高和锥体束征。

    A detailed physical examination shows cerebellar ataxia , lead pipe-like rigidity , positive pyramidal sign but orthostatic hypotension .

  13. 承造学校新建筑的人又将工程转包给铅管工人,汽管装配工人等等。

    The contractor for the new school building gave out subcontracts to a plumber , a steam fitter , etc.

  14. 将水管或铅管装置充满水或气,而后观察量压器,以查出漏水处。

    Filled pipes or plumbing fixtures with water or air and observes pressure gauges to detect and locate leaks .

  15. 以换新水龙头、漏垫圈、新或修补破裂的水管、通堵塞的排水管等方法,来修理及维持铅管。

    Repaired and maintained plumbing by replacing defective washers , replacing or mending broken pipes , and opening clogged drains .

  16. 你能去铅管品部买材料吗?我去五金工具部买工具?

    Can you go to the plumbing department for those , while I go to the hardware department for the tools ?

  17. 如果答案是“兔肉”,她便当场用一根铅管把这个可怜的动物打死并把皮剥下来。

    If " meat , " the hapless creature is clubbed to death with a lead pipe and skinned on the spot .

  18. 用线型铅管聚能切割索实现运载器铝头罩分瓣分离,能否满足为导弹及时让开飞行通道的指标要求,是运载器头罩设计的关键问题之一。

    The separation of missile capsule nose cap is the result from the explosion cuttings of linear shaped charge flexible cutting ropes .

  19. 铅管工把管口撑大后套在另一截管子上.用油管裁截器截去受损的油管。

    The plumber splayed the end of the pipe before fitting it over the next section . Cut off damaged tube with Tubing Cutter .

  20. 第一条引水渠建造于公元前312年,在重力作用下,以石管、铅管和陶管作为输水管道把水引入城区。

    First developed around 312 B.C. , these engineering marvels used gravity to transport water along stone , lead and concrete pipelines and into city centers .

  21. 体检:3例均有四肢肌张力铅管样或齿轮样增高及伸性跖反射,2例双下肢腱反射活跃。

    As well as the lead-pipe or cogwheel rigidity of the limb muscles and extension plantar response : 2 patients had brisk tendon reflexes of lower limbs .

  22. 木匠,铅管工,速记员不可或缺,同样,社会也需要医生,律师,工程师和教师各司其职,才得以运转。

    Society needs doctors , lawyers , engineers , teachers to perform specific tasks necessary to its operation , just as it needs carpenters and plumbers and stenographers .

  23. 今天,大量的铅仍然用来轧制成铅板或挤压成铅管。一块铝板横放在云室中,显然有粒子穿过铅板。

    Today large quantities of lead still go into the manufacture of rolled sheet and extruded pipe . A lead plate crosses the chamber and evidently the particle has passed through it .

  24. 现下筹备1998年4月版的贸易批南,新版会罗列欧洲贡同体的主要铅管业制造商。

    We are currently compiling a new edition of the directory which willbe published in April 1995.The new edition will be expanded to include major manufacturers of plumbing equipment in the European Community .

  25. 采用无约束成形工艺加工的铅管切割索能够有效增加切割索聚能槽顶部壁厚,增强铅管切割索抗环境试验能力。

    And it can validly increases the top wall thickness of the shaped-charge groove of the explosive cutting cord to use non - restraint formed technology to machine lead sheathed explosive cutting cord .

  26. 而且铅经常用来作为供水管道的材料,因此自来水与铅管有长时间的接触(比如说,一晚上),从而自来水中含有较高量的铅。

    Furthermore , lead is frequently used as a material for water supply pipes , and tap water that has been in contact with a lead pipe for a long time ( e.g. , overnight ) can contain relatively high amounts of lead .